• IPad publishers to charge money and still have advertising.
  • Republicans getting too involved in tech.
  • Netflix to roll out Wii.
  • Hackers cracking IE* and other weirdness.
  • Is Sprint too early with new phone? Huh?
  • Bing to do a redesign again! Are they going to rename it again?
  • Steve Jobs answers email… Stop the Presses!!
  • YouTube goes down this morning.
  • Weird car from GM is a topper.

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  1. He hasn’t answered any of the 780,000 emails I sent him.

  2. jeroen says:

    the two-wheeled car from GM: the EN-V, seems to be a further development from the PUMA, a collaboration with Segway, they presented a year ago (search on engadget for a demo drive)

  3. sargasso says:

    “Bing to do a redesign again! Are they going to rename it again?” Bong?

  4. qb says:

    A few years ago my daughter emailed Steve Jobs about her ipod problems and he got back to her, and had executive customer support get her a new ipod with an extended warranty.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    Youtube was down. Hmmm. I didn’t notice, because that was the one night this week I decided to get a good night’s sleep. I’m thinking of doing this more often, on a regular basis. So Youtube and Google can go down on those nights, if they want to. But not on other nights.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    I can’t see how it would be that hard to balance a vehicle on two wheels. Just make the center of gravity below the wheels’ axle. Which would mean having a larger wheel radius, and a lot more mass below the axle (like the batteries). But the whole thing sounds like another stall by GM. To avoid making a genuine electric car design, that’s practical and not mega expensive. Much like they did back in 1991. Which they apparently want forgotten. Since they recalled shredded all they produced of those cars. Did Tom Hanks and Mel Gibson drive around in a phantom vehicle for a year?!
    GM, Ford, and Chrysler just doesn’t WANT to design a REAL all electric car. Because they know it spell an end to their highly profitable after-market sales of parts.

  7. Glenn E. says:

    Not just Republicans, getting savvy about Tech. They’ve all realizes that the days of ignoring it, are over. And if they’re not intimate with it real soon, it may bite them on the ass. The Republicans probably hope to turn Tech into their newest propaganda toy. So expect them to weaponize Twitter and Facebook. Rupert Murdock already owns MySpace. So expect that to become contaminated by his political taint.

  8. Buzz says:

    John, if you were not so Segway xenophobic, you would realize that the Segway balancing act is NOT a big drain.

    Howcome? Because it’s only power expenditure is in that last tiny microcosm of balance. Once balance is obtained, it’s easy to stand upright. Just like our own ability to stand and walk. The power is only used getting upright, not staying upright.

    You can balance a broom on your hand. It takes effort, but only because your body and brain/eye/hand coordination is about 0.0001% as efficient as the Segway-type balance scheme.

    The thing that will drain battery power is being stopped in balance mode on a slope. It has to apply constant power against the tendency to roll down hill.

    Where this device makes good sense is in its size, electric power and two-person carrying capacity.

    The footprint is smaller than a two-person couch, and the ability to roll on two wheels, stopping on retractable small wheels, sets it apart from other people movers.

    If everything that looked dorky to you were banished from public appearance, you would never — ever — appear on videos.

  9. qb says:

    Compare to Dell their customer service is better. I wonder if sending an email to Steve Ballmer would get a Zune or Xbox fixed?

  10. qb says:

    pedro, what hardware/software platform do you own?

  11. qb says:

    #13 That was a chicken shit answer.

  12. qb says:

    #15 OK, so what hardware/software platform do you own? Don’t be a chicken shit, answer the question.


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