To add to the video of a Congressman saying that he “doesn’t worry about the Constitution”, this one says that he’s afraid Guam will tip over if it overpopulates:

  1. Animby says:

    Bobbo: you can call an elephant a newspaper if you wish. But both are real and specific things – as is a metaphor. If this politician wishes to call his stupidity a metaphor, that is his right. But it don’t make it so. It would behoove your own reputation not to defend the man’s pathetic attempt to explain his lunacy.

    My imagination is in great shape. You should see the image I have created of you.

  2. Gildersleeve says:

    OK, so let’s say this was all a joke. It didn’t come off as all that funny, outside of making the senator look like a drunken fool. So, what is the point of it all? In comedy it’s about timing, so he has only a limited period of time to let the audience know this is a joke. The fact that it’s NOT coming across as obvious doesn’t mean millions of people are stupid. It means millions of people are concerned that the senator (or any congressman for that matter) could in fact actually BE that stupid. Whatever our politics are, I think that nearly everyone is concerned that a considerable portion of Washington has in fact already lost it, and that this exhibition is probably just a taste of it.

    Now, here is what concerns me. The senator comes across as goofy, at best. The military advisor comes across as intelligent and patient without being patronizing. Now really, for at least a brief moment, didn’t you get the feeling the wrong groups are in charge? Or maybe, just maybe, the roles have already been reversed? The coup has already taken place?

  3. GLSmyth says:

    Reading these comment, I can only shake my head in wonder. Are you telling me that nobody has heard the commonly used phrase “tipping point”? This refers to the instance when a small change has large consequences.

    You folks may wish to check the book with the same name by Malcolm Gladwell (


  4. BoatCaptian says:

    He can’t help it, he’s a lawyer.
    At first I thought Harvard or Yale, but no, even better – Thurgood Marshall School of Law.


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