Imagine if these people ran the country. Or should I write that, Emagin if these peeple ran the cun… Well, you get the idea.

Along with the Tea Party has risen not only an incoherent political movement but exciting and refreshing variations on the English language. Now Flickr user Pargon has collected together many fine examples of “Teabonics”, the curious pidgin that has emerged on the simple signs and crude posters handcrafted by the modern-day Poujadists:

These are signs seen primarily at Tea Party Protests. They all feature “creative” spelling or grammar. This new dialect of the English language shall be known as “Teabonics.”

This being the Guardian, we take a liberal view of the uses and abuses of English, and we’d be fools to pretend otherwise. There but for the grace of god, and so on. Obviously, signs like the one above – “Don’t mortage my childs future” – are amusing enough for the mis-spelling. But signs such as these below, with one saying “Honk for English” and another next to it saying “No Amnety” – something to do with immigration – are even more delightful.

I get the feeling that if you pointed out the misspellings to them that they would blame the left for corrupting the country’s school systems so that no one learns nothin’ no mo’. Given these people, it’s hard to argue that point.

  1. serapheem says:

    Yeah because those educated democratic congressmen who are sending this country down in flames are so much more educated

  2. Rick's Cafe says:

    This (post) is the best you got?
    Maybe next week you could use your spell checker on members of congress or perhaps even the president then try to justify (#16) your lack of effort.
    Maybe I’ll check back next year to see if this site has improved any.

  3. Grandpa says:

    Idiots. They misspell to make it look like a grassroots movement and not something from the super rich.

  4. JimD says:

    “Don’t mortgage my children’s future” ignores the historical fact that Reagan and W are responsible for the largest part of the National Debt !!! Ignorant Maroons !!!

  5. RSweeney says:


    You are behind the times, Reagan took eight years with a deficit of less than 6% of the GDP to rack up 2 trillion in debt, Obama, with a first year deficit of almost 10% of GDP has added over a TRILLION in debt in his first year and the CBO says his decade-long projections are another 9 TRILLION in debt.

  6. Bubba Ray says:

    Somebody_Else said, on April 2nd, 2010 at 9:18 am

    >>Thanks for everything, baby boomers. Hurry up and die already.

    You first, I’m already vested and have no intention of leaving anything to you, except global warming. Enjoy, and thank your parents, too.

  7. bobbo, riding the ass of the law says:

    #28–Animby==I appreciate each and every one of your posts, directed at me or not. When at me, I do more relish contradiction/education than agreement. I love it when your opinion is based on your years of clinical practice. In most cases, thats just short hand for educating yourself about the issue because you have an interest in it?

    #36–Likewise with Bubba==hee, hee. An outright call for generational warfare. I love that too. What more should our kiddies want than to serve us for their entire lives? Ungrateful rug rats.

  8. Somebody says:

    “I get the feeling that if you pointed out the misspellings to them that they would blame the left for corrupting the country’s school systems so that no one learns nothin’ no mo’.”

    I get the feeling that you have an admirable grasp of the obvious.

  9. Hmeyers says:

    #13 for the win

    “After we “won” the race to the Moon, education wasn’t considered so important, education budgets were cut, and we have the Tea Baggers as a result.”

    That some interesting social commentary regarding how we place less of an emphasis on teaching the sciences now and socially valuing them.

    One could argue that the popularity of science in the 1960s led to the technological advances of the 1970s and 1980s.

  10. Bubba Ray says:

    bobbo, riding the ass of the law said, on April 3rd, 2010 at 4:33 pm edit

    #36–Likewise with Bubba==hee, hee. An outright call for generational warfare. I love that too. What more should our kiddies want than to serve us for their entire lives? Ungrateful rug rats.

    What are you smoking? I said nothing of the sort. You’ll have to read more carefully and take statements in context. Geez. Get real.

  11. Obamarmy says:

    “TEABONICS”: Linguists are calling this New English Language Vernacular a Phenomenon that is Sweeping Across America.

  12. bill says:

    Perhaps this only illustrates the ignorance of many of these people i.e. Tea Party folks.


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