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Those Aliens sure are anal retentive.
#1, yup. As the son of a farmer, I usually can only see these as crop destruction, akin to someone painting on the side of your house.
bunch of dammed teasers! spoiled rich kid aliens with their own ships they pull up start strutting up and down in front of the locals making bleep bleep noises!
now where is my towel..???
Global warming modeling programs are out of control.
everyone knows this isn’t done by aliens. Why would aliens make Ying-Yang symbols? Why would aliens even bother doing this at all? I’m sure they have something better to do.
With that said, the beginning of this video starts out mentioning this is a “wake up call.” To what, exactly?
Also the video got really boring like 1/3rd into it. Yawn… maybe I need more coffee.
I had to stop about 1/3 through. The flyins and flyouts were completely distracting from looking at the circles anyway.
Which I find them to be artwork and some quite beautiful to look at. I love how people want to attribute meanings to something that is just artistic.
Sometimes a flower is just a flower. Sometimes a circly, bubble-filled field trampling is just a circly, bubble-filled field trampling.
Adam Curry may be the only person left who believes these things are either extraterrestrial or interdimensional.
Personally, if I were either of those beings, I’d sit in the middle of my design and wait for someone to discover me. And just let the coppers try to put handcuffs on my tentacles! Tasers? Ha. On my world we eat by sticking our genitals into a 2400V socket. You should see how we have sex. No, really. You should see. You wanna come over tonight?
Many of these are “points in time or time clocks” for lack of a better term.. they indicate celestial events, alignments, CME’s and possibly how to protect against some major ones using magnetic harmonics. (this my own interpretation) -several have to do directly with the sun/solar plasma events. (several have shown up in SOHO/STEREO/LASCO satellite images a few days or weeks after they were created.
–others..(esp several in Germany) are snapshots of frozen [harmonic] sounds or vibrations. -produced by a combination of frequencies. –the frozen sounds actually have much to do with multi-dimensions.
i’ve come close to replicating some them using an oscilloscope with an FFT program (fast Fourier transform) -typically two sine waves combined with a square wave.
look up Cymatics for understanding of what these images may indicate. for Cymatics start here
-to get and idea of what FFT is about, try this link.
Once you begin to understand that Plasma is the first state of matter, not the fourth, -and that complex sound or vibrations can be used to create physical matter, -that physical matter is “vibration slowed down” you will conclude that there is much more to some of these images than meets the eye. Until that point, -all you will see is some interesting shapes and probably tow the party line that all of them are fake.
aliens need something better to do to communicate. If they are so good in creating crop circles to communicate, why not just learn english, man ? Or maybe post in a dvorak blog…and someone will call it a dvorak circle.
#11 -want to really crackup?
a leading theory amongst well credentialed people of “real science” is that it is the planet, -Earth itself that is creating some of the circles/msgs
-You would have to research and study several fields (or angles) on spirituality ..and understand what is an actual “living thing” is to understand that this is actually a HIGHLY plausible explanation for the real circles.
My self…the real ones.. -are done by the planet, not “aliens” -i thought it was a laughable idea until i studied almost all you need to understand how this can be.
Thanks, Soundwash.
You always know exactly what to say to make me laugh.
Geez, what a piece of shit, boring video of an interesting subject. Couldn’t stand to watch it all.
I think they should rename crop circles to “math geeks with too much time on their hands circles”.
Darn right… They are probably vogons, psychologically attacking us before they strike in force!!.
(or maybe the dolphins?)
AUGH! That’s the most passive-aggressive video I’ve ever seen! “Here, look at this interesting picture! OOPS! NO! YOU CAN’T SEE IT!!! HA HA HA!” It was worse than the stupid weather forecaster on TV who stands right in front of the area you want to see! AUGH!