Read about people who having lost their jobs became full-time Tea Party People.

While there are a number of valid points the Tea Party folks make, there’s a certain level of dishonesty about their furor. One example, the Republicans who vehemently supported nearly identical positions until Democrats supported them. Rosie O’Donnell, of all people, makes a strong case about it.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    Just some points…

    “Eventually she quit her job… to focus on it (tea party) full time”

    “But real estate agents told them the home would sell for about $40,000 less than they paid 19 years ago — not enough to pay off their mortgage.”

    “The Reimers feel disconnected from their community”

    “I just do. I don’t pay attention, I just do.”

    Names: Don and Diana Reimer
    Town, State: Lansdale, PA
    House: Bought in 1991 for $137,500
    Value: 2009 $129,840
    Last Names of owners within 200 ft of their home


    Now ask yourself, why did she leave a paying job to complain that the government doesn’t do anything GOOD about the economy?

    Now ask, that 40k less than their purchase price. Is that before or after Obama? And has it come back up to its current assessment? Was that the improving economy?

    Ask, why do they feel disconnected when within 200 feet of their home there are 14 families and almost every one of them have Northern European surnames?
    Perhaps they didn’t bother getting along with them in the first place?

    Now, consider…
    “I just do. I don’t pay attention, I just do.”
    Do I need to say more?

    She is 67 years old. She is right around the age of the free wheelin’ 60s group. Was she part of the movement against the war in Nam? Is this a desire to relive old memories about being against a “gubermint” not listening to the people?


    – All data is gathered by using Google searches and the Montgomery County Property Appraiser public records search.

    Learn well kids… it is not hard to find people if you REALLY want to and they make themselves REALLY public.

  2. Howard Beale says:

    Looks like Mr. Rimer could save us taxpayers a lot on money if he would make better lifestyle choices. He looks like he has made himself into a potential burden to that government healthcare he enjoys.

    They are not evidenced on informed Tea party members.

  3. thorndike says:

    So Mrs. Rimer quit her job to do this…so she isn’t paying taxes at all. And when she gets ill, I guarantee she won’t complain about Medicare.


  4. sargasso says:

    I guess those full time TP people get free health care? Just asking.

  5. Dallas says:


    Very likely the Tea Party grew from this Republican woman. The elderly provide an insight to group think because they speak their mind.

  6. Steve says:

    I see a lot of fear manifested as anger in the rhetoric of these protesters. They struggle to articulate their anger, most just resort to soundbites from Fox News, but I suspect they’re really afraid of being lowered down another notch closer to the poor people they’ve always felt superior to. The idea of sharing the space in their doctor’s waiting room with ‘that guy’ must be terrifying.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Benjy

    Like I said, you wouldn’t point out the part of the bill that causes premiums to rise. BTW, your link is from August ’09 when the bill was in Committee and various proposals were being discussed.

    So continue to post your fantasies. Just because you believe them though, doesn’t make them true.

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    I’m not sure this is on topic, but these numbers just struck me as being off somehow:

    # 32 Cursor_ cites some figures:
    “But real estate agents told them the home would sell for about $40,000 less than they paid 19 years ago — not enough to pay off their mortgage.” (Emphasis added.)

    Which makes me wonder — they’ve been paying on this mortgage for 19 years and they haven’t even paid off $40,000 yet? That’s less than $175/month! What have they been doing, taking out home equity loans to pay for a new Cadillac every year?

    (IMHO, home equity loans ought to be illegal.)

  9. Cursor_ says:


    It is the typical reaction for United States people that feel “entitled” since the saved the world from the Nazis.

    They feel they SHOULD make a tidy profit from buying a home. Well it is not a guarantee when you do. And in many cases you either break even or take a slight loss. ESPECIALLY in a downturn economy.

    If I could have found the figures for 2005 I think we would have seen that the price of the house was between 200k and 250k. As some of the houses around the area sold in 2005-6 for about 225k from the records.

    So why didn’t they sell then? Well I can bet you can guess why.

    Avarice comes to mind first.


  10. Glenn E. says:

    If there were still a House Unamerican Activities Committee around today. The Republican Party won’t pass their smell test. And it’s interesting that the FBI is hands off the Tea Party. When back in the 1960s, they were tagging citizen for attending anti-war rallies. I guess the FBI has got a soft spot for protesters who advocate killing. But abhor those that advocate doing the opposite. When did I end up on Bizzaro Earth?

  11. Glenn E. says:

    The first thing I thought of, when I saw these bums out in the desert was, “I quess they’re either out of work, or independently wealthy. Or both.” But they sure do seem to have enough disposable income or savings, to afford the gas, and RVs (in some cases) to get there. And nobody would know or care, if the major media did charge out there to enable them. When was the last time that ABC, NBC, CBS, or Fox came to a Burning Man event? Same geography. Just not as political.

    BTW, I’ll just bet that the Tea Partiers don’t clean up the mess they leave behind. Or offer to pay the town of Searchlight, to do it. But you can bet it won’t be reported by the major news media. Or they’ll flat out lie, and say every scrap of trash was picked up. Yeah, right.

  12. Hmeyers says:

    #37 for the win — at least the first two sentences that is …

    “I see a lot of fear manifested as anger in the rhetoric of these protesters. They struggle to articulate their anger, most just resort to soundbites from Fox News”

  13. Benjamin says:

    So post me a link to the bill and I will find that part. You don’t remember them arguing about the so-called Cadillac plans? I didn’t say anything about premiums rising, although Deere and Company and Caterpillar both adjusted their earnings projections to reflect the changes in premiums.

    What I mentioned was they are going to call your employer’s contribution as part of your income. Say you make $50,000 and health insurance is $5000. If you pay $2500 and your employer pays $2500 your income for the year is now $52500. You pay income taxes on $52500.

    Have you read all pages of the bill? Our congressmen haven’t even read the bill before they voted for it? You have a vary high standard if you expect me to be able to reference a section of the bill better than a congressman can.

    # 38 Mr. Fusion said, on March 29th, 2010 at 7:05 pm

    “#24, Benjy

    Like I said, you wouldn’t point out the part of the bill that causes premiums to rise. BTW, your link is from August ‘09 when the bill was in Committee and various proposals were being discussed.

    So continue to post your fantasies. Just because you believe them though, doesn’t make them true.”

  14. jccalhoun says:

    Glenn E. said,
    And it’s interesting that the FBI is hands off the Tea Party. When back in the 1960s, they were tagging citizen for attending anti-war rallies.
    It isn’t just the 60s or the FBI. There were several cases where police were caught trying to “infiltrate” protesters of the last couple Repub and Dem national conventions.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    As I vaguely recall my post-WW2 history lesson. It seems to me that the Tea Party, and the Nazi Party, have a lot in common. At least at their beginnings. Both blaming economic problems on a convenient scapegoat. Back then, the Jews. Now, Obama and his followers, I guess. The Tea Party hasn’t exactly defined their scapegoat that well. And are probably a bit cautious about pointing to Blacks and Hispanics, in general. But after seeing Sarah Palin up on stage in her zippered black leather jacket, and 6″ heeled black shoes. I can’t help but think “where’s the swastika arm band?” Is she becoming the next Eva Braun, for the McCain or Beck Hitler? Will the Tea Party be courting the skinhead neo-Nazis next? I sure hope we aren’t seeing a repeat of Europe’s history, 80 years ago, in the US.

  16. jay says:

    These guys are a joke. i really hope they wake up and discover that they are protesting against their interest. This video is somewhat misleading in favor of the tea party.

  17. cgp says:

    What’s neat about the tea partiers is that they hopefully will split the GOP (geriatric obese pacyderms) vote like what ole Nada did.

  18. Canucklehead says:

    I like how the Reimers are lamenting that the old values seem lost. You know, like PAYING OFF YOUR MORTGAGE BEFORE YOU RETIRE!!!!

  19. Uncle Patso says:

    Reminds me of the old song:
    “Somethin’s happenin’ here
    What it is ain’t exactly clear” (to me)

    (“I don’t _know_, I just do.”)

    I suspect that if people were aware of just who pays for the buses that transport the crowds to these rallies in the desert, in D.C., etc., who pays for the organizing, the advertising and all the P.R. firms working on this, they’d be disgusted.

  20. Breetai says:

    #1 QB

    “The Republicans haven’t had a black senator or congressman since 2003 and only 3 ever.”

    Umm…. Have you seen the Top Republican Micheal Steel? I guess since he’s voting republican he’s had his race revoked.

  21. NYC says:

    All I have to say is I have no remorse for someone who reads any of Glenn Becks books. This tells me alot about these people. Everyone has been hit hard and you just have to roll with the punches and get back up.


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