So, suppose you decide, Bond villain style, to modify the world’s weather or rejigger a volcano or two to save the planet from climate change, you don’t want to jump into it without preparation. You don’t want people thinking you’re a former VP of some obscure country or whatever. Click the pic above to view a Flash-based safety card created by a guy who wrote a book on how to Hack the Planet.

BTW, did you know 1 in 4 TV weathermen think global warming is a hoax?

  1. Awake says:

    Even though we have had some really bad cold spells in the USA this year, they are calling this last winter “The year without a winter” in Canada, with the highest temperatures on record, and actual worries of drought due to record low snowfall.

    But we can ignore that fact, since 25% of TV weathermen disagree with climate change…. maybe this is one of them:

  2. bobbo, making the world better one criticism at a time says:

    Nice link, thanks.

    Does remind me of the yeast in a bottle of grape juice discussing the same issue. but the bottle of wine will exist long after the yeast are gone.

  3. bobbo, making the world better one criticism at a time says:

    It is of constant amusement to see people posting constantly about things they know little to nothing about. Its how religions are born and maintained.

    I’m no different, – – – but I do understand the difference between weather and climate and the inherent variability of averaging large diverse data bases.

    I have turned to “average sea level” as the net/net/net measurement of what is going on. Its VERY STABLE–meaning a constant increase regardless of how cold it was in your neighborhood last night. See it here:

  4. Hmeyers says:

    I’m counting on global warming.

    When the US Debt hits $200,000 trillion, I plan on moving to Canada where due to global warming I can move to a previously “cold as hell” area that has become moderate in climate to avoid having to make US Debt payments.

    Thanks global warming!

  5. /T. says:

    # 3 bobbo, making the world better one criticism at a time said, on April 1st, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    It is of constant amusement to see people posting constantly about things they know little to nothing about.

    … and the other reason for this blog is .. ???

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    “BTW, did you know 1 in 4 TV weathermen think global warming is a hoax?”

    I suppose that means three out of four don’t think it’s a hoax?

    = = = = =

    # 4 Hmeyers, even if you can get past the U.S. border guards, what makes you think the Canadians will take you, eh?

  7. Zybch says:

    “1 in 4 TV weathermen think global warming is a hoax”

    Yeah, because every TV weatherman is a true PHD awarded climatologist/meteorologist rather than a washed up morning show host-type loser who can read from a teleprompter while pointing at imaginary points on a bluescreen.

    Not saying that AGW is true or not, just that trying to make a point using TV weatherman thing is totally an pathetic act of desperation.
    As #6 rightly says, that means that 3/4 think its NOT a hoax.

  8. deowll says:

    According to NASA it is fair to say our climate data is pretty sorry data to base much of anything on though they want to.

    If you don’t have some solid data to and computer modals that work all you can say for certain is we don’t even know what is causing the climate to do what it’s doing and we can’t even get climatologist to agree if it is getting colder or warmer.

  9. Canucklehead says:

    #1 — thanks for the clip. I don’t want to gay-bash, but that guy was SO GAY! Yikes.

    btw — more anecdotal evidence — up here in Toronto, we just had our first ever snowless March. The records go back to 1841 and we have never before had a March without snow. Today it’s 24C. Our normal high for Apr 2nd is 9C.

  10. Somebody says:

    “Did you know 1 in 4 TV weathermen think global warming is a hoax?”

    And the other three are cowards.


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