This Episode’s Executive Producers: Milou Lisa de Kemp, David Ickler
Associate Executive Producers: Keith Bradshaw, Jonas Astrom
Artwork by: Randy Asher

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  1. rider says:

    Wow the only field in the from is a required field, never would have figured that if they hadn’t a told me.

  2. Zybch says:

    So, what the point of having the tit image?
    Seriously, whats the point?
    It serves NO purpose, just makes NoAgenda look like a cheap tits’n’ass show. Probably not the kind of image you want to convey.

  3. TooManyPuppies says:


    It sells milkshakes! Now, I must go get me some milkshake!

  4. SomedudeinPAUSA says:

    It is so when you get horny, in the morning, looking at womens breasts you will also be thinking about No Agenda.

  5. AGP says:

    #2 “So, what the point of having the tit image?”

    Now seriously, you need this explained to you?

  6. new-tits-ftw says:

    old breasts don’t fly…

  7. ECA says:

    2 of 4 groups appreciate TITS..

  8. Zybch says:

    But its NOT a tit image. The nips are covered, so whats the point. It just cheapens the show.

  9. Todd Peterson says:

    Nice of you to enjoy and condone murder of civilians by US troops.

  10. Riker17 says:

    The slogan on the graphic is very similar to another popular talk show. Anyone heard of Alex Jones?

  11. Microsoft has failed says:

    Starting to getting annoying to hear Adam going on and on and on about us financing his internet surfing hobby. Get a real job!

  12. The0ne says:

    You’re asking a question regarding “tits” to a bunch of geeks, probably old, that aren’t getting any or just getting barely enough.

    So ANY photo of tits will get them aroused. Remember, most here are GEEKS! When you see something like this just think to yourself “okay, one of these geeks is jacking off and want’s to show off by posting here.”

    Yes, I know pathetic but they’re GEEKS!

  13. TThor says:

    This is sliding……….

  14. Zybch says:

    #12 I guess so, but anyone already listening to NoAgenda is going to keep listening regardless if there is a nip shot or not. It is however a great way to improperly depict the show as infantile to those who might listen to it the first time but are put off by the juvenile image.

  15. Todd Peterson says:

    Uninspired show. Boring.

  16. jccalhoun says:

    Zybch said,
    So, what the point of having the tit image?

    To make sure that as few women as possible have any interest in frequenting this site.

  17. SomedudeinPAUSA says:

    @#11 “Starting to getting annoying to hear Adam going on and on and on about us financing his internet surfing hobby. Get a real job!”

    20 minutes of “begging” for the 1hr 40min of entertainment seems to be fine with me. Maybe you like Leos 30-40 minute ads for his 30-40 minutes of actual content but some of us like more content and are willing to pay for it.
    Your welcome for helping the show stay on the internet for you to enjoy.

  18. Brad Johnsen says:

    Get a third show now – and put all the nagging about us doniting to finance your hobby into it!

  19. rider says:

    The begging for money is ok, it’s getting a bit excessive. It’s the constant knight hoods and reading of names that’s annoying.

  20. Father says:

    “improperly depict the show as infantile”

    You think the show isn’t infantile?

  21. ECA says:

    its more of a NEWS show, then anything.
    There arent enough comments..
    Not much in opinions..
    NO debate over facts or discussion of HOW these were discussed..

  22. ECA says:

    USA tax? whats left??
    VAT?? we already have something simular and probably MORE then what VAT would have been.

  23. ECA says:

    ATM/type machines and CC card machines are idiotic…
    AS.. they arent OWNED by the companies that they have SIGNS FOR..
    Visa does not have machines..there are machines that TAKE the cards..Even STORES that take the cards are charged, by the middle man..

    With the INTERNET and direct ACCESS, why cant stores have direct ACCESS to the info they need?


  24. ECA says:

    Your hands in GODS hands, does not mean A HUMANS HANDS, HER hands, HIS hands or ANYTHING EARTHLY..
    you would need to DIE, to be placed in GODS HANDS…

  25. ECA says:

    Take the country back??
    FOR WHOM??
    its a statement without FACTS..

    Might as well say…Im going to the BATHROOM..
    Electing someone who has NO EXPERIENCE in the job..LOVE IT..
    Might as well have the WTO run the world.

  26. ECA says:

    Problem with UFO’s is 2 points..
    1. Idiots/fakes
    2. Making it harder to FIND, by adding to the MIX.

  27. Serious says:

    Enjoy the show, but the tits are unnecessary. If you want people to refer others to the show; the more professional it is the more likely people will refer others. I don’t want to come off as a nutcase.

  28. ECA says:

    lets ask..
    WHAT you guys WANT in this program?

    Want them to BASIC the show..
    1.Just Bring stuff up and walk away, and let you KNOW and decide for yourself?
    2.Discuss/bitch/SOLVE a problem??
    3.a FULL history and what created this PROBLEM, then let you figure out HOW to fix it?

    What subjects do you REALLY want?
    USA gov?
    Brit Gov?
    What combination?
    ACTA is alive and being BEATEN to death..

    Thursdays show SHOULD be 1 setup/debate/comment
    Sunday should be a 2nd setup/debate/comment

    Your shot gun effect isnt working IF you do it in the dark, and dont know what you HIT.

  29. ECA says:

    a section on…
    Give us Money AND
    $10 we comment
    $100 we DOUCHE-BAG who you want..

    And the Odds that these 2 idiots read this, is NILL.

  30. ECA says:


    So, few listen and others dont give a HOOT..


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