Their enthusiastic pursuit of the sex, drugs and rock and roll lifestyle also did little to convince the Vatican they were anything other than a thoroughly bad influence.

But now in a move sanctioned by Pope Benedict XVI, the Catholic Church has offered the Fab Four its official seal of approval, forgiving them their various excesses and even lauding them as a “precious jewel”.

In a front page article the Vatican’s official newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, offers a glowing assessment of The Beatles’ achievements 40-years after they split, heralding their “beautiful melodies” and begging the question “what would pop music have been like without the Beatles?”

Well that was a shameless distraction.

  1. Benjamin says:

    Someone would notice since the classrooms all have big glass doors. Not for that reason, but because the glass doors are architecturally cool.

    How do these sick people find another sicko to become partners with? It seems to me that if they tried to recruit a partner, they would accidentally approach someone who is not a sicko and that person would raise their concerns with the church and the sicko that tried to recruit a partner wouldn’t be allowed near children.

    #27 TheOne said, “Unless, of course, both are pedo and are in it together. These sick people usually have others in partnership, whether direct or indirect as in keeping hush hush.”

  2. Li says:

    The Catholics love to deflect blame, but when these things happen in any other church the offender is defrocked immediately. With all of the raping of little children and grown women (an underreported aspect of this) going on, along with the concerted effort to do the ‘cover and shuffle’ I would say that they have some sort of right of kings delusion going on. All the moist holes are theirs first, essentially. I’m sick of it. Let me put it another way.

    If two monks are found to be in love with each other, they are tossed out of the church. I know of a couple that experienced this, and it was merciless, full on inquisition. If a priest is found to have been raping children, he is carefully moved to another jurisdiction (usually where he has contact with children again), his crimes are kept secret by order from on high, and he keeps his collar. Shows you what the church thinks is worse. Love is worse than mass rape. What a terribly evil organization the Catholic Church is! And that’s not hate, it’s an unfortunate fact.

  3. Hmeyers says:


    “If a priest is found to have been raping children, he is carefully moved to another jurisdiction”

    Ok so you watched the movie “Doubt” (2008) and now you think you know it all.

    @25 Buzz

    “Hmeyers (#23) is a douche. I haven’t forgiven God for allowing him to negotiate a keyboard.”

    It is only natural at first to feel anger and vent towards the messenger, it you trying to come to terms with your emotions.

    Next you will feel shame, then sorrow and later embarrassment.

    And then in the final stage you will recognize what you knew all along but your pride and shame would not allow you to see: The Beatles sucked really bad.

  4. The0ne says:

    That’s not how it works. See the Vatican and Pope for reference.

    The pedo person does the crime while the others know and hides it. Thus in a sense they are working together for this heinous crime to be successful. It’s even go so far as the higher ups, Pope maybe, relocates the pedo to another church in a different location without telling anyone.

    But this is just ALL guesswork on my part. Maybe they get away with it because they’re smart *shrug*

  5. Sombody says:

    Only a Sith deals in absolutions!

  6. GRtak says:

    Love the gif!

    What would the church do to those that broke it rules in the past? Well the only one I can think of is burning at the stake. seems somewhat appropiate.

  7. sargasso says:

    Take out “Yellow Submarine” and “I Am The Walrus”, and the message and creative soul of the Beatles is gone. All I’m, saying.

  8. amodedoma says:

    If only John and George we’re still here, I’m sure they’d tell the pope to take his forgiveness and do whatever with it. Ringo and Paul are a couple of pussies or they’d’ve taken advantage of the opportunity already.


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