I’m runnin’ a little short this month…can you hook up a brother?

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    So appropriate, specially after how well Hu treated him (and us) in Copenhagen.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Thank you, Mr. Hu, for allowing us to loose 2.4 Million jobs and trillions of dollars (no kidding) to you and your currency manipulation.

    I bow to you, Mr. Hu, for being the backbone to the remaining “Axis of Evil”. Without your help and support, Mr. Hu, Iran’s nuclear ambitions would be over and North Korea’s Malevolent Dictatorship would be a fond memory.

  3. KMFIX says:


  4. klglz says:

    why is he always bowing? The President shouldn’t bow.

  5. Tom Woolf says:

    Oh my! The horrors of having a President who shows some sort of respect for other world leaders instead of pistol whipping them and demanding obedience to him and his own personal god.

  6. LoTechNo says:

    In Han Chinese culture, the kowtow is the highest sign of reverence.

    It was widely used to show reverence for one’s elders, superiors, and especially the Emperor, as well as for religious and cultural objects of worship.

    In modern times, usage of the kowtow has become much reduced.

  7. omt says:

    Dvorak you are such a provocateur!

  8. philgar says:

    But it’s just a little bow.

  9. raster says:

    You may want to google kowtow there Lo (in case you someday want to know what it is, ya’know?)

    Oh no, A photo that shows a polite bow to an asian! You’d almost think normal people do that there everyday!

  10. Serious says:

    @ #2 i don’t think the majority of blame is with the Chinese, although they do currency manipulation. It would be more appropriate to look within and see what exactly U.S is doing wrong… running deficit, housing bubble, printing money. U.S could potentially do the exact same thing as China if they were a net producer, rather than net consumer. Easy to blame the third man.

  11. chuck says:

    Any photos showing someone (anyone) bowing back to Obama?

  12. Phydeau says:

    Those evil Chinese, forcing us to buy their cheap stuff, and forcing us to sell T-bills to them!

  13. hwo says:

    Your president, to the eyes of many outside the US is a gentleman who wants to do the best he can with the mess he inherited. I respect him and wish him well. But he is also a politician, everything has a reason and a timing, give him some slack!

  14. Gilgamesh says:

    Absolutely nothing wrong with this photo nor the action it depicts.

  15. moss says:

    Anyone left online who isn’t channeling Archie Bunker?

  16. Hmeyers says:

    He bowed … bfd.

  17. Chris Mac says:

    Leper Messiah.. Whots the big deal?!?

    The man can do as he please.. back off

  18. Chris Mac says:

    Know anywhere i can get that printed on a T-Shirt?

  19. Jim W. says:

    I’ve seen the video. It is more of a quick nod rather than a deep bow like the others were.

    So while I disagreed with the other incidents I will give him a pass on this one.

    For those who don’t know, you bow to a superior not an equal or subordinate. That is why the President should not be bowing.

  20. Faxon says:

    I hope this jerk is a one term president. Otherwise, this country can kiss it’s ass good-bye.

  21. honeyman says:

    People say Americans have a superiority complex. I see no evidence of this.

  22. RSweeney says:

    It’s subconscious, Obama bows to those he deems more capable than he is… like the beta dog peeing on himself in submission to the alpha dog.

    So… Obama is right about this one, HE should be bowing, if not wetting himself, all the time.

  23. omt says:

    Right wing nuts (probably this partially includes JC Dvorak as well, I like his show but his political views as far as I can see from his posts are not close to mine at all!), are quite annoying as usual. Give the President a break. I bet many didn’t see the event in its entirety and just seeing this pic and commenting as if it was the worst thing in their life! It is just a polite nod. Get over it!!!

  24. angry says:

    So what? So he’s submissive to Michelle and the corporatists.

    What do you expect a figurehead to do?

  25. LotsaLuck says:

    As close to his hero Mao as he’s ever gonna get.
    So yeah, he’s gonna bow.

  26. Chris Mac says:

    #20. Yer Right. Any freakin yahoo would be better than this guy

    getting along and understanding each other be damned.

    let’s be the flavour of the week why not

  27. Chris Mac says:


    if it has a ghost or ufo in it.. ignore it..

    you’ll be lucky to get along with your peers

  28. Uncle Patso says:

    Yup, there he goes again, acting like a grown-up (the picture is from a conference with representatives from 47 countries gathered by President Obama to work on controlling access to weapons-grade nuclear material), actually _talking_ to other countries, trying to find common ground for our mutual benefit.

    President G. W. Bush was all “Yer either with us or with the terr-ists.” President Obama is all “Let’s talk about doing something that will benefit us all — like keeping nuclear (pronounced new-clee-er, not new-cue-ler) materials out of the hands of terrorists.

    In hundreds of ways, the current administration is seriously trying to do the right thing, whereas GWB could give a shit. For example, since the inauguration, the Obama administration has deported more illegal aliens than GWB’s administration did over the whole eight years he was in office. They may or may not agree with the policy, but the law is the law and they are sworn to uphold it, so that’s what they do.

    Yup, there he goes again and I hope he keeps it up!

  29. AndyMac says:

    @Faxon: Yeah, because the previous 8 years under Bush/Dick was so very very good for this country.


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