Does a sandwich without bread actually count as a “sandwich?” At best it’s sandwich-esque. On the other hand, I doubt your fat-encased heart will care.

[The “Double Down” is] bacon and cheese sandwiched between two pieces of fried chicken. […] KFC announced the decision to go live with the Double Down yesterday, but we weren’t sure they weren’t playing a April Fools gag. But no, they truly are going nationwide with the delicacy on April 12.

The sandwich will be available in two forms. The Original Recipe sandwich will set you back about 540 calories, 32g of fat and 1380mg of sodium. The not-as-bad-for-you Grilled Double Down totals 460 calories, 23g of fat and 1430mg of sodium.

  1. Dallas says:

    …speaking of healthcare…. This sandwich delights the makers of Lipitor!

  2. UncDon says:

    Can I strap a couple onto a broomstick, ignite with lighter, then use as torch for exploring caves? Or does that only work with original-formulation Twinkies?

  3. SN says:

    I doubt your fat-encased heart will care

    Eating fat does not make you fat nor does it clog your arteries.

  4. Haunted Sheep says:

    Just dont eat it then. I think it looks rather gross. I dont like that floppy ol bacon that all these places seem to put on their products these days. Its fatty, floppy and nasty.

  5. SN says:

    But cholesterol does. Are you saying this one is LDL free?

    Fully read the links I provided and then comment on what I wrote.

  6. Tim says:

    There’s a $1,000 fine for using salt in NYC restaurants, but this is OK?

  7. SparkyOne says:

    Fat free food, all I consume. Only low value plant proteins and I still have high cholesterol, after 6 years. I wanna eat that sumbitch, now.

  8. Tom Woolf says:

    I am 5’8″, 240lb. Nobody will ever accuse me of being an athlete (although you should have seen me in my high school days… {cue Bruce Springsteen}). But just the thought of that contraption, original recipe or grilled, spurred a slight gag reflex.

    Thanks, but no thanks, KFC.

  9. MikeN says:

    The chicken is breaded.

  10. Riker17 says:

    Bacon with chicken, are ya kidding me? I won’t touch it.

  11. JimD says:

    Sounds like HEALTH FOOD compared to Wendy’s TRIPLE BACONATOR !!!


  12. Skeptic of the Anthropogenic Orgasm Between Consenting Climate Scientists says:

    Re: #3, SN….
    Summary quote from your first link:

    “Scientists are still arguing about fat, despite a century of research, because the regulation of appetite and weight in the human body happens to be almost inconceivably complex, and the experimental tools we have to study it are still remarkably inadequate. This combination leaves researchers in an awkward position. To study the entire physiological system involves feeding real food to real human subjects for months or years on end, which is prohibitively expensive, ethically questionable (if you’re trying to measure the effects of foods that might cause heart disease) and virtually impossible to do in any kind of rigorously controlled scientific manner.”

    Your second link is a blog with a topic/agenda. Not a good place to make health decisions from.

    As for fat, I’ve chosen to minimize all animal fat. I primarily choose Canola oil (Rape Seed oil), but other (preferably unmodified) vegetable oils are ok as well. We need some fat in our diet, and no fats whatsoever are created equal. Broad statements like all fat is bad or all fat is good is just bad science, not unlike what is happening with world climate analyses.

    After 6 years (heart attack) on my improved diet my heart condition, weight and overall health has improved a lot even though the poor amount of exercise I do remains the same.

  13. RSweeney says:

    You KNOW it’s bad when they can’t even make the PR picture look good.

  14. clancys_daddy says:

    I think people tend to forget, every thing in moderation. I love every thing about this, fried chicken, bacon, and cheese, to bad KFC doesn’t serve beer. However I don’t plan on eating one for every meal. Eat a “healthy” balanced diet, and exercise, and enjoy the occasional indulgence. Health Nazis lighten the f@ck up and eat a twinkie already.

  15. Knightheat says:

    I will be in line on 4/10. KFC Double Down? There’s an APpetite for that!

  16. brm says:

    looks pretty good to me

  17. me says:

    The only concern I would have with this item would be what oil was used to cook the chicken. Otherwise if you follow the Paleo way there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

    Its the simple carbs that this society consumes en-mass that are the root of all health problems. The simple carbs are what cause the inflammation that leads to a whole host of health problems.

  18. gquaglia says:

    I want!!

  19. BigBoyBC says:

    Before you guy go trashing KFC too much, consider that “chicken cordon bleu” is a chicken breast stuffed with cheese, ham, and is also breaded.

  20. jim says:

    mmmmm, and very few carbs! why didn’t they add the carbs in the info?

  21. e? says:

    OMG! It looks delicious. I want one already I hope they bring it to my country too.

  22. nunyac says:

    McDonalds used to post there calorie count in their restaurants. As I recall, their Big Mac was over 500 big cals. The KFC concoction actually sound pretty good. The cal count may be more competitive than first inspection might indicate. I’m going to try it. Some body has to do something to get even for Obamacare. Come-on, what are you saving yourself for, Cancer?

  23. Grey Bird says:

    A few years ago Hardee’s had a “low carb” burger that was very similar. Essentially they removed the bun, (and charged more if I remember correctly) because the Atkins diet was such a craze then. Last I knew, it was still available, but just not displayed on the menu.

  24. Rick Cain says:

    Fat does not make you fat!

    Its the diet sodas that fat people drink, yeah thats it!

  25. Jopa says:

    Ay yay yay… only in America…
    First, it looks gross. I mean, look at it… but I guess it is ok if you eat it once a month or something like that.

    Anyway, ditch this crap guys – start eating humus and fresh salad! 😉
    If there is anything worth learning from the middle east, it is the food.

    Bon Appetite.

  26. Awake says:

    Baskin-Robbins “Fudge Brownie 31 Degree Below”

    1900 Calories
    39 grams of saturated fat (2 days worth)

    One good thing about the new healtcare bill is that info of that type will have to be available with the food… now if Americans weren’t so darn ignorant in mass about their suggested food guidelines and what ‘food’ manufacturers are providing.

    Fast food outlets are legally poisoning the American population, and are responsible for a huge portion of the American Health costs… maybe just like with Tobacco, it is time to start trying to control the poisoning of America?

  27. stana2z says:

    An Atkins dieter’s dream!

  28. jman says:

    it’s genius!

  29. Benjamin says:

    #32 Hummus: not eating it.

    I’ll try one, but I probably will not eat it every day. I spend most meals at home eating unhealthy packaged meals that are loaded with carbohydrates.


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