Japan is well ahead of the rest of the world in mobile phone technology: handsets that can pick up TV channels have been standard for years and in many shops payments can be made by swiping a phone over a sensor.
But the latest craze is ring tones said to be therapeutic.
Across Japan the arrival of spring is bringing out the cherry blossom but it is also making people reach for their handkerchiefs as, at this time of year, hay fever is rife.
A company called the Japan Ringing Tone Laboratory has developed what it claims is a cure.
For relief, sufferers need only wait for a call on their mobile phone. The sound is supposed to dislodge pollen if the user holds the handset up to their nose.
Do they have a version for constipation?
Resonance is the key.
Everything has a resonant frequency (think opera singer hitting the high resonant note of a crystal wine glass and shattering it. -same principle) -and electromagnetic signature. -know these two values of any object and you can effect it in many different ways.
It would a small task to find the resonant frequency of this pollen and then hit it with a complex square wave allowing multiple harmonics of the base resonant frequency to “vibrate” the sucker lose..or to pieces without harming the surrounding tissue. (in this case)
The smart person would take this ringtone and run it through an oscilloscope with an FFT program to find the frequencies used, then use a function generator to reproduce tone(s). Voila! no more paying to have someone ring your phone to blow your nose…lol
This knowledge is as old as the Pyramids. -as they are resonant machines used to focus the earth’s energy. (grid)
It’s basically the same concept used in the ADS sonic/microwave weapons and in binaural beat tones used to stimulate your brain to produce *whatever* neurotransmitter required.
See this brainwave frequency list to get a better idea of what is possible with just sound alone.. (I’ve posted this link how many times now?)
We, like The Universe, are governed in part, by resonance and harmonics.
You belong here.
“Do they have a version for constipation?”
Yes, it’s your Daughter’s cell phone bill.
The first thing I thought of (well, maybe 2nd) when I read this was the so-called “Brown Noise”, in an episode of South Park. If cellphones could reproduce that (probably not), there would be a lot more havoc. But a lot less constipation. This bogus claim of a therapeutic ringtone, is probably timed to offset the latest concern about brain tumors being caused by cellphones. Why is a cellphone even needed? The Japanese are nearly famous for creating all kind of handheld gadgets, for specific needs. Usually for sex. So why not a sinus unblocker? Why wait for somebody to call?