A pornographic magazine for the blind has been launched – complete with explicit text and raised pictures of naked men and women. The book, the brainchild of Lisa Murphy and called Tactile Minds, is designed to be ‘enjoyed’ by the blind and visually impaired – and is on sale for £150.
Among the 17 raised images include a naked woman in a ‘disco pose’, a woman with ‘perfect breasts’ and a ‘male love robot’. Canadian Lisa says that she made the book to fill a gap in the market, adding: “There are no books of tactile pictures of nudes for adults.
“We’re breaking new ground. Playboy has an edition with Braille wording, but there are no pictures.”
She said that she made the book after realising that the ‘blind have been left out in a culture saturated with sexual images’. Between 1970 and 1985 Playboy printed copies of its famous magazine in braille – but without raised pictures.
To coin a phrase… Oh Brother.
To coin another phrase:
Give me a break!
“Porn for the Blind….Seriously?”
Yes, and why not?
Only those opposed to all sex could see anything negative in this, and should just STFU.
#2. At approx. $300 US, I guess PT Barnum was correct.
This guy was nearly beaten blind, I guess he may yet need the magazine:
i prefer audio porn.
Pity they’re one-use-only pics. After all, who’d wanna drag their fingers through globs of, um, love juice after it gets spattered onto the page during the first read?
For GBP150, I think I could rent something more tactile.
Sadly, in earlier days, this wide-audience magazine would be found in the seat backs of United and US Air airplanes, next to other great mass appeals rags as “Black Woman Professional Golfer” and “Miniature Asian Horse Collector”.
The airline folks would have no idea it was porn, only that it was available for $7/ton.
Let the blind pleasure themselves in peace, ffs.
Don’t do that or you’ll go blind, oh wait, never mind.
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