Beware, beltless jeans: Your days may be numbered. New York state Senator Eric Adams is taking a stand against the sagging trousers of Brooklyn’s youth.

The politician’s tools of choice: an earnest but far from hip YouTube video. Billboards paid for with his own campaign funds. And a message he hopes will become a catch phrase for covering up: Stop the sag.

The look all started with “prison chic”—fashion that, according to the UK’s Telegraph, is inspired from inmates forced to remove belts and shoe laces while behind bars. But without a catchy song, we’re not sure the message will be heard: The campaign could have gotten a lift by making Larry Platt’s “Pants on the Ground” the anthem for the movement. The “American Idol” contestant’s song basically says everything you need to know—and went viral on the Web. (You can check out the video of Platt’s performance.)

Instead, there are billboards around Brooklyn that feature the backsides of two young men with their pants dropped below their underwear. Fashion crime? According to Adams, yes. But no actual laws have been broken. So for now, these two camps about pants will have to agree to disagree. Adams does plan to lobby the New York school superintendent about imposing a dress code that puts a cinch on the sag.

  1. brm says:


    “They’re kids. Let ‘em be. By the time they get to my age”

    You ever spend time in da hood? Grown men sag their shit. Looks retarded.

  2. Animby says:

    # 31 brm said, “You ever spend time in da hood? Grown men sag their shit. Looks retarded.”

    Not in many years. Some of the places I’ve been living, men wear loincloths and ladies go topless. Other places, men wear robes and women cover from head to toe.*

    If it looks retarded? Don’t look. It’s a fad and will pass. Probably faster if we ignore it.

    *BTW, as a doc I’ve seen what’s under more than a few burqas and I’m almost convinced they were invented not to protect the woman’s modesty but, in a society where arranged marriages are common, so other men would not find out how ugly your wife is!

  3. Buffet says:

    Sag = Fag. It’s obviously just an easy way for flaming homosexuals to quickly identify one another. Real men simply step on them as we walk.

  4. Benjamin says:

    It’s a way to identify the unemployable. No one wants to see your drawers.

  5. GregAllen says:

    I, personally, am delighed with hip-hop fashion.

    FINALLY, there is a generation that looks even more ridiculous than we did in the 70s.

  6. The0ne says:

    Fads, you people are complaining about fashion and fads! Worst of all most of you cranky geeks have little to no clue about either of these except for, obviously, gadget fads (iPad).

    And while I’m one of those dumbasses that don’t know either I do know I shouldn’t be mouthing off and making myself look like a moran.

    Thing is, crack geeks like us have seen several fads that have come and gone. This is no different. Once my nephews love showing off but as they grew older they immediately knew that doing such things won’t get you the girls 🙂 hahahaahha


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