The only debate is over which newscaster can get better ratings riling people up over this media distraction. Having said that, the argument that slavery is a states-rights issue is vaguely relevant to those (like the governor here in Nevada) who feel Obama’s health reform bill is unconstitutional because of states-rights concerns.

  1. Uncle Patso says:

    Confederate History Month? A great opportunity for lots of educational displays of the conditions on slave ships (which often lost more than half their “cargo” in the crossing) and what it really meant to be “sold down the river.” I think a lot of younger people today have no idea…

    Thanks, Cursor_, for such an excellent statement of the facts.

  2. Dallas says:

    #31 I also concur with Cursor_.

    However, the worse kept secret is most CHM supporters merely want to display their eBay confederate flag and their gun to show how manly they are.

    Do you really think the profile of this group is proficient in American history?

  3. FRAGaLOT says:

    Both sides are assholes about this issue.

    The black reporter saying “I know something about slavery” is such a bullshit comment, and could be considered a reverse-racist remark.

    Being black has nothing to do with knowing about slavery or not. That’s like me saying “I know about Haggis, because I’m part Scottish, but I’ve never eaten it.” …total bullshit statement.

    She knows as much about slavery as any one else who’s been educated in public schools while in history class. It’s not like she was ever a slave, or her mother, or grandmother. She may have had first hand experience with racism, bigotry and segregation, but that’s FAR FAR and removed from what SLAVERY is.

    Every black person alive today is at least several (maybe less) generations removed from the time of slavery. Plus not every black person in the US now had ancestors who were slaves. So why do we continue to keep kissing their asses about this issue when no one alive today is responsible for it anymore?

    Why can’t we just GET OVER this? I’m sick and tired for apologizing to any ethic group about what this country may have done to them over 100’s of years ago. GET OVER IT ALREADY!

  4. bobbo, looking with my eyes open says:

    #33–say Frag==are you really this stupid, blind, or just spinning your ass off???

    Who exactly is kissing anyone elses ass?

    Have you ever apologized for anything??

    I doubt it in both cases.

    So simple minded you are, its the basis for everything evil I can think of. People alive today were prevented from voting because of the color of their skin. Does this happen to EVERY black, yellow, red, brown man? No. Is that the standard an outrage has to meet before you will acknowledge it?

    What a silly person you are.

  5. MikeN says:

    At the time of Lincoln’s inauguration, and even up to the shooting at Fort Sumter, there were more slave states in the Union than in the Confederacy.

  6. smartalix says:


    It would be like saying, “I’m a Jew, so I know something about the holocaust”.

    Black people get racism rubbed in their face constantly, with intensities raging from casual unthinking prejudice to outright hatred. Knowledge of slavery is a remembrance of cultural history, sadly.

  7. Glass Half Full says:

    Hey, how about a KKK Appreciation day in Alabama too! Similarly, it’s JUST a Christian men’s social group (officially). They love the confederate flag and what it “stands for”…which is…er…love and respect I guess, right? (cough)

  8. Glenn E. says:

    Seems to me that the War of Independence, from the rule of Great Brittan, lasted a lot longer than the US Civil War did. Like from 1776 to 1812, if you want to get technical about it. But we, in the US, only devote one lousy day to remembering it. That would be the Fourth of July, of course. Why the hell isn’t there an “Independent Month”?! Instead we’ve got a ridiculous “Confederate History” month, which commemorates what? The LOSING SIDE?! Keeping an old wound open and festering, for something that 99.9% of Americans don’t give a rat’s ass about. Yeah, we’ve sure got our priorities straight in America. If you ask me, we deserve all the crap we inflict upon ourselves. We’ve got to be one of the most politically immature and ignorant peoples on the earth. Still arguing over the States’ right to deny human beings, their God given rights, based on skin color. And let’s make sure nobody forgets a civil war, supposedly fought because of that. Except it was really about maintaining the immoral economics of cheap slave labor. And the plantation owners who stood to loose their monopoly of the Cotton industry. And probably the tobacco industry stood to hurt somewhat, too. But just like today, the rich and powerful, con so many of the rest of America into fighting their battles for them. In the name of some trumped up, misdirected cause. Like the Tea Party, opposing any changes Obama and the Democrats propose. As if George Bush made the world perfect during his eight years. Maybe perfect of the super rich. They sure don’t want their perfect world of tax shelters to change.

    Well the next civil war isn’t going to be the South vs the North. It’s going to be the unemployed vs WALL STREET and Congress. Because the nation’s wealth only seems to be flowing back and forth between these two.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    #11 – BTW, the Pledge of Allegiance wasn’t recognized by Congress until June of 1942. So it was probably for the purpose of war propaganda, that they decide to make it official. Before that, it had been meant to commemorate Columbus Day. Not as something recited every school day. Or at all official government functions.

    “The Star-Spangled Banner” was recognized for official use by the Navy in 1889 and the President in 1916, and was made the national anthem by a congressional resolution on March 3, 1931. [to quote Wikipedia] Before 1931, other songs served as the hymns of American officialdom.

    So once again, just before two major world wars broke out. The US got the song to stir hearts to do battle. What are the odds, eh?

  10. cgp says:

    Here’s a simple test that could be put by students when confronted with the teachers with certain passions.

    In the 1860’s when the ‘house divided’ issue occurred, when was the dialog ever stated that would have gone along the lines

    You can keep your damned institution of slavery as long as you stay in the union.

    Did this dialog occur? If not then the issue of slavery was a side issue and correctly is not part of the reasons why the south split.

    You are seriously deluded if you think men of that time sacrificed themselves for the black man. You probably have a passion for ‘attention seeking’ for an absolutely undeniable ‘most important’ cause of US history, just get your timing right.

  11. Ben says:

    A national study conducted by explored opinions of 600 Americans regarding Virginia’s reinstatement of Confederate History Month. Results found that Among political parties, the majority of Republicans (62%) indicated that confederate history should be honored, while the same proportion of Democrats (62%) reported that confederate history should not be honored. In addition, nearly half of the respondents (48%) reported that celebrating Confederate History Month promotes racist ideals.

    More results

  12. smartalix says:

    F*ck the confdederacy, they got their bitch asses whipped. F*ck revisionist historian asswipes as well, their racist shit is getting less and less traction and their f*cked-up ideology will die as well as our society continues to become more integrated. They aren’t on the ash heap of history, they are on the ass end of history. F*ck those racist shitbags.


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