1. bobbo, international pastry chef and dog shouter says:

    I can’t tell. “Looks like” that dog actually does take the front bumper plastic off the car.

    Watch to end. someone (dog owner?) is thankful and amazed the cop did not shoot the dog.

    And thats Merica in 2010==savage wild dogs running free in packs attacking whatever moves, and cops as usual doing the wrong thing.

  2. Buzz says:

    Dog: (between barks) …told…you…I…wanted…a…RIDE!…

  3. sargasso says:

    Could have been a kid on a bicycle. People who collect these dog breeds need their heads examined.

  4. Rickem says:

    Dog wasn’t wild. The owner was fined $200.00. Saw it on evening news.
    It looks to me like the other dog is egging him on. “Come on, you can do it, tear it up.”

  5. tcc3 says:

    Not the dogs fault, it smelled like bacon. =)

  6. clancys_daddy says:

    mmmmmmm bacon.

  7. clancys_daddy says:

    Sorry, by the way no specific dog breed is “dangerous” only through the rampant stupidity, neglect, or cruelty of the owner does a dog “become dangerous” I don’t own pit bulls not because they are dangerous, just not my favorite breed (although I have friends who have them and they are fun loving laid back dogs when properly trained, I prefer beagles, even when my dog is happy he looks so damn sad. But either provide loads of comedic entertainment value for their actions. The exception to this rule would be any little frakking ankle biter. I never had to watch out for the big dogs when reading meters, you should trying reading a water meter when the pit bull sticks his head in along side to see what your doing. The little “shit” zsu’s on the other hand, never turn your back.

  8. tim says:

    Here is the longer version….

    This was about 4 miles from where I live.

  9. Ranger007 says:

    #7 said

    “Sorry, by the way no specific dog breed is “dangerous” only through the rampant stupidity, neglect, or cruelty of the owner does a dog “become dangerous”

    but there are so many of them (stupid, neglectful and/or cruel) owners – which ones should we put down? Fined $200?

    “The exception to this rule would be any little frakking ankle biter.”

    You better believe you should watch out for them!

  10. bobbo, international pastry chef and dog shouter says:

    “You know” I personally would rather be attacked by a shitzu than a pit bull. Thats an idiot meme going around==likewise, guns aren’t “inherently” dangerous either??

    Common sense has left the building.

  11. I says:

    They don’t seem to make cop cars like they used to…

  12. deowll says:

    #8 I don’t object to people having guns. I don’t object to people having dogs. I expect people in both cases to take steps to protect others.

    In this case the dog was big enough to be dangerous and the owner was letting it roam the neighborhood and yes it was the wrong breed. An aggressive animal that size is the wrong breed to let roam free. The fine for letting the dog roam free may have been $200 but the repair bill was a lot more than that I promise you.

  13. Father says:

    Why didn’t the police car just drive away?

    It is like the police wanted to provoke the dog(s) by charging and retreating repeatedly.

    All frightened animals respond that way.

    I don’t understand the psychology of police given JCD’s recent posts.

  14. clancys_daddy says:

    Bobbo so your argument is that a gun left under glass where no one could possibly touch it is inherently dangerous? I have grown up around firearms of all types for the last 45 years. I know how firearm function. I have never ever seen one shoot anyone, there is always someone behind the trigger. Even a gun that is dropped and discharges has a human cause.

    “but there are so many of them (stupid, neglectful and/or cruel) owners – which ones should we put down? Fined $200?” I would not have them put down or fined. I wold however expect the owner to be neutered for the sake of the species.

  15. clancys_daddy says:

    oops that should be would, damn submit button.

  16. bobbo, international pastry chef and dog shouter says:

    Clancy–I’m with you one hundred and ten percent. Neuter anyone with a gun, and I’d say hand them out like candy.

    So, what you are “logically” saying is that when an occurrence has two necessary but not sufficient causalities, the gun becomes irrelevant.

    Good to know.

  17. clancys_daddy says:

    Actually my statement was a question. Is a gun that no one can touch inherently dangerous? Will the gun by itself kill someone? What are the guns motives? Does the gun choose a specific target? A gun is a device to launch a projectile a distance. Irregardless of the historical aspects of its use. If you want to include the historical aspects of “dangerous objects” I will have to assume that you have no knives in your house either. Or is this fear of guns some inherent issue with phallic objects?

  18. bobbo, we think with words says:

    Clancy–actually, your question was a statement and it was completely answered by my own post. But I’ll rephrase for those that might benefit from a different expression.

    Yes, guns are inherently dangerous. People however are variable. When the right/wrong person has a gun, easily avoidable violence does occur. The safeguards of gun ownership outside of the random story is factually non-existent. Just like 99% of any point made by talking about knives/baseball bats/or bubble gum.

  19. natefrog says:

    I hate guns, and I would have shot the damn dog. Twice, just to make sure the first shot did the trick.

    Sorry, but certain breeds are aggressive, no matter what the sympathizers say. They were–wait for it–bred that way. Those dogs should be outlawed.

  20. Fernando says:

    #13- Because the police car is half Bull, and half car.. :/

  21. clancys_daddy says:

    Please oh exalted bobbo the wise and wonderful exaplain how a piece of metal can be an inherent danger. You are implying motive to an inanimate object. Under this logic any inanimate object including a rock, is inherently dangerous. So unless you can supply a better explanation, as the nice catholic priest who taught my logic class said. “your argument is full of it.”

  22. clancys_daddy says:

    Dear bobbo who thinks with his words. After due consideration I will concede your argument that a firearm is inherently dangerous if. You can provide at least one third party documented situation, where an unloaded firearm without the assistance of a second party (the firearm may be loaded, provided you provide documentation that the firearm loaded itself without third party assistance). Did by itself either with or without malicious intent, or by accident knowingly attack, injure, or cause the death of one or more individuals, without the assistance of a second party. Please provide source material for fact checking. Ensure that your footnotes are contained at the bottom of the page.


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