Kind of an odd strategy for anti-abortionists to go after a fellow anti-abortionist for taking a principled stand against abortion. But when it comes to the Tea Baggers – failure is the new success. Perhaps 2 wrongs do make a right.
Kind of an odd strategy for anti-abortionists to go after a fellow anti-abortionist for taking a principled stand against abortion. But when it comes to the Tea Baggers – failure is the new success. Perhaps 2 wrongs do make a right.
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18 years in Congress is long enough for anybody, regardless of party affiliation. Time to get a real job, Mr. Stupid.
#29 I was thinking just that. However doesn’t an article have to be more than just an attention grabbing headline? Shouldn’t it have sources, and an actual story to back the headline up?
A shout out to Marc Perkel for this short and to the point article.
Some prefer article with word fluff, pointers and pronunciation tips. Not me. Like food, I don’t like fillers and empty calories.
Well done. Marc P
You should get more of an understanding of the Tea Party than what MSM spoon feeds you.
The Tea Party is against Big Government and More Taxes. Nothing less, nothing more.
It is NOT a political party that has anti-abortion as one of it’s planks. It has only one objective.
Members may lean to being social conservatives as well. But definitely not all.
# 35 EvilPoliticians said: “The Tea Party is against Big Government and More Taxes.”
Hmm… if one is for a smaller government, doesn’t it logically follow you’d want fewer regulations, less oversight and more privacy?
And wouldn’t that logically follow that the choice to carry a fetus to term falls on the individual and *not* on the government?
So why is it that apparently a lot of so-called “conservatives” or “tea partiers” are anti-choice? The real answer is there’s no logic, IMNSHO it’s a religious choice. The Christian Taliban trying to impose their values on others.
Personally, I’m against abortion, but I’m pro-choice and it has been proven, in court, that it is a constitutional right. You know, a little thing called Roe v. Wade.
I deeply respect activism, even if I don’t agree with some activist’s opinions. However, I have no respect for dishonest activism. Dishonest in terms of disguising religious dogma as something else; intellectually dishonest (as in being against something because Rush or Beck said so, not because one really thought through the issue or gathered comprehensive information); or dishonest in terms of pretending astroturfing is the same as grassroots.
#4: Let’s rephrase that:
“Obama wants him to stay, that alone means he’s more principled than most politicians.”
#36 Arpie has it right on abortion: he’s against abortion personally, but also respects the rights of others to disagree with him, and to make their own decisions about abortion. That’s a principled stand.
Priceless! It’s because of their propensity for making statements like this that the Tea Party groups don’t get any more respect than they do:
“There is a silent majority who are tired of their voices not being heard.”
Eh? Did someone say something? WHAT?
is there a story here or was this a Mad-Libs playback?
“Kind of a ________ strategy for __________s to go after a _________ ________ for taking a principled _________ against __________…”
Perhaps Marc Perkel should take Adam Curry’s cue and LAY OFF THE WEED! Before you know it you’ll be talking like the Tech Hippie…
@polybot – Where is your proof?
Somewhat pro-lifer Bart Stupak said Democrats were telling him we need abortion to keep costs down. He then agrees to the bill as written.
Do all Congressmen go to the same fucking barber???
I see what you did there Marc! You sneaky guy, you went and called them “Tea Baggers.” Wow, what a witty comment. Of course, when you can’t argue with facts and logic, you need to resort to name calling and school yard antics. Maybe you should leave the political commentary to the big boys?
Every single person who voted for this unconstitutional turd of a bill should be removed from office. At least with auto insurance, you can choose not to have a car. Only way to avoid government control this time is to commit suicide.
The blue dogs run with the tea baggers at their own peril.
If anyone dares do the right thing for working Americans, the tea baggers will viciously turn on them.