- IPad to be coming from Google for sure.
- Also look for Toshiba to come up with a slew of these things too.
- Twitter is now officially a mature company.
- Video game sales up.
- More new Droid phones on the way.
- Apple bans Pulitzer winner.
- You can multitask two things only!!
- FCC moving ahead with broadband.
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“IPad to be coming from Google for sure.” Are you sure you want to say it that way?
I-hope we don’t get to calling tablet type platforms ipads and make the term ubiquitous. Nope nope nope, don’t start please.
As for the HD-tv flash thing… are they talking about the HD tvs that have internet capability, like my panasonic viera? Just curious. I haven’t checked for a tv/bluray interface update recently.
If the gPad’s going to be a “cloud” solution then I will not buy it, for the following reasons:
…unless I can hack it and get bare Linux, that is.
I sure hope Google brands their version with the name “Maxi” just to piss off Apple.
John, in one of his PCMag articles, was complaining that the Linux community was not innovative enough with user interfaces.
I don’t really care about that.
BUT I would LOVE to see Linux get out ahead of this “pad” trend.
I’m tired of Apple and Microsoft and their proprietary issues and bloated software.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a “pad” that works with any phone company (or any wifi or bluetooth connection), runs standard applications with open formats, and allows anyone to program it?
If I was a smaller hardware manufacturer, I’d pay about 25 top Linux geeks to hang out at some resort for two weeks and have them drink Dr. Pepper and brainstorm up the perfect piece of hardware. I’d then build a thousand prototypes and give them to the Linux community to write whatever they want for it.
In a few short months, you’d have an industry changing piece of hardware.
Angel, wouldn’t google want to make it Max? Then it would be Max iPad…Maxipad? Bad joke 😐