1. UncDon says:

    Don’t breathe this!

  2. TooManyPuppies says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  3. McCullough says:

    Will it blend…it blended real good. That guy cracks me up.

    #2. You want breaking news, watch Fox, or CNN…this is a blog. Grow up.

  4. UNKN says:

    Now that was entertaining, old or not.

  5. qb says:

    That’s cute, but the glow sticks are still my fav.

  6. harrry says:

    Only in America…

  7. Patrick H. says:

    Best use of an iPad I’ve seen yet.

  8. Thomas says:

    I have one of these and they are definitely great blenders (even though I haven’t tried blending an Apple maxipad in one).

  9. Steve4Eva says:

    Say Steve touched it, and put it on Ebay. I bet you could get at least $1000.

  10. greggyx says:

    MMM apple smoothie.

  11. sargasso says:

    For confused foreigners, the “Blender Guy” is an anti-consumerism cult hero of the idiomatic American technorati. His modus, involves destructively applying heavy industrial food “blender’ machines to “objets de mode de technologie”. He has no girl friend.

    [But he sells a lot of blenders. – ed.]

  12. ECA says:

    NEW version 4 hardware this summer..
    have fun SUCKERS..

  13. amodedoma says:

    That’s one heck of a powerful blender. You could probably dump rocks in it and make gravel.

  14. Dallas says:


  15. RTaylor says:

    I applaude the explanation given by sargasso, but I wonder if you’re reading this blog; say in Manchester England, God help you, would you be a foreigner? We need to work this global internet etiquette out.

  16. Sea Lawyer says:

    Good think Obama isn’t going to let insurance companies deny medical coverage for the cancer this dumbass gets from exposure to all the hazardous particulate he’s generating doing these blending gags.

  17. Jay says:

    Hhopper sir you made my morning! I doubt that this guy is blending/opening the blender without a mask.

  18. Killer Duck says:

    I wish someone would blend the Will it Blend guy. He’s useless. Lame.

  19. Steve S says:

    Sea Lawyer said,
    “Good think Obama isn’t going to let insurance companies deny medical coverage for the cancer this dumbass gets from exposure to all the hazardous particulate he’s generating doing these blending gags.”
    I can’t even fathom how your mind works in order to connect these seemingly unrelated subject together. It would have never occurred to me. I would say you definitely have a “Big Picture” thought process OR you are completely obsessed with the Obama health care reforms and visualize its impact in everything you see.
    What is that saying, “To a hammer, everything looks like a nail”.

  20. fakemaybee says:

    Is that a real ipad? It’s still showing a screen
    image at 0:40, when it has about a 45 degree
    bend in the whole case/screen.


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