TWO fighter jets are filmed whizzing over the M5 – apparently in pursuit of a UFO. A mystery cameraman took footage of the military aircraft chasing the shiny orb. The 30-second clip is believed to have been taken from a West Midlands service station car park. Expert Nick Pope, who probed UFO sightings for the MoD, said: “This is one of the best videos I’ve seen. It could be a new drone – that might explain the military jets.

“But you don’t normally test-fly secret projects in daylight. Alternatively, this could be the real thing – a UFO in our airspace and military aircraft scrambled to intercept, probably due to it being tracked on radar.”

The MoD refused to comment on the alleged sighting, but confirmed it would scramble jets to meet an air threat.

West Midlands Police said: “We are not aware of any reports of unidentified aircraft near the M5.”

  1. hhopper says:

    Seems like the video should be longer.

  2. FRAGaLOT says:


    You never see the jets and the object come into frame together. you hear the sound of the rushing jets far too often for it just to be TWO, and that far in the distance, and already turned around in formation, heading towards the object. And the fast shakey-cam between the object, and jets are edit cuts.

  3. FRAGaLOT says:

    Even the shaky cam seems fake, especially in the beginning it seems very artificial.

    Also a correction, the “swoosh” sounds you hear must be passing traffic behind the camera, not jets passing over.

    I still call bullshit though.

  4. Mojo Yugen says:

    So the camera man suffers from severe ADD or something? Can’t even stay interested in frickin’ Air Force jets attacking a frickin’ UFO to bother filming more than 30 seconds of it?

  5. Dallas says:

    Sheesh. This is fake. It may pass at Fox News but really, come on.

  6. McCullough says:

    #1. and #4. The explanation is cell phone camera battery died. Not my explanation….theirs.

  7. hhopper says:

    Wait a minute… cell phone camera? In 16×9 format? With that much clarity?

    I don’t think so.

  8. McCullough says:

    #7. An incredibly good cell phone…ha!

  9. amodedoma says:

    I wouldn’t even call it cleverly done. Too bad there are so many people pulling this crap. Makes investigating authentic unidentified aerial phenomenon much more difficult.

  10. cme1ca says:

    It doesn’t take much thought to see this is fake and isn’t worth posting.
    As a Visual Effects artist this is about as easy as it gets to produce.
    I wish they’d start coming up with more creative ‘alien’ ships than the old hubcap style.
    It’s funny, after 60 years of these ‘encounters’ this is considered “…one of the best videos”.
    That speaks volumes.

  11. The0ne says:

    I blame Tom Cruise, obviously, for his “science”tology views. Anything to get the job done!

  12. static416 says:

    Why is that no one who films a UFO seems to be able to operate a camera like a regular person. It’s always blurry, shaky cam, too dark, or some combination thereof. Considering the number of people with cameras these days I’m yet to see a single video of a UFO that even seemed remotely plausible.

    Wait… I bet the UFO’s throw off an anti-camcorder energy field that causes these effects. That explains it.

  13. pelms says:

    These lorries are straight out of a 3D library.

    … very poor.

  14. Mr Ed says:

    UFOs from other planets or star systems have never visited Earth and will never visit Earth.
    The distances are far too great and “warp drive” is impossible. On the other had it makes interplaetary war impossible!

  15. soundwash says:

    It’s a month late…the saucer d00ds were supposed to show up in March..

    -i guess when you create your own local gravity/time field to travel …you kinda lose track of “earth time”



  16. Bigfoot says:

    Was Adam Curry there ?

  17. chris says:


  18. Chad says:

    The tip off fake for me was the acquisition of target after strange shakiness and the convenient pan from jets to target UFO, the shakiness is overdone and in the wrong places, plus target acquisition should be not quite as convenient.

  19. Father says:

    I think ECA claims the Aliens generate faked UFO videos to make us think there are no Aliens.

    However, ECA’s “sentences” are difficult to understand, so I could be totally off the mark.

  20. He ran out of film after 30 seconds? Why didn’t he whip out his daguerreotype then?

  21. Scooter says:

    No markings or dirt on the trucks. Also no rust or other blemishes. Didn’t see any lights on the vehicles as well.

    I call fake but it would be cool if real.

  22. Shmravis says:

    Oh… oh God… it’s – it’s – IT’S THE RETURN OF ED WOOD.


    But frankly, my dear, I call shenanigans. So-very sorry.

  23. KarmaBaby says:

    The whole video, including the trucks and container, is an animation. From a video game, maybe?

  24. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I call a 7th grade Steven Spielberg. What ever happened to the BS meter?

  25. honeyman says:

    #24 Cap’n

    A UFO video needs a BS meter?

  26. scadragon says:

    What a REAL UFO intercept looks like:

  27. Bob says:

    While the M5 has been frequently accused of being a parking lot, it is not in fact such. The first clue as to how the lack of verac ity in this vid is the lack of Drivers inside the trucks, pardon me lorries, in the video. The next thing that strikes me is how pristine and clean the Lorries are. Finally, notice that there are no other people in the video, at all, especially not the lorry drivers. Maybe they were off murdering hookers or something and too busy to bother with the RAF pursuit of a UFO. After that its shakey cam with oddly pristine and driverless lorries occasionally popping up and no same frame shots. Not only is this a hoax, but a piss poor one. Especially in the age of photoshop.

  28. TripHamer says:

    And he was able to immediately pan over to the jets and then pan back over to the now moving ufo and keep it centered.


  29. SomedudeinPAUSA says:

    any “ufo” video lasting only 30 seconds is sure to be fake. Even if it was not fake it takes more than this (a lot more) for it to even matter.

  30. Buzz says:

    UFOs attract THE WORST cameramen (notice how it’s never women?) in the entire world.

    “Hey everybody, a giant hovering thingie is hanging out over London. Let’s wake up Shakey McTremble, the drunk, crosseyed camera jockey, and get him to cover it for the networks. Yeah, that’s the ticket…”


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