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They’re milking this Tiger thing more than those whores milked his dick.
QF (quite frankly)!
To Mccullough:
“Just cause you don’t understand what’s going on
…don’t mean it don’t make no sense
And just cause you don’t like it,…don’t mean it aint no good” ST
Get a life.
Tiger Woods gives permission to being in an ad using his dead father’s voice to sell sneakers and golfballs. Stay classy Tiger!
the Tiki
The two morally bankrupt and boring stories this week, TW and Ipad.
#3: That was his dead father’s voice? Holy shit.
Tiger is sinking into 3 kinds of holes
1. whores’ herpes-infested ones
2. golf ball holes
3. moral oblivion
It’s not Tiger Woods selling Nike It’s Nike selling Tiger Woods
If they can get people to buy Woods then they can use Woods to sell Nike again.
Sound plan bad execution
Felt sorry the golf commentators today. Everything sounded like a double entendre.
“Tiger has a tough lie”
“Tiger might have layup in front of the rough”
“Tiger has to get a tight grip on his shaft is he’s going to get out of the rough”
I can stand the maxipad crap better than the Tiger Woods crap. Get a life! I’d rather hear about the kids selling pop corn for the scouts on the corner than TW and I don’t want to hear about them!
I didn’t know Buddhism was such a liberating theology. Have to check that out, plus how to become world famous celebrity and rich, rich, RICH!!!
But seriously folks—what kind of “introspection” is present when you marry a babe like he did WHILE knowing you were going to continue your bachelor life style???
Obviously, politics is in Tiger’s future.
I am still simply SHOCKED a professional athlete would be having all kinds of sex. Scandalous!
Why haven’t I heard anyone else saying that Nike missed their big chance…
“Ladies and Gentlemen, the new Nike spokesman…TIger Woods…
Just do it.”
As I understand it>>
Buddha points out if a married man goes to a woman for sex other than his wife that could become the cause of his own downfall and he would have to face numerous other problems and disturbances. Buddha’s just explains the situation and the consequences. People can think for themselves as to why certain things are good and certain things are bad.
In the tradition of Buddhism with this experience Woods has gained knowledge and hopefully moved one step closer to enlightenment.
Nike on the other hand is just a corporation existing to make a profit and not subject to human suffering (the supreme court might differ here)
Howard==I don’t study the thing but my take would be that it is desire that causes unhappiness.
Beyond the religious/religion/Buddhism aspect though is why anyone that wanted sex with a bunch of babes would ever get married, or get married and not have a prenup that said just exactly that.
You can’t be “not thinking” when you go thru the process of drawing up legal documents outlining the where’s and whatfor’s and not give it more thought than Tiger did?
The boy just doesn’t make much sense to me. He needs to take a break from golf and think about what he really wants and why. He, he,==something buddhism is no good at all about as it is about teaching you not to want anything at all.
In so many ways, we really do do it to ourselves.
Silly Hoomans.
I can’t believe this! Using the voice of Tiger Woods’ dead father in a Nike commercial to try and save his image is really low. I think this is immoral by Nike to stand by a man who has quite clearly lost his mind and has cheated on his wife an unbelievable 18 times! How can we even consider him a genuine sports star any more. Most of the sports blogs listed on say he is not going to recover from his image setback. Even using your late father can’t help Tiger, I’m sorry, that’s the way of the world.