ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — An Osceola County man thought he’d paid off a parking ticket, so he was surprised to find out Monday that the Orange County Clerk’s office had issued a warrant for his arrest. Luis Gomez owed exactly one cent on a speeding ticket he received one year ago. Gomez tried to call the court to resolve the problem, and then tried to pay online, but had no luck.

“They won’t take a payment of a penny online,” said Gomez.

Gomez works at a school in Orange County and feared he would get arrested on campus in front of his students. Eyewitness News contacted the clerk’s office on Gomez’s behalf and was told nobody would be arrested over a penny. When they were told the paperwork said otherwise, officials in the office said it must have been a mistake.

Gomez drove to the clerk’s office on Monday afternoon to pay and was asked if he needed a payment plan. When he said no, he paid the cent and left with a receipt. The status of Gomez’s warrant was still unclear on Monday night and he was told to follow up with the office on Tuesday. Not only did it cost Orange County more to notify Gomez about the issue than a penny, Gomez had to pay $6 to park when he went in to pay.

  1. Rufus says:

    Welcome to the American

    In the USA, the government will spend $40,000 per year to incarcerate people for stealing a $1 candy bar, after paying salaries for cops, courts and paying for equipment.

    Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs steals billions and billions of dollars and not one person goes to jail.

  2. Mac Guy says:

    A few years ago, I did my taxes and found I owed the feds $1. Yes, just $1.

    So I paid it with Visa. 😛

  3. The0ne says:

    Off topic here,

    That he/she on the picture is disturbing.

  4. Dallas says:

    Probably a computer generated warrant. He could ask for a trial and jury of his peers. That would be fun to attend.

  5. Special Ed says:

    I’m surprised they didn’t tase this fucker.

  6. John E. Quantum says:

    Parking tickets are a vital revenue stream for local governments that have severe budget shortfalls. That’s ironic because they also serve to drive customers away from the very areas that need them most. Best thing to do is go to court to fight the ticket and cost the municipality as much money as possible (if’n you got the time).

  7. Nobody Special says:

    Very funny – except:

    He can no longer enter some countries under Visa waiver programs, so if he has to travel for work his job might be over.

    he would now fail the background checks required for bank cashiers (although not for bank CEOs)

    When a police check is required to say, coach his high school football team, or work in a scout group. It’s going to come back as “arrest warrant issued” – are they going to explain that it was for a parking ticket for 1c or will the school’s zero tolerance policy mean he is banned from working with children?

  8. scadragon says:

    Everyone repeat after me:
    “We could not help it! It was the Law!”
    and also:
    “We were only following orders!”

    (excuses given by various defendants at the Nuremburg Trials)

  9. Benjamin says:

    I like the fact that they asked if he needed a payment plan.

    A friend of mine was called and told they issued a warrant for a parking ticket on a rental car. He had documentation that he had turned the car in before a ticket was issued.

    The place that issued the ticket was in California and my friend lived 2000 miles away. He called the clerk of court and tried to resolve it on the phone, but they didn’t wanted him to come in in person or they would extradite him. I don’t know what he did, but he eventually got it taken care of over the phone after he faxed his rental agreement and receipts.

    It was a stupid case, but he did get it resolved. Extraditing him 2000 to California would have cost California a lot more money than bending the rule and allowing him to fax his documentation in.

  10. chuck says:

    It would have been better to taser the guy.

    In fact, they should allow people to pay off unpaid tickets by voluntary public tasering. The cops would have fun and it would be entertaining for everyone.

  11. Mary Hartman says:

    I have reported you all to the government.

    There is no need to go anywhere. They can tell who you are by the germs you leave behind on your keyboard.

    Someone from the government will be here to see you soon, so relax.

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    Off topic here #3, but if that pic on the video box really is Nina Hartley, she is really, _really_ a SHE. Though there is always the likelihood of Photoshop. I think it’s her face but someone else’s bod. She is, after all, over 40.

  13. whaap says:

    IF you find yourself in a situation where you owe pennies for a fine just sent 1 dollar in CASH.

    They have to accept it and it really messes them up. A friend of mine used to always pay parking fines this way just to mess with them, they begged him to knock it off. He is also known to send 5 bucks to a police chief to contribute to the training of incompetent cops. Major headaches are fun when it’s the ‘authorities’ feeling the pain.

  14. Dallas says:

    #12 .. All I can say is Eeeewwwwww either way.


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