Oklahoma militia monument

Fed up with what they see as Washington’s intrusion into their state, Oklahoma “tea party” leaders and some conservative legislators want to create a volunteer militia to defend against the federal government.

“Is it scary? It sure is,” said Al Gerhart, a tea party activist who heads the Oklahoma Constitutional Alliance. “But when do the states stop rolling over for the federal government?”

State Rep. Charles Key, a Republican representing Oklahoma City, said he believes there’s a good chance that legislation could be introduced next year to authorize a militia.

A tea party leader in Tulsa, J.W. Berry, has been soliciting interest through his newsletter, urging that readers “buy more guns, more bullets.”

“It’s not a far-right crazy plan or anything like that,” Berry said. “This would be done with the full cooperation of the state Legislature…”

If politicians match your paranoia – it’s not crazy?

Critics point out that the National Guard already provides for the state’s military needs. They worry a militia would stoke extremism…

Next Monday marks the 15th anniversary of the anti-government terrorist attack by Timothy McVeigh. The former U.S. soldier and militia sympathizer killed 168 men, women and children with a truck bomb at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. He was executed in June 2001.

  1. Sea Lawyer says:

    This just in: Eideard doesn’t know that the “militia” is not just the National Guard.

    Refer to Title 10 for more information.

  2. lmj says:

    Eideard doesn’t know his a$$ from a hole in the ground.

  3. Floyd says:

    The way I’m reading that is that the Militia (able bodied civilians) can be added to the National Guard in rare situations like keeping the peace and handling situations like floods, severe storms, or tornadoes.

    The wacko “militias” out there (like the ones recently arrested in Michigan and Indiana) are not and never were legitimate.

  4. Mac Guy says:

    Wow… A state might exercise its Constitutional right. Imagine that.

  5. smartalix says:

    Good luck fighting the Federal Government, ask the Confederacy how that idiocy worked out.

    It all boils down to a large bunch of stupid people manipulated by small bunch of unscrupulous people.

  6. Dallas says:

    These nuttballs looking for headlines continue to impress. Tea Party should consider assigning wacko levels or they will getting more customers.

    Tea Party member levels.

    Associate: Unsure what Tea party is but I don’t have facebook and need to socialize.

    Basic Membership: Like the hating part and that it’s socially acceptable. Great for kids too.

    Wacko Level: Can cancel my KKK membership and carry a gun. What’s not to like.

  7. renn says:

    Oh, those silly people, trying to start a well armed milita. No where does the constitution say they can do that… oh wait…

  8. Jess Hurchist says:

    Is the militia going to be funded from taxes?

  9. Improbus says:

    Join the Oklahoma State Militia and save yourself and your children from our evil federal/corporate overlords.

    Why not a million rifle march on Washington while your at it.

  10. bobbo, chopping at the tree of liberty the gun nuts hang from says:

    You gun nuts really need to buy some common sense to go with those gunbelts. The Feds will come at you with tanks and drones if it ever comes down to your fantasy role playing game.

    Aside from that, name one issue that a gun is useful for, other than giving an idiot something to do when not picking up trash?

  11. Floyd says:

    The National Guard (the real militia) is funded from taxes.
    The wacko militias are funded from their own imaginations.

  12. Pres Obama says:

    Go for it!

    I just ordered some new drones (black ones) and these puppies can track beer bellies like nobody’s business.

    Advanced technology my friends. They can now even discriminate between a Tea Bagger and a pig.

  13. wisd0m says:

    As a resident of Oklahoma, I wish this story was about Texas or any other state. I know we are a little crazy, but I get embarrassed every time Oklahoma is in the news. The stories always find the most fringe group to quote as if its the consensus opinion.

    I don’t know if a militia is a good or bad idea, I do know that the whole ‘Obama is gonna take our guns!’ was a ploy to get you to buy more guns and ammo. Gun Dealers and Gun Shows love democratic presidents, and use them to scare customers into buying more.


  14. MrMiGu says:

    you dont expect them to volunteer their time AND money, do you?

    I wonder if they will be using the popular right wing strategy of “better to fight them over there than over here”

  15. chuck says:

    How many of these state militias will be stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan?

  16. Benjamin says:

    Wouldn’t you rather that the Oklahoma militia be under the authority of the governor of Oklahoma than to some nut in some compound? I would feel better that way.

  17. Improbus says:


    Good idea sending over state militias. Send a bunch of drunk red necks to shoot up a foreign country … oh, wait.

  18. birddog says:

    What difference does it make we all know the world is gonna end in 2012. I know it is true I saw it in the movies. WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!!!

  19. seapre aude says:

    Most if not all people forget that this country was defended by george washintion and his miitila. You sheep who think guns and defending your self from tyrany, Is a wasite of time? You can tell your children and your grand chrildren about a great country we used to live in. And how you had no clue you where loseing it.

    Google : the gig is up

  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #18 birddog…if that’s true I need to start reading some Hunter S Thompson books.

  21. Glass Half Full says:

    Yeah we need more racist KKK anti-government, anti-Jew, anti-gay crazies with guns running around trying to stop “them”. Just hope you’re not “them” this week.

    Think I’m being paranoid? Go to one of these meetings? It’s almost all white, almost all “proud white” (ahem) folks who ALL USE government services, and just don’t want to pay for them (“Keep your government hands off my Medicare!”).

    Just nut balls. Sorry. You can dress up and pretend to play Patriot, and pretend Obama is going to take over the nation with his secret Kenyan Muslim army, but you’re f**king crazy. Sorry. Grow up and stop playing pretend soldier.

  22. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #19 seapee…back then it was GW and his merry band of brave pranksters. Today is it Obama and his motherfucking Marines. Ya know what? You don’t stand a chance.

  23. The0ne says:

    Love it, still laughing 🙂

  24. Ah_Yea says:

    RSweeney, posters here at DU don’t let facts and reasoning get in the way!

    It’s always amusing to see ignorant idiots like many above who relate the KKK to Republicans.

    A little smidgen of truth:
    “History shows that the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party … “Founded in 1866 as a Tennessee social club, the Ku Klux Klan spread into nearly every Southern state, launching a ‘reign of terror’ against Republican leaders black and white.” … The Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan to lynch and terrorize blacks. The Democrats fought to prevent the passage of every civil rights law beginning with the civil rights laws of the 1860s, and continuing with the civil rights laws of the 1950s and 1960s. During the civil rights era of the 1960s, Dr. King was fighting the Democrats who stood in the school house doors, turned skin-burning fire hoses on blacks and let loose vicious dogs. Democrat President John F. Kennedy is lauded as a proponent of civil rights. However, Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act while he was a senator, as did Democrat Sen. Al Gore Sr … Today, some of those “Dixiecrats” continue their political careers as Democrats, including Robert Byrd, who is well known for having been a “Keagle” in the Ku Klux Klan.”

    Pretty much sums up the Democratic Party. Slavery by any other names smell just as rancid.

    The Democrats were all for preserving physical slavery through the 1950’s and 60’s. When that failed, they switched to economic slavery instead.

  25. Sombody says:

    Did you decry Obama’s “I want Brownshirts” speech?

    Did you have anything to say when the Obamacare bill just happened to have provisions for armed goon squads?

    Or is violence only unacceptable when it implies resistance to tyranny?

  26. birddog says:

    # 20 Olo Baggins of Bywater I bet you already have after all the best atheist have read the bible. Nothing wrong with being well read.

  27. Phydeau says:

    #25 Poor Ah_Yea, fighting a battle of wits only half-armed.

    Yes, the Democratic party used to be the party of racists. Then they got a conscience, the Republicans decided to use the Southern Strategy (google it, young grasshopper) and the vast majority of the racists migrated to the Republican party. And now we have the Old South solidly Republican.

    This is history 101, grasshopper. Read and learn.

  28. The0ne says:

    Yes, I would also love to live in the past. I need to build a time machine soon. Future is for puss*** I tell you, and Darwin is a dumbass. We don’t evolve a bit. We like our little closed world, our pathetic and sorrowful past histories.

    We don’t even care whether what we know and learn from our history is 100% accurate and/or relates at all to any time period. We just want our guns and shoot, shoot anyone even staring at our grass/dirt.

    If I’m not mistaken I think G.Washington wanted us to also keep a handy axe around so we can lop off people’s head when they plant any type of tree. I’m pretty sure, well…99.99% sure. And that flying kite thing with the key, Franklin is telling us to keep being “high” and Bell is advocating we use the telephone to spy on anyone and everyone.

    People, get your heads together. Do what our history tells us to do dammit. Civil War! I need to snipe some people myself although I don’t want guns around me…but hey, if you guys want me to own guns and shoot people I’m for it!

  29. Hmeyers says:

    A truly open-minded government would be for “dissenting” types of monuments that are anti-government.

    It would be the ultimate message of freedom in a world that wants to become a police state.

    Of course it will never happen. But that just reminds us we have less of this so-called “freedom” than we think.

  30. bobbo, chopping at the tree of liberty the gun nuts hang from says:

    #19–seapre==did you misspell your own name or do you really mean to present yourself as a bird brain?

    #25–Ah Yea==this thread, actually Phydeau’s response to you, is what a thinking person would call “a learning opportunity.” Can you still “learn” Ah Yea? You made such a silly argument containing a terrible flaw also evidenced by Seapre===”thinking” in labels.

    when you spout off in label speak, disregarding the history/the real events that have taken place, you really show yourself to be a bucket without a bottom: useless.

    Tired? Lazy? Recalling things you used to think and forgot you learned they were false?

    Whats up bunky?


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