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Found by Brother Uncle Don

  1. yanikinwaoz says:

    The website requires that you install some software called “Unity Web Player”.

    A very common malware vector is to require users to install special players to play content. This seems to work very well with teenagers trying to download music or video. Often the “player” may or may not play the media, but it will infect your PC and do all sorts of fun stuff.

    Now… that being said. Unity is not designed to be malware. It is a legit company. So if you want to play this game, I recommend that you go to the Unity website and download the player directly. I don’t trust content websites to point me to valid client program.

    Next, once you install it, I wouldn’t leave it in. Who knows what exploits there are that bad websites can leverage.

    Sorry Uncle Dave. I’m going to have to pass on this one. I just don’t feel the game is worth the security risk of installing a new content player. And I don’t have my browser sandboxed (yet).

  2. phiend says:

    Well said yanikinwaoz

  3. Rick Cain says:

    I’ve always wanted to be a Greek God, spreading fear and death with tornados at my command.


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