If your iPad is wearing the iMaxi, I wonder if you can ride a horse while using your iPad? If you don’t get the reference, you’re too young.

With its durable vinyl outer layer and plush, quilted-cotton sleeve, the iMaxi helps keep your iPad clean and dry. Plus, the iMaxi’s Velcro-latched, advanced wing design wraps snugly around your device, so your iPad always stays where it should. Best of all, it shields it from all those unsightly and embarrassing data leaks that would make any motherboard worry!

And then there’s the duct tape iPad case (found by Eideard).

  1. bobbo, I'm not a misogynist, or a sexually repressed 12 year old, or a basement bound geek but says:

    I really like this subject.

    More maxi-pad please. Hold the catsup====hjahahahahahahahahahha!

    Yea, thats what I think.

  2. sargasso says:

    For confused foreigners, a Maxi Pad is a disposable nappy worn by incontinent elderly Americans. Yes, Americans let incontinent people indoors.

  3. bobbo, why its crap wrapped in a mystery surrounded by more crap says:

    aka = an unused corn cob.

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    #2: No, actually a MaxiPad a thick sanitary napkin for women who don’t use tampons. You’re thinking of Depends.

    OK, now I’m concerned that I know all this stuff.

  5. rider says:

    These jokes got old about 3 seconds after Jobs announced the name iPad.

  6. Lou Minatti says:

    The iPad is a very expensive device that will be found in many junk drawers within 6 months.

  7. Micromike says:

    I don’t care how you feel about Apple or the product, this topic is juvenile at best and doesn’t deserve space on a Blog that used to be tech oriented.

    As #5 Rider said “These jokes got old about 3 seconds after Jobs announced the name iPad.”

    No real news lately and the content quality hits zero.

    [This has never been, since John started it, a tech blog — ed.]

  8. Lou Minatti says:

    “I don’t care how you feel about Apple or the product, this topic is juvenile at best and doesn’t deserve space on a Blog that used to be tech oriented.”

    Easily half the content here isn’t tech-related. But I do think it worthy to discuss Apple’s Edsel.

  9. Floyd says:

    I saw an iPad in action at Best Buy today. It’s mostly a game machine as far as I can tell. Teenagers were using it mostly for games. That’s a lot of money for a game…

  10. Say No to XX says:

    Joke makes no sense because no female would use 2 pads at once. Instead if you want protection on those heavy days, you would use this. Of course, Steve did not even allow a slot for one.


  11. Animby says:

    # 7 Micromike said, “…a Blog that used to be tech oriented.”

    Really? I was under the impression it was left wing political blog!

    # 10 Say No to XX

    Nice find but ludicrous. No USB port on the amazing iPass.

    By the way, a friend who’s mental health is under suspicion due to his Apple-idolatry is quite dissatisfied with his iPad. He says the screen is so glossy when using it to read he finds himself distracted by his own pores.

  12. Tripper_ says:

    This is a great product for the inevitable battery leakage.

  13. MrMiGu says:

    I wouldn’t consider taking a touchscreen laptop and stripping out all useful functionality “new technology”

  14. jescott418 says:

    You have to laugh at how gullible Apple fans are. I mean the iPad ideal is not revolutionary. Its just a iPod Touch on steroids. Second just read the forums and people are having issues from overheating watching video’s to WIFI issues. It might actually work better at being a expensive server tray with a menu displayed on its screen. I just have to laugh at all those who spend $500 on such China made crap.

  15. I wear astronaut diapers so I never have to leave my couch.


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