Real or propaganda to get us to accept man-made climate change? Climate change is happening, but is what man is doing having a bigger effect than volcanoes and other natural sources? For example, a new study suggests our love of beef and chicken isn’t creating the problems first thought. Of course, that might be propaganda the other way.

Geologists from the University of Leicester are among four scientists- including a Nobel prize-winner — who suggest that Earth has entered a new age of geological time.

The Age of Aquarius? Not quite — It’s the Anthropocene Epoch, say the scientists writing in the journal Environmental Science & Technology. And they add that the dawning of this new epoch may include the sixth largest mass extinction in Earth’s history.
The scientists propose that, in just two centuries, humans have wrought such vast and unprecedented changes to our world that we actually might be ushering in a new geological time interval, and alter the planet for millions of years. Zalasiewicz, Williams, Steffen and Crutzen contend that recent human activity, including stunning population growth, sprawling megacities and increased use of fossil fuels, have changed the planet to such an extent that we are entering what they call the Anthropocene (New Man) Epoch.
The scientists note that getting that formal designation will likely be contentious. But they conclude, “However these debates will unfold, the Anthropocene represents a new phase in the history of both humankind and of the Earth, when natural forces and human forces became intertwined, so that the fate of one determines the fate of the other. Geologically, this is a remarkable episode in the history of this planet.”

  1. All I know for sure is that this rock was here a time before we got here, and it will be around a while after we’re gone.

    It is supreme hubris to think that an prolific little bi-peddle, hairless primate with a big brain & opposable thumb can alter the geology, or climate on planetary scale.

    Our britches ain’t that big.

  2. Father says:

    I’m climbing on the fence.

    No boubt 80%+ of the researchers involved in the science, and 100% of the investment organizations, are in it to survive. That is, they need the money research/investment money to pay for their lifestyles, how ironic.

    We will never know what the data shows because money corrupts the science.

  3. Lou says:

    Just like Rush L. Say it loud and make it outrages. You get more press.
    Like I give a rats ass whats going to happen on Earth 200 years from now. I will have checked out, long before that date.

  4. Civengine says:

    “when natural forces and human forces became intertwined”

    Uh, we aren’t part of nature? We evolved… Therefore, nature made us and we are wrecking a natural change upon the planet.

    I laugh every time someone talks about how humans can make choices and choose to not impact nature. No, you are subject to the whims of instinct, which is natural. Humans want to procreate, have their offspring grow up to have more offspring, and biologically reproduce just like every other species.

    Some individuals actually do change their ways and don’t have kids or impact the planet much. But those people are not “successful” in the biological or natural sense we apply to every other creature on this planet. They self-prune from the gene pool.

  5. TThor says:

    So much baloney posted as science! When will it ever stop?
    When the flood of free government money is stopped for opportunistic sensationalists I guess.

  6. Mikey Twit says:

    Christ, since homo sapiens with fully functioning “modern” brains emerged hundreds of thousands of years ago, we’ve been predicting the end, with or without religion. I’ll let you decide if this “green” global warming, climate change, whatever the hell they’re calling this hour movement is another religion.

    Same as it was, same as it ever was.

  7. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Global warming?… not scary enough.
    Fresh water from Ice caps flooding the earth?… meh.
    But no fresh water anywhere. Death by drought?… mhmm.
    Unpredictable climate change?… ok.
    Thousands of hurricanes?… yawn.
    OK, only a few, but really, really, bad hurricanes?… zzzz.
    Oceans getting a little acidic?… Tums.
    All the fish are going to die?… Chicken.
    Polar bears going extinct?… really?
    OK, a polar bear population explosion then?… yep.
    And they’re all running south to eat us?… uh huh.
    Methane?… yes please.
    Methane that will bake us alive and then suffocate us? hmmh.

    ***(pause for more funding)***

    Your testicles will shrivel, your eyes will pop out. … what? !!!
    Acidic air will expose all the roots of your teeth. … Shit !!!
    Methane poisoning will cause you to eat your children. …Noooooo!!!

    “Oh god, what can we do to stop this?”

    Stop funding for climate scientists.

  8. clancys_daddy says:

    Bacteria have, and will always win, the survival game. Whatever species have existed the bacteria were here first and will be here last. It has always been the age of the bacteria.

  9. Todd Peterson says:

    I am so tired of St. Al Gore’s climate scam. Please pull your head out of your a** and look at the data – no, not IPCC’s manipulated data – the real, raw data.

  10. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Todd, raw data has to be cooked… to be safe for consumption.

  11. gquaglia says:

    BS, they can’t even predict if it will rain tomorrow accurately and they want us to believe this load of crap.

  12. bobbo, we think with words says:

    Most of you are just entrenched in lazy non-think anti-science unimaginative mode.

    Will “the earth” be here after hoomans have died/evolved off this planet?—yes, irrelevant.

    Can/have/are hoomans make such changes as to bring on a new “epoch” in the evolution of life on earth?===by definition, of course==any child can see this. When all “top predators” exist only in zoos and genetically in 3 cryobanks is that a “change” worthy of the name?

    Same sort of non-think label spouting BS that demonstrates the ignorance of science. Good thing “progress” can be made by 1% of the population. To that end==science doesn’t tell us if losing all large mammals on earth except for humans and their pets is a good or bad thing==only that the present curve is taking us there.

    Silly Hoomans.

  13. amodedoma says:

    Climate change exists and it is accelerating, ignore it if you wish. I’ll be here to eat my words if I’m wrong and we’ll all have a big laugh about it someday, or not. It won’t be long now till we all become believers. Patience.

  14. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    re:#14, amode., “Climate change exists…”

    I don’t think anyone has ever disputed that.

  15. bobbo, we think with words says:

    You know how to tell you are a knee jerk reactionary?

    THIS OP has NOTHING to do with climate change.

  16. amodedoma says:

    #15 So when is someone going to suggest a little disaster preparedness?, probably when famine sets in and people are dying in the streets!

    signed – Knee Jerk Reactionary.

    OTOH – I’ll leave it to some future scientist to label this epoch according to his criteria. When they’re digging up our remains I doubt our labels will go far in revealing the chaos of our context.

  17. bobbo, we think with words says:

    Amodeoma–nice attempted dodge. I do appreciate your humor and good will.

    What chaos? Contesting theories of life/society playing out as they always have is what I see. Course in those events, both reactionary contesting sides see “chaos” in others disagreement.

    And so shall it ever be.

  18. cgp says:

    Don’t forget the H2S poisoning death of all vegetation when the global ocean conveyor currents cease to flow, which de-oxygenates the oceans leading to hydrogen sulphite emissions.

  19. ECA says:

    I wonder if I could setup a machine to convert CO2, and get carbon credits for it..Hmmm,..

  20. Glenn E. says:

    So they’ve given up on the “meteors will kill off mankind, like it did the dinosaurs” theory of mass extinction. Now it’s the “irreversible climate ruin, caused by too much progress and procreation” theory of it. Sort of a dressed up version of the Thomas Malthus “Malthusian catastrophe”. In fact it wouldn’t surprise me if these four scientists were members of the ISM. That’s the International Society of Malthus.

    In a basic way, I agree that too large a world population will negatively effect us all. But I believe that increased levels of air and water pollution, will eventually regulate the growth rate. Basically, we’ll poison ourselves into birth control. Long before any significant climate effects will.

    And perhaps that’s what all these climate changers are covering up. All the chemical and biological waste contamination of our natural resources. While they’re screaming about climate change. The news avoids the oil spills, and sulfurized air, reports. You don’t hear a damn thing anymore about acid rain, or medical waste washing up on beaches. Did all that magically go away? Yeah, if you want to protect the chemical industry’s bottom line. Make all the bad news about the air being a tad warmer. And blame it on EVERYBODY.

  21. klem says:

    These are geologists saying these things? I’m a geologist and I know alot of geo’s; no geologist in my experience has ever or would ever say such a thing. The geo’s who made these statemments practice a form of geology with which I am unfamiliar.

  22. ECA says:

    #22, glenn..
    If you looked at a few of my links.
    You may see something interesting.
    The Oxygen content is around 20% and falling.
    The reasons are many for it to happen.
    Plants love it. but we keep cutting them down, and blaming Other countries, like areas around the amazon.
    there are a few comments in those links that suggest if/when we drop 2-5% more, we wont be breathing very well.
    Even now, look around and see how many people are having problems. It isnt just Allergies/colds/flu, many just cant get enough Oxygen. And CO2 is a heavy gas, it sits in the bottom. It will pool in lower areas.

    ” * At 1% concentration of carbon dioxide CO2 (10,000 parts per million or ppm) and under continuous exposure at that level, such as in an auditorium filled with occupants and poor fresh air ventilation, some occupants are likely to feel drowsy.
    * The concentration of carbon dioxide must be over about 2% (20,000 ppm) before most people are aware of its presence unless the odor of an associated material (auto exhaust or fermenting yeast, for instance) is present at lower concentrations.
    * Above 2%, carbon dioxide may cause a feeling of heaviness in the chest and/or more frequent and deeper respirations.
    * If exposure continues at that level for several hours, minimal “acidosis” (an acid condition of the blood) may occur but more frequently is absent.
    * Breathing rate doubles at 3% CO2 and is four times the normal rate at 5% CO2.
    * Toxic levels of carbon dioxide: at levels above 5%, concentration CO2 is directly toxic. [At lower levels we may be seeing effects of a reduction in the relative amount of oxygen rather than direct toxicity of CO2.]

    Symptoms of high or prolonged exposure to carbon dioxide include headache, increased heart rate, dizziness, fatigue, rapid breathing, visual and hearing dysfunctions. Exposure to higher levels may cause unconsciousness or death within minutes of exposure.”

    Watch for it in CLOSED work places. as well as other poisoning from Materials in walls and Cubicles.. Fresh air is required, and limiting generally makes everyone Sick about the same time you are getting OFF WORK..

  23. bobbo, we are all marked by the beast says:

    ECA–thanks for the links. This motivates me even more to make a hobby of “electrolysis.” Get some solar cells to crack water. Originally this was just to create hydrogen as a power source but now even more benefit by pumping the O2 into my house. I can smell the ozone now!!!

    Amusing the number of postings that say .6 to .8 increase in co2 is no big deal. But I for one did not know about the toxicity TO HUMANS of atmospheric co2. Course, the ocean really should die off before that level is reached. Maybe that will be the wakeup call the non-scientific majority need?

  24. ECA says:

    The ocean dying off is to late.
    as the CO2 would need to be released to get Oxy back into it.
    Think of what it would take to put Oxy back into your drinking water..
    time to pay for your water and Oxy..perfect sale item. you cant live without it..REALLY.

  25. JimD says:

    It’s already too late !!! The “Intelligent” humans have F*****D THE EARTH !!! Like a FUNGUS IN A PETRIE DISH, HUMANITY WILL EAT ALL THE “GROWTH MEDIA” AND JUST DIE OFF !!!

  26. ECA says:

    According to the info I listed, Life will survive down to about 7-12% oxy.
    The plants will love it, those that DRINK IN CO2, will be growing rapidly..


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