The hardware is still prohibitive for normal use, but in time, as with all tech, the price comes down. And when it does, expect it to eventually be in every computer which makes one more reason for the government to hack your computer to find out what you’re doing.

Gamers in search of a more thrilling experience look set to get it thanks to interfaces that let them use what are probably the body’s fastest and most fatigue-resistant muscles: the ones that move our eyes.

Gaze-tracking technology has been honed over the years for psychology experiments and to help disabled people. Now it’ s proving capable of providing faster interaction than conventional games controllers, touchscreens or mice – and can lead to trickier gaming challenges to boot. At least one leading manufacturer of eye-tracking systems says it’s likely that the technology will be a part of the computer gaming future.

The trackers uses a small camera to track the movement of the pupil of one eye. Typically the user first calibrates the system by focusing on a series of onscreen targets, after which they can use a glance to control cursor movement.

The potential speed gains over having to find a target and then move a mouse to it are obvious. “With eye tracking, once you’ve discovered the target you are already aiming at it,” says John Paulin Hansen at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

And then there’s this article about improving your reading that includes info on the programming:

Does This Headline Know You’re Reading It? Not yet, but it could.

Ralf Biedert and colleagues at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) are using eye-trackers from Tobii Technology of Sweden along with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a reading enhancement technology called Text 2.0.

  1. Father says:

    Cool, how much $?

    I could see cool gestures being used, like moving eye forward to zoom in, and backward to zoom out, and yes/no gestures!

    This is what I thought Jobs was bringing to his stunning Ipad, but nooooo.

  2. Buzz says:


    • 3D TV requires the wearing of special “glasses.”

    • Advertisers find it very helpful to see where you are looking at TV.

    • Future eye trackers can be built into “glasses.”

    • Trackers in “glasses” will be able to observe your eyes continuously and wirelessly report their findings back to advertisers.

    • Advertisers will subsidize the expense of installing tracker tech into 3D “glasses.”

    You’ve been hacked.


  3. hhopper says:

    This is what will take over for the mouse after touch-screen pads have run their course.

  4. boobtube says:

    I saw a documentary on this a few years ago.
    A male subject was shown a woman in a bikini.

    Eyes tracked to crotch , right breast, left
    breast , crotch, face , crotch , right breast
    etc etc…

  5. The Human Fly says:

    haaaaaa, smoke bombs and mirrors…


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