Maybe this is why the pros are paid better than the prez.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    What’s worse… He stepped on the foul line on the way out.

    That’s just bad juju.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    The Sox hat was a nice touch. 🙂

  3. Dallas says:

    He wanted to walk the batter. It was a great throw.

  4. T. Jefferson says:

    Of course it’s going to be HIGH and LEFT! Who didn’t see THAT coming?

  5. db869 says:

    At least he wasn’t wearing “mom jeans” like last year.

  6. Buzz says:

    “Maybe this is why the pros are paid better than the prez.”

    Evidence of why McCullough SHOULD quit his day job.

  7. McCullough says:

    #6. And give up this glamorous career….are you crazy?

  8. brm says:


  9. qb says:

    That was ugly. At least no Mom jeans this time.

  10. Benjamin says:

    You would think they would have some staffers take him out in the Rose garden for a game of catch to give him some practice.

  11. Eldon says:

    Trowing a baseball is far more difficult when the pitcher is wearing a bullet proof vest, which he is, unfortunately, required to wear. Look how badly GW flubbed the same test. Check Youtube if you do not believe me.

  12. sargasso says:

    I had to Google, mom jeans.

  13. Rabble Rouser says:

    Damnit… He missed Dick Cheney, who was sitting there in the fifth row.

  14. Chris says:

    LOL, f-ing embarassing. Here’s how a real man throws out a first pitch:

  15. the walrus says:

    Ok this is one thing Bush was better at I will concede that.

    #4 good one

    it did look like he was walking the batter

  16. Greg Allen says:

    >> db869 said, on April 5th, 2010 at 11:16 am
    >> At least he wasn’t wearing “mom jeans” like last year.

    Baseball is gay and French. Hoops is for real men. 😉

  17. Tom Woolf says:

    #14 – yeah, but right after that one pitch, he declared a victory and “Mission Accomplished” and went home, leaving REAL men to finish the fight.

  18. Urotsukidoji says:

    #16 is correct. Baseball sucks. He should man up and drop the puck at an NHL game. I’d love to see President Obama drop the gloves and duke it out with W. Bush’s chiclets would be scattered all over the ice.

  19. jescott418 says:

    Who really cares? If I was the President I think that I would want to throw out a few game balls too. Big deal, I think his sports specialty is Basketball, right?

  20. Palooka says:

    Baseball is dead but none has told the players yet. What he needs to do is wave the green flag at Daytona or appear as a guest referee on WWE’s smack down.

  21. MikeN says:

    If he keeps this up, people will have to consider whether the 3 in Iraq was staged.

  22. Uncle Patso says:

    At least he kept it out of the dirt.

  23. MrZaK says:

    Thats what happens when you have daughters and no son to play catch with. lol

  24. Rick Cain says:

    I’ve seen japanese female JAV stars toss better pitches, but then again I voted for him to run the country, not spend all his time working on his slider.

    Its unfortunate Politico pretends its an unbiased news site. Its become the news affiliate for Fox Jazeera.

  25. angry says:

    He throws like Joe Biden! Whaaaaa


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