Their enthusiastic pursuit of the sex, drugs and rock and roll lifestyle also did little to convince the Vatican they were anything other than a thoroughly bad influence.

But now in a move sanctioned by Pope Benedict XVI, the Catholic Church has offered the Fab Four its official seal of approval, forgiving them their various excesses and even lauding them as a “precious jewel”.

In a front page article the Vatican’s official newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, offers a glowing assessment of The Beatles’ achievements 40-years after they split, heralding their “beautiful melodies” and begging the question “what would pop music have been like without the Beatles?”

Well that was a shameless distraction.

  1. qb says:

    When they forgive Weird Al Yankovic then maybe I’ll take a bunch of guys in Chanel dresses seriously.

  2. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Now I know why I always preferred The Who to the Beatles.

  3. Alt173 says:

    *YAWN* More anti-Catholic propaganda on Dvorak Uncensored. Get a life guys.

  4. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Hmmm, I don’t recall the Beatles fucking little boys.

    #3, may the Vatican likes the Who as well since Townsend was the Chinball Wizard.


  5. LoTechNo says:

    No NO… Hold up.

    He has to forgive:

    Sinead Oconnor

  6. tomdennis says:

    Kissing butt will get you nowhere. You lost me with your 7th grade ruler.

  7. Just Me says:

    My twin Sons were raped when they were 5 years old. What we’re talking about here is a serious crime who’s victims never heal. What the Pope and others in the church did was hide the criminals. That makes them accessories to the crime. No body is beating up on the Catholic Church, but there are many who would like to see them get the justice they deserve.

  8. Floyd says:

    The last Pope I liked was Pope John XXVIII. That’s one good guy in 50 years. Wojytla was a distant second place.

  9. deowll says:

    I vote with #4. Get a life. Get a new topic or go to the beach. Get a big rock. Face the sea at the water line and walk six miles toward the next continent. If you can do that without getting wet maybe this is more than hate speech.

    [How on earth was this hate speech? – h.]

  10. clancys_daddy says:

    #8 I would quite happily beat up on the heads of the catholic church. I wasn’t molested, I just went to catholic schools right to in and through a catholic university. Great education, could do less with the religious thing.

  11. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    #4 and #10 – yeah, just pretend like it never happened – right? Yes, I hate the person(s) that raped #8 twin 5 year olds. I would love an opportunity to get medieavel these sick bastards. Fuck you and your dumb ass pope.

  12. Uncle Dave says:

    #4&10: Perhaps you want to say that in person to Just Me (#8) whose sons were raped by scumbags hiding behind their corrupt religion. He may have a different perspective on this. Then tell it in person to all the apparently thousands of other parents and and their children who have been molested. Tell them to get a life, that it wasn’t anything to be concerned about. Then come back here and tell us how that all went.

  13. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    There are sickos in all professions/walks of life. I’m not upset at the Catholic Church because they have some of these sickos. I’m pissed off at them because they found out about them, maybe scolded them, and then put them right back into those positions that allowed them access to repeat the abuse. And hid it. And hid it again. And only when presented with mountains of evidence of the evil done, they say there may have been a problem, but that was so long ago.

    And then to beat all, a leading church figure recently said the criticism aimed at the church is comparable to the Holocaust.

    Talk about needing to get a life. Or a clue.

  14. artic-espilon says:

    #13 Uncle Ernie – er, Dave,

    I don’t see where Just Me claimed they were raper by “the church”. Look before you leap, but I remember plenty o’ times that kids in the “splinter” school would offer young kids a few bucks for a lip on the may-pole. All you have to do is say no. I don’t remember being scarred for life, but then, I am a happy person, so maybe I am scarred…………

  15. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    #14 – YOU’RE NOT UPSET BY THIS?? IT’S A CHURCH FOR FUCKS SAKE, YEAH YOU’RE RIGHT, JUST A PROFESSION – so let’s start taxing these bastards then!

    #15 – two five years olds didn’t get a lip on the may-pole, they were raped. You sound like a full fledged peter-puffer though.

  16. bill says:

    What’s with the animated GIF?
    That seems a little out of line. But it is creepy!

    It takes the church a long time to reevaluate their position on certain things.

    But hey! They even have a telescope and study celestial matters!

    They still have to follow the law don’t they?
    Or do they have diplomatic immunity?

  17. Canuck says:

    This is where electing the judiciary proves itself inadequate. They are not willing to take on the wilful and devoutly ignorant voters for fear of losing an election. (Israel survives the same way).

    Here in Canada we appoint our judges and police executive which allows them independence. We have the catholic “church” on the run in all but that most catholic and corrupt of provinces Quebec.

    Have you ever noticed that the most corrupt nations of the western world are all catholic or catholic dominated nations?

  18. honeyman says:

    #17 Bill

    What’s with the animated GIF?
    That seems a little out of line. But it is creepy!

    I take it you’re not a Star Wars fan.

  19. billabong says:

    No mention of The Stones mmmmmm the bad boys rule!

  20. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #16 Perhaps you didn’t read my post beyond the first line or two so I’ll recap. It was (and to a degree, is) the way the CC acts after discovering the sickos that pisses me off. Not the fact that there are sickos in the church, because there are sickos in all professions/jobs/etc.

  21. JimD says:

    Hey, that’s almost instantaneous compared to Galileo – he was on the Vatican’s SH!T List for 400 years !!! And all he did was assert the fact that the Earth revolved around the Sun, a fact known to the ancient Greeks !!! It is a good idea to stay away from Papists !!! They won’t even admit the truth even when presented with the facts !!!

    For your own and your children’s sanity – stay far away from these NUT-JOBS !!!

  22. Hmeyers says:

    Maybe the pope forgave the Beatles, but I still haven’t forgiven the Boomers for liking their music. Worst music ever.

  23. s7acker says:

    Let me get this straight: an elderly guy in a giant hat who, in his younger days was a member of the Hitler Youth and later in life helped numerous child molesters hide their activities and therefore escape prosecution has given his approval to a pop group that last cut a track 40 years ago?

    The Catholic Church: honourable, credible and bang-up-to-date.



  24. Buzz says:

    Tech note: When you do a morph like this, you should hold the image for AT LEAST 0.5 seconds before and after the morphing animation. Longer, if the morph animation length is longer.

    Hmeyers (#23) is a douche. I haven’t forgiven God for allowing him to negotiate a keyboard.

  25. Galileo says:

    Why did I have to wait hundreds of years to be forgiven and not the Beatles

    In fact, I should be doing the forgiving, not you.

  26. Benjamin says:

    #26 Galileo, you were studying in the same area as Copernicus. He was the Catholic Church’s scientist.

    How does the Protestant churches avoid scandal like this? Easy. If anyone is caught doing that, then if they don’t get lynched, they go to jail. Also, at least in my church, an adult is never left alone with children. All the Sunday school classes and such have at least two teachers in the room at one time. If someone tried to molest children, not only would it be reported, but they would be physically stopped by the other adult.

  27. The0ne says:

    I’m with you! Go Al!

    Unless, of course, both are pedo and are in it together. These sick people usually have others in partnership, whether direct or indirect as in keeping hush hush.

  28. Sea Lawyer says:

    I would think that a writer for the telegraph would know the correct usage of “begging the question.” But, apparently not.

  29. Jopie says:

    That asshole pope will be held accountable for his actions

  30. Phrazer says:

    “Use your aggressive feelings boy… let the hate flow through you!” – Emperor Palpatine


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