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actually the guy is austrian and the building in the background is the town hall of vienna
yep, i’m nitpicking 😉
This seems like such a bad idea.
But the ENGINEERING is German – of course if you need somebody to do something crazy on a construction site you use an Austrian!
But, But, Why????
That dude has a Death Wish.
Just because you can do something, does not mean that you should do it…
However, that was just very, very cool, and I’m certainly glad they DID do it.
I prefer watching dominoes fall or Rube Goldberg devices. Something I can imagine doing myself. I got over heavy equipment by age 12.
So does Wetten Dass ≡ WTF?
How long to I have to watch before something happens?
This could start a new genre of heavy equipment performance art. Time for Deere and Komatsu to step up and show the world what they’ve got!
And then? What
Amazing German/Austrian Engineering Stunt?
Starting the Spice Girls new career as spokespersons for construction equipment?
I was at a demonstration party for Case New Holland a couple years ago and they were showing off their machines, but this is definitely more impressive.
I agree with McCullough (#4), aside from demonstrating that a fellow CAN function with balls like a camel – WHY?
Because you can !
As long as you are REALLY careful not to hit the wrong lever at the wrong time this is pretty safe.
At least compared to what people manage to do with these on real construction sites.
That is a fine piece of equipment and they proved it. The driver was highly skilled, absolutely insane but skilled.
I can see the new ad campaign now…
Nothing climbs like a Liebherr! 🙂
I watched a roading contractor in Taranaki do exactly this, to unearth a large bolder overhanging a highway. Climbed a 200ft cliff with an excavator. Dig a little platform, crawl into it. Dig another, and so on. No safety belt, no head protection, not even a parachute. Finished the job, crawled back on down for a cup of tea and a sandwich.
So very Germanisch.
And you all wonder why they’re obsessive about their Autobahn?
#10 Actually, John Deere and Liebherr cooperate in the construction equipment segment. The JDeere factory in Dubuque, IA makes bulldozers of a certain size for Liebherr while Liebherr makes the bigger 950 and 1050 models for Deere. And JDeere imports from Liebherr the 244 and 344 model payloaders.
And Liebherr has a factory in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia that builds a mining dump truck as big as Caterpillar’s. It is rated at 280 tonnes. I hauled the cab/superstructure for one with dimensions of 13 ft by 25 ft. So the machine sits at least 25 ft wide. It went out to an open-pit coal mine in the Powder River region of Wyoming.
I believe the whole Weltanschauung of YouTube is that WHY? is irrelevant.
#7 bobbo How about this?
Personally, I would despair if I outgrew heavy machinery.
They couldn’t make two of these and make it a race? How un-American!
Hey honey, wanna go to the Tractor Pull-up tonight? Let me go put on my Liebherr jacket, cap and t-shirt on. I love Hans Jr. #8.
Well, there’s nine minutes of my life I’ll never get back.
Hope someone makes this tower in “Rigs of Rods”
(An open-source freeware truck/crane sim)
I love lifting a container thats way to heavy
using the default mobile crane , and tipping
over, then wrenching myself back upright using
the crane arm.
How many of you were kinda hoping for a Darwin Award ending ?
This may be the best thing i have I have never scene
Wait, they had the crane there, why didn’t they just lift the back hoe with that?
And the dude wore no safety helmet?
Well sure, if the thing fell over he’d be pretty much just a pile of human casserole, but at least if he was wearing a helmet his wife might at least have been able to take one last look at the top of hi head before they scooped him into the casket.
The moral of this story is: Definitely do not EVER put full blown AI in construction equipment.