I’m runnin’ a little short this month…can you hook up a brother?

  1. Animby says:

    # 60 smartalix said, “I’ll take the win/lose ratio any day over the debacle that was Bush.”

    My political leanings tend to shift with the topic so, although I live the life of a liberal I tend to vote conservative. But, my idealistic belief in campaign promises vanished like fireflies in the night many years ago. However, comparing Bush to Obama is comparing unicorns to the black plague. Months into Bush’s term the entire world changed and Bush had to change a lot of domestic policy and also find funds to gith one then two wars. (I’m not arguing if he did the right thing. Personally, I think things could have been handled differerently.) Obama knew the financial sector was collapsing, he knew the wars continued. he knew the domestic situation was precarious. Yet, he lied through his teeth knowing full well he couldn’t keep his promises.

    So your comparison is between a president who COULDN’T keep his promises and one who WOULDN’t keep his promises. I confess I’m inclined to forgive the former but not the latter.

    All that said, I’m at loggerheads with myself over which one has done more harm to our country.

  2. smartalix says:


    Which promises? I keep asking and nobody can give may any besides those I already addressed.

    It’s easy to pretend there’s a problem, but hard to really enunciate it. WHat promises has Obama broken that upset you?

    Typical complaints, vague and without real substance.

  3. Animby says:

    #63 – You quoted the link yourself. Are you an Alzheimer’s patient?

  4. smartalix says:


    THe link supprts my position that Obama is not the chronic promise-breaker he is positioned as by disingenuous naysayers. WHat, are you too stupid to read for comprehension?

    You have yet to give me anything concrete beyond “waahh, I don’t like him”.

    Typical teabagger bullshit: Survey finds that racial attitudes influence the tea party movement in battleground states


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