Tomorrow morning, 9am, the iPad goes on sale. My brother ordered one and got the confirmation email a few days ago which showed it being shipped from China. Will it sell out by Saturday afternoon? Will John win his bet with Leo on the number sold this year (listen to TWIT to find out how many)? If you’re buying one, what will you do with it that you can’t already do on your laptop?

Will You Be Getting An iPad?

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If you do get one, don’t forget to get your iVest with a pocket to carry your iPad around in. There are also 21 other pockets in case, for some reason, you feel the need to carry non-iPad stuff, too.

  1. The0ne says:

    It is precisely those numbers that make this picture even more dire. When you consider what is being said about Apple products and the millions “buying” into them, then one has to wonder WTF is going on and HTF is this nation going to survive not becoming a world of “Idiocracy.”

    “Just works” apparently has done it’s job well even though it doesn’t just work. A closed and regulated product with a few apps to please the majority for a few cents is nothing bad. Why bother when it’s only a few cents vs. free. Why want to use other services when clearly Apple is the only one “capable” of doing so. Why bother having competition at all when you want everything and everyone do do it the way you want them done?

    You realize there are people that want more out of their products they own. And while, again, you can use the argument that if this was the case they don’t buy Apple. Well, that’s what some of us have done and we’re pretty proud of what little we can do to not support the products. The question then becomes if you’re for this mentality why would you bother voicing your concerns or opinions with Apple products and/or any other issues? You obviously want to be told what is the “truth” and obviously like having it kept simple and clean in it’s own environment.

  2. Skeptic of the Anthropogenic Orgasm Between Consenting Climate Scientists says:

    Re: qb” “I’m amazed how many Americans hate successful American companies these days.”

    Yup… absolute insanity.. and it’s easy to see that sentiment when reading DU… but then posters like Pedro could be (probably are) Iranian terrorists for all we know. Still, I think asking companies like Google and Apple to move head offices to Canada is a good idea… before the Tea Party becomes a civil war (who threw that scone?!), or Sarah becomes President.

  3. Mick Hamblen says:

    The bet was for an entire year not just THIS year. I ordered the 3G version ^_^

  4. Skeptic of the Anthropogenic Orgasm Between Consenting Climate Scientists says:

    Theone, you are a minority… a very tiny minority. Start with the US population 350 million or so. Subtract all those who aren’t in the target group / purchaser for products like MP3 players… under 6, over 70, poor, just not interested etc. What’s the net number in your opinion? 50-100 million? By the end of this year Apple will have sold 350 million iPods alone. So either most of the consumer population in the US are idiots buying multiple iPods, if what you say is true… or Apple makes great products that work well and consumers are satisfied and want more. Which do you think?

    All that profit is taxed in the USA… ah, you know what… figure it out for yourself. It’s not that difficult.

    Cap’nKangaroo, pointing out things that could use improvement is a good idea. It’s the wholesale bashing of Apple and their customers (who are practically everyone it seems) that is ludicrous, especially considering the state of your economy and jobs. Speaking of Jobs, he’s a definite asset to Apple and therefore to the bottom line of your economy. Why trash him?

  5. Faxon says:

    My my my. That video was fantastic. Thanks for posting such a vital, informative piece of information, pal. It’s not at all like the shit that usually shows up on youtube. No No. This piece of shit was far beyond the pieces of shit that we normally get exposed to.
    BTW. iPad? Who really gives a crap? The fan boys will buy them, and be sure everyone sees them using them at the Starbucks.

  6. qb says:

    Just ask pedro what he uses for hardware and software. He squirms like a speared mudcrab.

  7. McCullough says:

    qb said, on April 2nd, 2010 at 11:40 am

    #28 I’m amazed how many Americans hate successful Chinese companies these days.


  8. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #39 Some people say don’t bash Apple because they are a successful American company. OK, fine, if those same people can swear they have never bashed Microsoft, HP, IBM, GE, or any number of other successful American companies.

    It is when someone comes running to Apple’s defense at the least little criticism, but won’t do so for any other company, that I say FANBOY.

    For full disclosure, I do own an iPod Touch (32GB, 1st gen) that replaced an earlier 20 GB iPod. For an MP3 player it works great. For everything else I find myself using my Droid phone because I find it works better (and I can replace the battery if needed).

  9. qb says:

    Why do McCullough and Cap’n Kangaroo hate America? They probably throw kittens and puppies into wood chippers too.

    I’m also thinking they’re into nun abuse…

  10. Uncle Patso says:

    Wow. It’s like a religious war in here, with people arguing about how many apps can dance on the head of a PIM or something. People claiming computers _should_ be hard to use, or we’ll all become idiots.

    A good number of the posts are fact-free, containing opinion only, if that — some contain only insult.

    Where’s the section for grown-ups?

    That said, the thing looks like it’s fun to use but I want to see it “in the wild” so to speak before I decide one way or the other, though I do predict the iPad will sell about as many units as all the other new pads combined.

  11. qb says:

    pedro, I’m sorry feel bad about servitude to me.

  12. qb says:

    The iPad comes with unicorns. And makes it’s own gravy.

  13. e? says:

    That guy looks and sounds kind of sad. Why is he sitting by himself over at the kerb? It looks like everyone else is lined up by the store. I wonder if they know he is the queue for the iPad. I hope he didn’t miss out because they confused him with some derro sitting there in his fluro polar fleece jacket.

  14. Anyone whom, in the process of presenting an opinion, feels the need to disparage those whose opinions differ by using epithets such as “fanboy” or, even more egregious, the alternative spelling “fanboi” needs to be beaten soundly by angry mobs with bars of soap or rolls of quarters in socks


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