Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we tell why the market has come to life. How far will it go?

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  1. Dallas says:

    Fun enjoying Dvorak disagreeing with Horowitz on what TARP was for. Sorry JD, you be wrong and Horrorwitz is right.

    On the upside for you, Horrorwitz was wrong about the pending disastrous market crash in the fall of 2009. Good for me. I’ve made nearly 60% return in the last 12 months.

    Dallas Prediction:
    * The Fed stabilized financial markets in 2009
    * Economic recovery in 2010
    * Jobs growth in 2011 to <8% unemployment
    * Obama election landslide in 2012
    * Tea Baggers rename themselves the "People's Temple" and move to Guyana

  2. stopher2475 says:

    Well they sold me on the real estate market. I just put my whole 401k into a real estate ETF.


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