Have these games just gone too far?

The game begins with a teenage girl on a subway platform. She notices you are looking at her and asks, “Can I help you with something?”

That is when you, the player, can choose your method of assault.

With the click of your mouse, you can grope her and lift her skirt. Then you can follow her aboard the train, assaulting her sister and her mother.

As you continue to play, “friends” join in and in a series of graphic, interactive scenes, you can corner the women, rape them again and again.

The game allows you to even impregnate a girl and urge her to have an abortion. The reason behind your assault, explains the game, is that the teenage girl has accused you of molesting her on the train. The motive is revenge.

“This was a game that had absolutely no place on the market,” said Taina Bien-Aime of women’s rights organization Equality Now which has campaigned for the game to be taken off the shelves.

But the controversy that led to stopping sales of the game instead took it viral.

Hard to believe this game is free and has gone viral. Some people will download anything.

  1. sargasso says:

    Borat said, “Where Pirate Bay find this?”

  2. LDA says:

    Hopefully it contains malware.

  3. MikeN says:

    Haven’t the people on this site been complaining about restrictions on video games?

  4. deowll says:

    Is this thing Japanese by any chance?

  5. bobbo, words have a context says:

    Rape/S-M/Bondage/Torture has been a constant subset of the pron industry.

    So after YEARS of FPS mowing down “mutants” and almost as long car games moving down pedestrians and cops, we would really have to be surprised if this wasn’t available.

    Label and warn, sell to adults only if desired. Respect free speech.

  6. A says:

    We are so uptight in this country.

    Remember ‘Night Trap’ for the Sega CD? Joseph ‘droopy dog’ Lieberman called the game “ultra-violent”, “sick”, and “disgusting”, encouraging an “effort to trap and kill women”.

    The subway molester fantasy is practically cultural in Japan.

    I’d say its better that they flog the bishop at home then on the train.

  7. MarkBaars says:

    How much worse is this then all the games where the object is to shoot people to kill them?? Really??

  8. damontsar says:

    What is CNN problem I thought Japan was one of the safest county’s in the world. Plus the people that was the spokesman for the anti game group was not from that county and could not buy the game in the US.

  9. Zybch says:

    If women didn’t want to get raped they shouldn’t have vaginas and god shouldn’t have given men penises.

  10. damontsar says:

    I hate hate the “The game made me do it” Defense

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    What’s worse than rape porn game? Sonic the Hedgehog rape porn game.

    Again, these links are definitively Not Safe For Work.



  12. ArianeB says:

    Statistically, violent crime has gone DOWN as violence in video games has gone UP. Working out your violent fantasies in a video game rather than in real life just seems the way to go. There are no victims here.

    While there may be some examples of people acting out violence experienced in video games, these are exceptions not the rules.

    Why is sex in video games treated like porn? In the movies, violence (which most of us would never engage in) gets a pass with a PG-13 rating, because we know its fake. Sex (which all of us engage in) is stigmatized with an R, NC-17 or X rating, because it requires real actors to be at least naked, and more in the case of porn. There is a certain realness to it.

    And yet, video game sex is just as fake as movie violence, so why do we treat it like movie sex?

  13. BIlly Bob says:

    Does anybody have a tactic for getting past the donkey punch bitch on level 8? I can’t seem to get the timing right. Thanks in advance.

  14. FRAGaLOT says:

    #4 watch the video.. Duh!

    #6 Yes we Americans are extremely uptight, after all it was founded by uptight puritans.

    #8 Exactly, since when is rape worse than a bloody brutal death?

    #13 exactly! The people who play these games seem to be the most level headed people I know. Not everyone is, but that’s who the media focuses on, the people who are ALREADY mental and blame their crimes from them playing Doom.

    CNN are a bunch of idiots. The best part is when the reporter says that “once a game goes on sale in Tokyo, it’s *DIGITIZED* and shared everywhere.” How INEPT are these people at CNN? Seriously?

    CNN also comes off as if “Henti” is something new, and only exists in video games. Henti has always been about little girls with squeaky voices getting violated and dominated by men, and it’s been in the Japanese culture long before computers, the internet and video games (originally comics I believe)

    Video Games does not equate to 5 year old kids playing them for crying out loud. Yet this news report says nothing about kids playing this game, so what’s the big deal? Do real women (not extremist feminists) really GIVE a shit? What if it was about a bunch of men or boys getting raped (that does exist in Henti) I don’t see men’s groups fussing about it.

    And the point is. It’s JUST A VIDEO GAME! Books, music and movies portray this, but NOOO video games is the new EVIL from Satan. Play that video game disc BACKWARDS and you’ll hear Satan himself telling you to rape and murder people. Give me a BREAK.

  15. sorfle says:

    And how do rape rapes compare between Japan and the rest of the world?

    Thought so! We need games like this over here.

  16. jccalhoun says:

    sorfle said,
    And how do rape rapes compare between Japan and the rest of the world?
    Remember that is reported rapes. There’s no way of knowing what actual number of rapes in Japan is.

  17. honeyman says:

    The more I hear academics, religion and governments criticise computer games, the more I’m convinced that its actually a war on fantasy and an attempt to regulate the way you think. Whatever happened to allowing folk to think for themselves and make their own moral judgements? If we don’t actually harm anyone else what’s the beef?

    The Japanese, to their credit, have some pretty weird and brutal fantasy in their media, but seem to be able to distinguish between fantasy and reality. There appears to be very little rape and murder in Japan. Many Americans, and Australians for that matter, don’t seem to be able to make that distinction.

  18. Semantics says:

    #18 If people start thinking for them self then what will people like Glen Beck,Rush Limbaugh,and Sarah Palin do for a living?

  19. RBG says:

    13. ArianeB

    Statistically, violent crime has gone DOWN as the population average age becomes older.

    What I find interesting/disturbing is what will happen when porn animation can simulate anything that is now outlawed? Or when animation adds just enough features to model a legal grey-area child. Like an alien child.


  20. japosleaze says:

    Japan is one of the only places on earth where
    anyone can walk around the streets at 4 am
    with total safety.

  21. Rick Cain says:

    This stuff has been around forever, nothing new. My personal observation is that this kind of stuff is prevalent in japanese pornography because japanese males are generally too timid to actually carry out rapes.

  22. Anon says:

    This is an old story about an old game first off. The only reason it is getting more press again is American feminist groups have been out to reform Japanese society to their view.

    Grand Theft Auto did not increase rates of grand theft auto. The game Doom didn’t cause Columbine. Video games and reality are very different and 99% of the population can make that distinction.

    Games allow people to simulate what they can’t in real life. It is an outlet, an experience, a SAFE PLACE where you can try something you would otherwise not do. Nobody gets raped, no hookers get run over by your car, and nobody dies in a hail of gunfire when you are sitting at home on a computer.

    The legislation of morality really has to stop. It’s not effective and it is a huge burden on liberty. Then to take it one step further, go to a foreign country to bitch about the games they sell.

    If these feminist groups want to fight a battle worth fighting, go to the middle east and spread your crap. Tell the women they don’t need to wear a burka or get beat by their husbands, see how that goes. Trying to take down a video game niche in Japan really just makes them look pathetic when woman’s rights face much greater danger on a global level.

  23. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    To follow-up the previous post (#24, Anon):

    Attention radical feminists:
    (1) stop FGM – WORLDWIDE
    (2) stop MGM – WORLDWIDE
    (3) stop REAL rape – WORLDWIDE

    You’ll be dead long before you get even .001 of the way through (1), so I won’t bother telling you when if ever it will be time for you to stop video games and fictional accounts of rape.

  24. KMFIX says:

    The video sound byte at the end of the segment is golden. Obviously inserted intentionally by the editor…

  25. RicoSauve says:

    What’s next, an expose on Second Life call girls and the online BDSM scene? Where’s the feminist outrage on that subject? Oh right, they’re all on there as Dommes…

    An actual female gamer interview said she wasn’t offened as a woman. I’m offended as a HUMAN by the feminist group trying to use this reporter to push this agenda of international censorship and conformity.

    Plus, I kind of laughed at the fact that the Japanese g’mnt didn’t want to talk to the South Korean born reporter for an American “news” orginization. DUH.

    A good In the Morning to you all

  26. mike says:

    The desperate Libtards at cnn are scraping the bottom of the barrel (they are the closest to the bottom in the ratings so the scraping is easy) with the rapey ropey thing. Next it will be cannibalism and incest.. basically anything to boost their saggy viewership. Go ahead, fill your boots morons, nobody is watching you.

  27. NYC says:

    I love playing games like Gears of War 2 and CODMF2 but playing a game where the objective is raping a girl is uncalled for.

  28. Anon says:

    I love playing games like Rapelay but playing a game where the objective is mindless killing of people, and even unarmed civilians at times is uncalled for.

    If you allow people to legislate what games are acceptable and what are not, you start down a slippy slope.

  29. Jopa says:

    I was reading the post, I thought it was an April’s fool joke…

    I have been gaming since the early 80s and I must say that this is absolutely disgusting. I hope the Japanese government outlaw it.

  30. Jopa says:

    #30 Anon,

    To counter your claim – if I develop and market a game where players need to crush babies skulls will it be ok?

    I agree that it is a problem to try and mold it into a law, but I think that the gaming industry and the gamers themselves should sanction the development and publishing of “games” such as Rapelay.


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