Thanks, Cinaedh

  1. TThor says:

    Smart cat!

  2. UncDon says:

    And when he has children, they’ll never know a time when there wasn’t an iPad to play with.

  3. Drkhyron says:

    Computing made so stupid, oops, I mean, so simple a cat can do it.

  4. Improbus says:

    More fun than a laser pointer but a tad more expensive.

  5. stopher2475 says:

    What was that first app? I have to try this tonight.

  6. Floyd says:

    I predict scratches on the the iPad unless the cat’s declawed.

  7. bud says:

    Stopher that first app was noby noby boy; I din’t know there was an iPad version of it.

  8. Rufus says:

    I suppose we’re supposed to believe that Apple didn’t make this video.

    Look, wealthy Greek rats jumping ship:

  9. GigG says:

    Rufus wrote: “I suppose we’re supposed to believe that Apple didn’t make this video.”

    Sure, because everyone knows nobody posts YouTube videos of their cats doing silly things.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    He better get used to the fact that that’s the only pussy he’s going to get with his iPad.

  11. The DON says:

    Nevermind the name of the apps shown, but how about asking the question:

    “what is the point of those apps?”

    Other than a gimmick, which will wear off all too quickly, I see no point for those apps. I am sure such a piece of equipment can be used in a more productive way, like multifingered bejewelled.

  12. Elwood says:

    lol is there a litter box app?

  13. overfifty says:

    Great another niche market for the IPad. $500 cat toy. Jobs is brilliant.

  14. bac says:

    #- overfifty — I was thinking the same thing. Petsmart should pursue for exlusive rights. May be some rebranding might be possible. Petsmart could call it Petsmart’s iPet.

  15. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    #13, re: “Jobs is brilliant.”

    You’ve got that right.

  16. Buzz says:

    Dats Soooo Kute!

  17. sargasso says:

    My sister’s ridgeback hound once swallowed her camera phone. I gotta put that on YouTube.

  18. dsbloom says:

    The “iPaw” from Apple. Apparently the touch screen replaces the mouse.

  19. deowll says:

    He must not care that much about the machine. You could hear the claws hit the screen every time the paw came down.

  20. waterworks says:



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