A new report linking Apple’s iPad, which debuts Saturday, to global warming has prompted debate among environmentalists about the true planetary impact of these mobile devices.

The report by Greenpeace, an environmental activist group, says the iPad’s fun features — streaming video, downloading music and books — rely on “cloud-based computing” in which vast amounts of data are stored at data centers for instantaneous retrieval.

The power consumed by these data centers and telecommunication networks will more than triple in a decade, according to the report, “Make IT Green.”
Computing accounts for a bit less than 3% of U.S. energy usage but cars are the single largest contributor to climate change, writes Alex Steffen of WorldChanging, a sustainability blog, citing government data.

“If Greenpeace really wants to get up in people’s grill about something that needs to change, it should start with their cars,” says Steffen, a self-described Greenpeace supporter. He also argues mobile devices like the iPad can ultimately save energy by allowing people to work and shop from home.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    “according to Greenpeace:…

    Wake me when someone credible writes something.

  2. Greg Allen says:

    This blog story reminds me of a video here on this blog about a huge server/data center. It was fascinating and made me understand that even low-energy computers are not as green as they seem.

    I tried to find it but couldn’t… anyone have the link?

  3. Father says:

    They must be talking about all the hot air Apple inspires.

  4. DJ says:

    This is stupid beyond measure. It’s an April Fools joke… Right??

  5. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Somebody wanted to hitchhike on all the iPad overhype and create a little press (i.e. increase donations).

    I remember when I worked at a large telecom equipment mfg, every nite the data center printed out pallets paper for inventory, parts, accounting, etc. It was printed out on paper because you could not look this up in real time. Now this info can sit in a server, available all the time, so the amount of printouts is vastly reduced. And, by the way, all those printouts then had to be shredded before discarding because they contained proprietary info. Now one large off-site data center can replace 10 on-site computer centers with all their ancillary needs.

  6. McCullough says:

    If you believe in man-made climate change, and as a tech responsible for the unbelievable amount of electronics I have to figure out a way to dispose of yearly, the answer is yes.

    As for me, I am more worried about the manufacture of cheap disposable electronics and it’s effect on the service industry.

    I LIKE to fix things. It pays the bills and is good for the economy. Fuck You China.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    >> DJ said, on April 2nd, 2010 at 4:52 pm
    >> This is stupid beyond measure. It’s an April Fools joke… Right??

    Before you completely condemn this report, tell me… how much power is being consumed by these data centers?

    I didn’t read the report, did you?

    It’s some serious power — that I’m sure of.

  8. Macbandit says:

    I sure hope so. I’m cold.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    Society is developing a central nervous system. Remember that in the human body, the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) is about two percent of the total weight, but uses twenty-five percent of the energy.

  10. steelcobra says:

    “He also argues mobile devices like the iPad can ultimately save energy by allowing people to work and shop from home.”

    An enlarged iPod Touch can be used for work? WHAT?

  11. NelsonOH says:

    I suspect that many of the readers here have seen this video, but for those who haven’t enter the following in YouTube’s search box:

    “George Carlin – Saving The Planet”

    Although humorous, his take on the subject is highly insightful.

  12. MikeN says:

    Isn’t Al Gore on Apple’s board?
    What will all the global warming zealots do without their precious technology?

  13. JimD says:

    Engineeringwise, as the PowerBandwidth Product goes up, Entropy increases ! The question is how much ? Of course, the level of tech pollution will go up as all those iPads with non-replaceable DEAD BATTERIES will get tossed in landfills !!! When will Congress mandate replaceable, standardized batteries for all these gadgets ?

  14. air tightness test says:

    Thats a good article… would use it and link back.

  15. Gildersleeve says:

    George also reports:

    “Studies have shown that saliva causes stomach cancer. But only when swallowed in small amounts over a very long period of time.”

  16. KD Martin says:

    #2, Greg, just use Google with the first keyword being “site:http://www.dvorak.org/blog” and the next keywords whatever you like. You’re bound to find what you’re searching for.

  17. Manhattan says:

    Chances are that same person would be using a laptop so I guess it’s better they use an Ipad. Saves more energy.

  18. רשלנות says:

    Only problem with any sort of widespread use of Apple products in the medical field is that it simply isn’t cost-effective for an employer to supply them. This is especially so considering Apple’s upgrade policy: Buy a new one.


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