The Largest Street Gang in America

BoilingFrogs | MySpace Video

This is par for the course in a police state.

Found by Liam Hemmings.

  1. chuck says:

    I couldn’t get through the first 30 seconds of the video.

  2. Truthy says:

    Some don’t want to believe what’s going on, but sooner or later you’ve go to learn the truth.

  3. Animby says:

    Not often you get a video that introduces itself by insulting the viewers. Who has the time to watch an hour of this stuff? Especially when we’ve seen it all before.

  4. Paul Benjamin says:

    Sorry Officer Animby, you see your fellow officers abusing citizens all the time, I don’t, just lucky that I am white and live far away from your gang.

  5. Animby says:

    #4 – Mr Benjamin, I was referring to the fact that we’ve seen most of these videos here on DU. And since one video is often linked to another, if DU posts one, you end up watching five.

    P.S. I don’t know whatever gave you the impression I am a cop. I plead innocent of the charge.

  6. Michael says:

    *blank stare*

  7. Universal says:

    disgusting guess thats what you get for giving idiots power.

    its funny too they except they have bad police officers and were told to live with it. whilst they are only too happy to nail anything they can on members of the public.

    This has started because people believe the lies of their government about Community cohesion aka shut up slave.

    is it any wonder the police are labeled power hungry bullies.

    but hey its their “job” just like a its a burglars “job” to steal ?

  8. AlanB says:

    On the few times that I have seen the American police in action, I have noticed that they escalated the situation instead of diffusing it. They seemed to lack confidence, were extremely anxious and fearful and, as a result, brought more tension into the situations.

    While it is disgusting, it is best to treat a police officer like you would treat a fearful dog–speak softly, approach cautiously, don’t stare into his eyes and stay calm when he threatens to bite you. To a dog, you are either a threat or not, there is no in between. Calling the police is like getting a watchdog–sometimes the dog bites you.

  9. Colin says:

    So… they cherry pick some awful cops caught on tape. Ok. What about the millions of good cops that put up with crap that many people would never want to deal with?

    This video is Michael Moore stuff

  10. jpfitz says:

    Colin said, “millions of good cops that put up with crap”.

    Sorry Colin but that’s what they get paid for and sometimes very well paid indeed.

  11. It’s a good compilation of typical police behavior.
    They lie. They distort. They feign anger, or wax sarcastic in order to trigger a response to justify their indefensible reactionary behavior.

    While abridging citizens’ rights the law enforcement personnel so often speak of this being a “free country”. The irony is it is no longer “free”. It was a different nation, and a different world on 9/10/2001.

  12. BertDawg says:

    On the premise that forewarned is forearmed, the links at the end of the 56 minute video are worth the “waste” of an hour. In this case, ignorance is NOT bliss; it is particularly ill-advised. Thanks, JCD for posting this. The intelligent folks among your audience will benefit from it.

  13. brm says:

    I think I’m going to vomit.

  14. f_w says:

    If there are so many “good cops” out there -why- don’t they put a stop to such things.
    Time and time again we see cops getting away with murder and assault.

    This is dangerous, the culture it fosters in a core of people that should stand for justice peace and safety is corroding and corrupting in the extreme.

    Especially over time.

    Do you think any of this is going to stop or get better unless they actually do something about it?

    No it wont get better un-treated, it is going to get worse, because in the end the good people will either quit or adapt to the culture of the workplace. (or get killed by friendly fire with a drop piece and the gun planted on some one)

    And as we all know power corrupts, and this kind of stuff corrodes spirits and minds of both sides.
    (the public and the cops)

    All because they let it fester, corrupt and infect supposedly good people.
    It is going to get to the point in whitch good people will not even bother to try help by being cops.

    Only assholes who like the power trip and to be on top of things will join up to be one.

    And if you think the ones that enters already corrupted are going to be better then the naive ones who wants to make a positive difference..
    I do not have to point out that obvious folly.

    This is something that NEEDS to be taken care of.
    Preferably by the cops themselves, but as we have seen time and again, NOTHING like that seems to happen.
    And that leads to the second danger.
    When the public has lost all faith and trust in the cops themselves, then things are really hard to fix.
    No one wanted to join the natzis(an extreme example, atm) when it showed how truly bad they where, if they where sane good people who had any choice in the matter.
    But how would some outsider try and fix, or redeem some one as bad as that.
    They cant, not really, not unless the people that are in it really want to change too.

    That i think is the most tragic of all things, they do not see what the bad seeds, and bad shit are doing to the core, to the protectors, to people and to the trust we all have to have in the law and its people for the law and people to work.

  15. natefrog says:

    A former cop replies to the video here.

    His advice is telling:

    “Buy ammo and remember to aim for the head or neck.”

  16. lbsansouci says:

    13 – brm – Let ‘er rip, right into a 20mph headwind.

  17. bac says:

    Here is a recent incident of protect and serve.

    Where are the sane thinking police?

  18. TakiDog says:

    What a bunch of whiners…

  19. Redmex says:

    I’m from and live in Mexico, we have our very big share of police’s problems; this video scared me a lot, really scare me. Don’t think I can make the same video here, I’ll be dead.


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