Truly ground breaking research. I’m going to roll over and go sleep now.

Given a choice, men prefer “hooking up” to dating, while women prefer dating with the prospect of a relationship to causal sex, U.S. researchers said.

Carolyn Bradshaw of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Va., and colleagues exposed 150 female and 71 male college students to a variety of situations involving dating — when the man asks a women on a date and the woman accepts or rejects any sexual overtures and there is the prospect of a relationship — and/or hooking up — a casual sexual encounter between strangers or brief acquaintances.

The study, published in the journal Sex Roles, found women seemed to want a relationship more than men, but women fear, whether dating or in hooking up, they will become emotionally attached to a partner not interested in them.

The study also found men seemed to value independence and they feared that even in hooking up, a woman might want to have a relationship.

  1. jmsiowa says:


  2. atmusky says:

    This may not be stunning to most adults but someone should tell it to the teenage girls that don’t get it. They want to be “In Love” have a “Relationship” – most teenage guys just want to have sex.

  3. The0ne says:

    Hey now, I want both! Where’s that in the research! REDO *hands over more money for the pathetic research*

  4. bobbo, "she broke my heart, so I busted her jaw!" says:

    Very superficial study. Just pay attention and you may discern that “the relationship” women want is with their children.

    Darwin strikes, the Tooth Fairy dies.

  5. Floyd says:

    And how is this new information?

  6. Father says:

    Women have relationships with their friends. Women want a man to lead, provide for, and protect them and their children, and the more a man meets their expectations, the more the women love their men unconditionally.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    I wonder how much Federal educational and grant money was used to finance this study.

  8. chuck says:

    The amazing part is, men are so desperate to have sex, that they’re willing to put up with the relationship crap to get it.

  9. Rudolph says:

    Only on a sled, as pictured will I do it. 🙂

  10. Reverse Engineer says:

    I think more research is necessary…

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    #7: Some women, definitely not all. Certainly not the women I know. They want to be equals which I’m all for.

  12. hmbterry says:

    The next study will show that men are actually willing to lie in order to have sex.

  13. bobbo, "she broke my heart, so I busted her jaw!" says:

    #7–Father==you set up 4 very certain conditions that must be met (and maintained) leaving a myriad of associated and related “sub” conditions assumed (eg, being faithful is part of protecting?–or whatever, just cram it in there somewhere) and then you nonsensically say that the love proffered therefrom is “unconditional.”

    You sound just like a 12 year old girl=just as women whatever their age do.

    Do you have a pair?

  14. Father says:

    I was being funny. Ha ha!

    However, and not trying to be disrespectfull to you Dear Boy, but I tend to think Uncle Dave really does know more women who treat him equally than you may. Just saying, because your stubborn view wouldn’t let you see the humor in my post.

    But I tend to sense the dreamy 12 yo in the 20 & 30’somethin women I chat up. But we’re all kids deep inside, so no harm in that.


  15. car guy says:

    Its always amazing to watch the money and time that guys will spend on their autos and trucks
    “Chicks dig cars”
    Yet to most people the car really does not matter
    Its the relationship ( or chances of future marriage and baby that does)

  16. Buzz says:

    On the other hand, men want approval, and women want security.

    Or was it men want toys and women want babies?

    No, no, I got it; men want money and women want to spend it!

    Hey, we could do this all day…

  17. Uncle Patso says:

    “Publish or Perish” can be a bitch, but with studies like this the whole department can get their names on a paper!

    This study, and many more like it, should be required reading for all young girls. Forewarned is forearmed…

  18. sports cars says:

    This is not entirely truth.
    Men just like to have sex first and then relationship.
    Girls need relationship first in order to feel good about sex.

  19. bad sample says:

    Ok, so that is what was found for college aged persons living the college life. Why should that generalize to other ages? 40 year old men and women may be quite different.


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