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@Faxon: Like the previous 8 years under Bush/Dick was so very very good for this country. Yeah, right.
Oh the horror.
“Powerful and glorious chief graciously receives bow of respect from weak underling.”
Obama terrifies the right-wing racist dipshits. They hate seeing a capable black man. They hate that Bush will be buried in the footnotes of history while Obama’s name is already going into the history books (and for more than just being the first ‘black’ President).
(I put ‘black’ in poarenthesis because he isn’t really ‘black’, (he is a mutt like me) but that’s how racists and race-counters look at it.)
#33 – you put ‘black’ in quotation marks. Parentheses (not ‘poarenthesis,’ – note my use of quotation marks to enclose your misspelled word – which is singular. Also note, and this is important, that you need to use two in order to actually enclose a word) are ().
Not like Nixon ever bowed to Hirohito. You know, the guy who ordered Pearl Harbor and brought us into WWII.
People, our President is not bowing. He’s looking at China’s small penis and wondering how the fck we let this country get away with sht and what we need to do to fck them up.
Only stupid xenophobes care about this.
Intelligent people know that bowing is basically a handshake.
“I’m runnin’ a little short this month…can you hook up a brother?”
No racism here. Keep moving on.
…and here’s the real pisser.
It was Bush — with the conservatives cheering him on the whole way — who put America into massive debt to Chinese and Saudis.
Mutual Respect Folks..all it is..But when Former presidents have flown into China, No we are not going to park Air Force (“28000” and “29000”) one in the back, to hide the American Flag.
Adam Curry’s “douchebag” jingle is appropriate here
“Uh… um… Are you aware your fly is unzipped?”
#16,#23,#27,#29,#37 – A handshake is a wholly polite, proper, respectful and considerate greeting. It is also the customary greeting in China, where they don’t bow all that much, and is still an entirely proper and customary greeting even in countries like Japan where bowing is also customary for locals.
A mutual bow is a polite greeting and would be fine. Being the only one bowing is not fine. It shows excessive deference toward the other party. Obama should be polite but confident and assertive (but diplomatically so, not excessively so). Bowing and not receiving a bow in return is a bit like putting your hand out for a handshake and having it ignored. It’s embarrassing. Being the only one bowing is unseemly and sends the wrong message. Especially when it keeps happening.
Although I’m sure he is only trying to be polite, in reality it’s also a bit rude to catch someone by surprise with unnecessary gestures (like unnecessary bowing) when they are unexpected and not customary. You not only embarrass yourself but you also embarrass the other party, who does not know what you are doing or why and might not be able to respond correctly or in time. Thus the nervous looks from other presidents who evidently have NFI what Barry is doing while they are shaking his hand.
#42. It seems UncDon was the only one to get it. This was more of a “Caption this Photo” than any kind of political statement. Lighten up.
Thanks Don.
I was typing quickly and made some typos, mea culpa. I’ll pay you a banana per post to proofread for me, OK?
If you have an intelligent comment about the topic and issues I am discussing, feel free to add an intelligent reply. Otherwise, shut your piehole.
Didn’t George W. Bush KISS A MAN, who happened to be the Saudi prince that owns his family? Didn’t George W. Bush HOLD HANDS with a man while walking, because again it was a Saudi prince who owns his family. ROTFLMAO
Crazy Republicans!
I have a gesture for everyone here…see this middle finger, yea…that’s right. I’m being polite btw.
#45 – You’re not discussing an intelligent topic; you don’t even seem to be discussing anything. Your only other contribution to the comments section is a bizzarre angry rant about some imaginary “dipshits” (C-minus: it’s not even a creative strawman) to whom you attribute the very serious crime of disagreeing with *your* politician.
Thus, I must unfortunately decline your generous invitation to make an intelligent comment on whatever indiscernible “topic and issues [you are] discussing”. I simply can’t find any. Such a disappointment, because I do so enjoy having intelligent conversations with thoughtless paranoid people who can’t control their anger or emotions.
First, Obama isn’t a ‘black’ man, he is mixed race. To fixate on his race is idiotic.
Second, Obama will go down in history for passing health care, for starters. If his START treaty gets passed by congress, that’s another thing.
Third, the economy is really improving because deniers can only cry so long in the face of the DOW. Soon feramongering racists will have to find other reasons to whine about Obama.
Fourth, Bush was such an incompetent President even the Russians are scoring points off of him. His Presidency is an embarrassment to this country, from the financial collapse to the lies that got us into war.
But you can sit smugly and act like you know something. Maybe it will make you feel better. Good luck with that.
#49. Jesus I hate political zealotry….both sides.
…and I hate vague bullshit. If supporting the sitting President is zealotry, convict me. Show me where Obama is so evil and maybe I’ll agree, maybe I won’t. But just throwing brickbats because some idiots can’t handle a Democrat as President is foolish, stupid, and juvenile.
Oh for heavens sake! Hasn’t anyone in this group ever heard of courtesy and/or respect?!
#51. I’ll be the first to agree with you the Republicans suck. But please, how can anyone be happy about the promises made and broken by BO. With unemployment at Depression levels, the wars escalated, the banker bailouts continuing….and on and on. Sorry Alix I am not seeing it. I think the Dow is just an aberration of money printing policies….
I almost voted for him in the last election, I have no problem voting for a black President, be it Rep. or Dem. But I figured he was just a bag of broken promises, like the rest of them. And I just couldn’t do it. I didn’t vote for McCain either, that would have been even more painful. You see, it’s really not about race…not even close. It’s my problem. I have completely lost faith in our leadership.
#46 Good point that George Bush french kissed the Saudi prince but you have to remember it was to keep oil prices low…. I mean high.
Nothing like sealing the deal with a wet one.
Dallas: Remember, the Prince kissed back. That’s is the custom. I have yet to see photos of any leader bowing to BO.
#24 BRM – Great Find!
#34 smartalix,
I thought I just didn’t like Obama’s please-take-advantage-of-us-we-are-weak-and-pathetic,excuse-me-why-i-further-bankrupt-our-country policies and accompanying gestures. Shit, it turns out, it has nothing to do with his policies, I am just racist! Thanks for informing me! You are so wise! What else do you know about me? Which part of Obama’s race do I not like? Do I hate white people or black people? What about Jesse Jackson who wants to cut off his balls – which part of Obama’s race does he hate?
You do realize how much of a pathetic idiot you sound like, don’t you?
#29 Patso,
Your facts are wrong, and your opinions show an ignorance and unwarranted arrogance.
Total deportations in 2009 was just over 2008.
Right now it is up to about 1/6th of deportations under Bush.
Funny how all of the other world leaders (as seen in link in #24)seem to have a much better idea of proper respect than Obama. I guess he is much more of a ‘grown up’ than all of them?
Do you like Obama because he, like you, frequently talks down to people more informed and intelligent than himself?
# 49 smartalix:
“Soon feramongering racists will have to find other reasons to whine about Obama.”
Yup, like all that annoying breathing, in, out, in, out…