Tomorrow morning, 9am, the iPad goes on sale. My brother ordered one and got the confirmation email a few days ago which showed it being shipped from China. Will it sell out by Saturday afternoon? Will John win his bet with Leo on the number sold this year (listen to TWIT to find out how many)? If you’re buying one, what will you do with it that you can’t already do on your laptop?

Will You Be Getting An iPad?

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If you do get one, don’t forget to get your iVest with a pocket to carry your iPad around in. There are also 21 other pockets in case, for some reason, you feel the need to carry non-iPad stuff, too.

  1. Rufus says:

    What, Apple couldn’t find anyone else to pay to be the sucker who breathes in all the car exhaust?

  2. kim says:

    What about Captain Kangaroo’s jacket?

  3. sargasso says:

    Too big. Too impersonal. Too breakable. Too expensive. Content and networking are very expensive. The color Kindle isn’t far away, sure, it probably won’t handle video like this iPad, but as far as being a reader is concerned and a networking device, it’s way better and will probably come with a music and audio books subscription service.

  4. chuck says:

    If they made a smaller version, with a built-in camera, that could also make phone calls, then maybe I’d buy it.

  5. Zybch says:

    Wasn’t John’s bet with Leo LaPorte?
    5 million suckers buying the thing and John looses.
    The US is really the only country that has any kind of apple sales worth talking about, so it’ll probably sell a few there, but outside the states sales will be far far less.

    [You’re right about Leo. Fixed. –UD]

  6. UncDon says:

    YES! Pre-ordered 45 minutes on pre-order day. Should be here sometime tomorrow.

    64gb WiFi with dock connector, case, camera connection kit, and AppleCare. I expect to get a raft of apps before Saturday is finished.

  7. Dallas says:

    Will probably get one but want to see what others are producing first.

    There are at least 13 tablet models coming in the next 6 months.

    The key is if the non iPad options will have the content deals in place and application store offerings.

  8. Grandpa says:

    When I’m watching Baseball or Football I’ll be ipadding during the commercials. Hell, I might even use the damn thing for reading!

    Should be great during those long stints on the crapper too.

  9. Benjamin says:

    I want; I want; I want. Fortunately I have enough sense to wait for the second generation iPad.

    A kindle never appealed to me because it is black and white. The iPad is the size of a Kindle DX and that is what I would need it for: to read frigging PDFs. There is also a Kindle app. In the e-book world there is either the kindle format or ePub format. Apple will have their own ePub app, so you get the best of both worlds.

    I am basically going to get one because it looks like a big iPod Touch. I don’t need a camera because I don’t use the one on my smart phone.

  10. jobs says:

    Not only do iHave a iPad on the way iAlready have a dozen apps in my iTunes waiting.

  11. The0ne says:

    Don’t know breathing in exhaust causes NOTHING, according the the elites here. Why do you think I keep offering these know-it-all to come sign my contract and do the exact same thing. If it doesn’t convince them it’s bad, nothing will!

    Perfect Apple customer I say.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    It doesn’t have flash so it is crippled. When someone makes a clone based on chromeos or something then I’ll think about it.

  13. GigG says:

    Not until my Kindle dies and then only if all my Kindle/Amazon books with be readable on the iPad.

  14. Skeptic of the Anthropogenic Orgasm Between Consenting Climate Scientists says:

    It’s just more stuff headed for a landfill in 5 years.

    … but as for sales… Apple will rule again of course.

  15. skits says:

    I dont have a laptop. So, this is going to be my laptop. I have always thought laptops to be to big and bulky. The ipad feels like it will be perfect for me.

  16. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Please correct me if I am wrong on this, but I thought I read that a book or magazine (and possibly all content) bought on the iPad can only be viewed on the iPad. And not on say a PC or even a Mac. Talk about a silo within a silo.

  17. Improbus says:

    I am waiting for the HP and Lenevo tablets. They are much more tinker friendly. Apple has some great hardware and software but it is to much like joining a cult and I think Steve Jobs is a douche nozzle.

  18. Glass Half Full says:

    It…is…just…a….iTouch. Dude’s get a grip. The media is acting like this is the 2nd coming of computing. It’s JUST an iTouch. Yes it’s 10″ instead of 3″. It’s pretty and video will look better on a bigger screen. But it doesn’t to ONE SINGLE THING your iTouch, iPod, or laptop doesn’t do now. It doesn’t have a camera (video or still), you can only load little iPhone ‘apps’ not real software (photoshop), you can’t plug USB devices, you can’t see many of the media web sites because of lack of Flash (though some of them will make iPad specific apps).

    You can’t put it in your pocket. My iPhone fits in my pocket. It has a camera for pics and video. It reads my email, I can watch movies, and run “apps”. Yes the iPad bigger screen is MUCH nicer for certain functions, but that’s why I have a LAPTOP at home (too big to fit in pocket and take to the beach). And my iBook is dual boot with full OS X and Windows 7. MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH more versatile than JUST the Apple app store.

    Silly. Apple is just the Bose stereo or Members Only Jacket of this generation. The cool thing you have to be seen to be “hip”. It will be silly in a few years.

  19. seanb says:

    Only If I can get it for free. Here @pple stuff is sold at a F****** PREMIUM, and support is “courier it to us and we’ll come back to you next month”

  20. Reverse Engineer says:

    #21 FTW!!!

  21. UncDon says:


    iPad apps *are* real software, just not the things you want — yet.

    Be patient.

  22. Benjamin says:

    No one has an iPad yet, but Star Trek dorks already built and LCARS interface for it, so they can pretend it is a Starfleet issue iPad. It’s just a movie.

  23. ochreous says:

    As a developer, I’m required to have one, but I’m not required to be a fanboy about it…

  24. The0ne says:

    I haven’t stopped laughing yet 🙂

  25. Skeptic of the Anthropogenic Orgasm Between Consenting Climate Scientists says:

    It makes me laugh when someone is put down for being an Apple customer. Face the reality guys… 270 million iPods sold to date and it’s been accelerating… not slowing down. From that you can deduce that MOST citizens of the USA are the gullible ‘fanboys’ you speak of, and MOST citizens of the USA have that “Bose” taste for quality.

    Apple is a successful American company… a real asset in these times of economic and political strife… so it really surprises me when you so offhandedly demean it and openly criticize it’s products that are popular because they work well, otherwise sales wouldn’t be 30 million units a quarter and growing after 10 years on the market.

    Please, Apple… move all your operations to Canada where you will be appreciated. There are many young computer programmers and electronic engineers here who would be happy to have your jobs.

  26. qb says:

    #28 I’m amazed how many Americans hate successful American companies these days.

  27. anthonypassonno says:


    Is that all you have? Insults?

    What, are you fucking five years old?

    If the iPad is not something that you would like, perhaps you could move on to something more to your liking, but making retard jokes?

    #30 Yeah, you gotta hate success, at least in the USA.

  28. ray says:

    gotta love apple fanboys.

  29. The Tick says:

    I had to laugh at one blog talking about how elegant it was. Would have made sense had they not had it propped up with a keyboard attached,,,,,,lol fuckin genius’s built themselves a laptop and too kool-aided up to see it.

  30. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Pointing out what you see as flaws or shortcomings in a product is to hate the company? Huh?


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