This Episode’s Executive Producer: Todd Symmons
Associate Executive Producers: Douglas Lang
Artwork by: Paul T.
Knighthoods: Paul T.

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  1. Todd Peterson says:

    John groans about his “high” taxes once again. Example from Norway:
    Income tax about 40% – 50%
    VAT 25 % on goods and services
    8US$ pr gal fuel
    Car prizes from crazy-land (Dodge Avenger ’09 66000US$ comp. to 22000US$ in the US).
    In addition – road tax, municipal fees, energy fees, water fees, television licence, etc etc etc.

  2. sargasso says:

    Couldn’t listen to the ‘cast, but I did speed read the show notes and my head has exploded!

  3. Universal says:

    yay hasbeen been knighted how about voidzero

  4. hammerhead says:

    Just more of the same. Adam complaining that they are not getting enough money, saying how amazing they are and how nobody else can do what they do. All complete bullshit. When Adam started dissing PBS in a BS attempt to promote his and John’s “little hobby fun show” I decided I would never contribute another dime to these arsejerks.

  5. freddybobs68k says:

    I’m not sure Mr Curry understands VAT. It runs down the chain sure – but it doesn’t accumulate. Because a business does not pay VAT on any of its inputs.

    Ie it is equivalent to whatever the tax rate is of the ‘final’ sale.

  6. Father says:

    sargasso, I’m curious why you didn’t listen?

  7. TThor says:

    Hammerhead, I am curious why you even bother to post when hate the show so much. Why even waste your 2 hours of your valuable time with someone you obviously hate intensely… masochistic are you?

  8. TThor says:

    Serous, you forgot VAT is 25% on everything you buy in that country. That being said, general tax pressure on income and property is much higher in the US when all the taxes here are added up.

  9. Father says:

    I think you are wrong there TThor. Taxes in the US are, in total, less than Europe for those that have employer-funded healthcare (assuming you don’t pay $5000-$20000 on property tax on a $50,000 income).

  10. soundwash says:

    re: Cadmiun

    iirc, cadmium is a cheap plastics stabilizer which has heavy regulation or outlawed here in USA…. little to no regulation in places like India. there is more, much more… but for now..there ya go..


  11. ECA says:

    you have forgotten a few taxes you dont see.
    After you pay your 30% off the top on wages.
    There are taxes on every thing you buy, at least 10%. Alcohol and tobacco tend to be 200-600%
    Fuel tax in every other nation is higher.
    But there are transport tax between every State in the USA..
    Figure that you food might get picked In your area, then travels 4 states over(taxed in transport in each state) to have a package on it from Birdseye, then shipped back(taxed again). Then you have taxes that the store has to pay, that is transferred to the customer.
    then add in imports, as 99% of all our goods and clothing are imported. Every Tax along the way, as well as transport, and distribution. I wont mention the profit margin.
    Then lets look at Property tax. Even as the Value goes done, the State still needs the money. Do I have to mention City, county, state tax??
    Then your License and plates on your car, is STILL A TAX..

    I wont continue as its getting depressing.

  12. ECA says:

    FCC tax on Phone lines, CELLPHONES, Cable companies, Sat..from 10-25%.
    Utility taxes..about 10%..Water, electrical, Gas..
    I wont go into the thought that you PAY all the taxes for Every person thats working in a store that the Corp pays..I wont even mention that you PAY the tax for ALL the utilities in a business, but they are all passed onto the purchaser.
    The Corp pays NOTHING.


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