I only run this photo (found or taken by Aubrey Ingraham via Metalsucks) because it came up in the conversation recently where an office know-it-all said these water and confetti-filled glass balls were exempt.


  1. emshighway says:

    This sign is at LaGuardia Airport in New York. Specifically at the Central Terminal Building in front of the checkpoint for the B gates. I know because I made it. The reason it is there is because the store inside the airport lobby across from the checkpoint would sell the snow globes and refused to refund. Yes they are prohibited and no allowed in carry on baggage. This is because they are sealed and can’t be tested. There is new technology coming which will hopefully let snow globes through but until them they are forbidden. They can be put into checked baggage.

    The sign was put up as a customer service to the passengers so they wouldn’t get ripped off.

  2. Palooka says:

    You see these signs at the Airport at the TSA checkpoints and in the gift shops.

  3. chuck says:

    But hand guns and box cutters are still allowed, right?

    “Your safety is our priority.”
    “Liberty? You gave that up a long time ago.”

  4. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    I never collected snowglobes, just gas station bathrooms keys. I could start a museum.

  5. Mr. Freeze...ing says:

    I can understand not allowing snow globes…
    but what about snow gloves?

  6. Marisa Miller says:

    Fly naked!

  7. tomy says:

    I saw a grown man brought to his knees when an eight year old beat him down with a snow globe. The guy never stood a chance, the child’s mother (a crazy bitch no doubt), bought it at a gift shop — clearly she ignored the sign. I daresay any sane individual would have recognized her and the little spawn of satan for what they were, but those damn security officers just were not WATCHING!!

    The image of those tiny flakes splashing through the air as the little house bounced off his forehead. The child snuck up while the man was reading the financial times. I have never seen a child move so quickly, it was as if the child were a frog, the snow globe the frog’s tongue, and the man’s head some kind of frog-tongue attracting thing.

    I can still remember the man looking at the Frosty the Snowman figure in his wet hands, his face contorted with pain, his eyes looked up in confusion and locked with mine. I could see that through the pain and confusion, he knew it was over.

    I’ll never forget that day. God damn snow globes!!

  8. sargasso says:

    The urine in my bladder is also sealed and unable to be tested by the TSA prior to takeoff. Does this mean I have to take a piss before getting onboard?

  9. AC_in_Mich says:


    Thank you, that was pure poetry!

    I can just picture that scene…

  10. bac says:

    # – Sargasso — Breast implants are also sealed and unable to be tested containers. Which size is needed to take out a plane? C or D?

    May be the gift shop should be closed down for selling terrorist weapons.

  11. Dallas says:

    Obama will soon fix this mess and institute an Israeli government style airport security. We need to do away with this nonsense.

    Israeli security conducts profiling (by professionals) sweeping the airports and interrogating suspicious people. That is the most practical and efficient means of dealing with this.

    The Cheney administration program in place now is getting more ridiculous every day. I want Pedro to be able to bring his toys in the airplane.

  12. Insider Tip.

    the Arizona Snow Globe (Desert scene with sand no water). is TSA safe.

    My Niece had tears come out of her eyes when they tossed her snow globe. The agents flipped on my nephews toy sack with partialy full squirt guns

    Grind up your herb stuff it in capsules put it in an herbal supplement container. Same thing with cocaine use Calcium Capsules :).

    Eff Em and all there crap. Someone once shipped a 1/2 oz and 2 packs of papers into a jail hidden in hollowed out shoes. Ya know how much someone will pay for a pinnner in the slammer? 🙂 lol all the way to the wallet.

    Eff Em Twice. I am an Independent Contractor, I Don’t need Health insurance I got Whole Foods and the Best Herbs.

  13. Breetai says:

    Enjoy your fascisim

    Obama and the democratically controlled Congress just reinstated the patriot act and all it’s insanity without the promised changes on 02/27/10 and no one knows it.

  14. Glenn E. says:

    So now we need to do another movie about a rich old reclusive man, who dies clutching a wooden sled, and gasping the word “snow globe”. And we eventually get clued in on him loosing his beloved water filled toy as a child, at some airport, as he’s sent off to finishing school by some wealthy sponsor. We could call it, “Citizen McCain”.

  15. Dallas says:

    #16 You’re wrong.

    Obama did not reinstate ” The Patriot Act and all it’s insanity”.

    When you stop listening to SheepleTV, you would find otherwise and someday you too can think for yourself.


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