The Chinese Minitrue on the recent Google events (Click the link for more)

Google has officially announced its withdrawal from the China market. This is a high-impact incident. It has triggered netizens’ discussions which are not limited to a commercial level. Therefore please pay strict attention to the following content requirements during this period:
B. Forums, blogs and other interactive media sections:

1. It is not permitted to hold discussions or investigations on the Google topic
2. Interactive sections do not recommend this topic, do not place this topic and related comments at the top
3. All websites please clean up text, images and sound and videos which attack the Party, State, government agencies, Internet policies with the excuse of this event.
4. All websites please clean up text, images and sound and videos which support Google, dedicate flowers to Google, ask Google to stay, cheer for Google and others have a different tune from government policy
5. On topics related to Google, carefully manage the information in exchanges, comments and other interactive sessions
6. Chief managers in different regions please assign specific manpower to monitor Google-related information; if there is information about mass incidents, please report it in a timely manner..

The Chinese Minitrue instructions to the media during the National People’s Congress (Click the link for more)

A portion was posted on the Internet, and independently confirmed and translated by the Beijing bureau of The New York Times. Annotations by The Times are in brackets.
7. Delete news related to the youtan poluo flower. [Buddhist lore says this rare and auspicious flower blooms once every 3,000 years. Reports that a nun at a temple in southern China found a cluster of the tiny flowers under her washing machine set off a recent stir in the press. Chinese officials are concerned about the spread of superstition.]
8. For the “poisonous cowpea incident” in Hainan, only use news articles from the Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily and the official Hainan media. [Cowpeas from Hainan Province were found to be contaminated with a toxic pesticide, setting off criticism about why the cowpeas were sold to other provinces.]
9. Do not feature news reports on major incidents in Beijing during the two meetings, including “staffer at Xidan Books Building hacks manager to death” or “accident at Shunyi car showroom, one man dies.” Do not highlight the timing of these events.

  1. sargasso says:

    News – nuns in China have washing machines.

  2. bobbo, international pastry chef and social critic says:

    I had an image of a queen bee issuing orders to the Hive.

    I’ve read you can’t have a robust “free” economy without a free society. That may play out here as the “economy” is not free what with all the import/export/monetary controls.

    The mix and match of free vs controlled in the context of 1.5 Billion rising up from poverty will be interesting to monitor.

  3. Father says:

    Can we say, “Second Cultural Revolution”? I knew you could.

  4. Zybch says:

    Can we say its none of our god damned business how another country governs its populace.
    If google intend to break chinese law by providing unfiltered results (after agreeing with the government to ONLY display self censored results), then it should get booted out of that country after being dragged through the court system.

    After all, isn’t that what americans would want if a chinese company moved into the US, agreed to abide by the law, and then started breaking the law willfully.

    I’m not pro-china-government in any way, but its THEIR country, THEIR laws.

  5. Father says:

    Hey Zbtch, you’re a real moran aren’t you?

  6. Dallas says:

    Good for Google. American companies should not be colluding with the Chinese Communist government in policing their people.

  7. cjohnson says:

    I hereby formally dedicate a flower to Google.

  8. Nobody says:

    Sounds like the rules for most locals schools depts.

  9. Hmeyers says:

    I am wondering when the USA will wean itself a bit from Chinese made products (and Chinese funded debt).

  10. Hmeyers says:

    @#5 Father

    “Hey Zbtch, you’re a real moran aren’t you?”

    Cut him some slack, I bet eventually he can connect the dots.

    But I’ll give him a hint: for China to be a good trading partner they need to treat our companies well and with respect like how we treat Chinese companies in the USA.

  11. t0llyb0ng says:

    China is so self-absorbed, they think the controversy is all about China. Actually it’s about Google & how it “feels” (insofar as much as a corporation can “feel”) about censorship:

    We tried your censorship for awhile but it don’t feel right to us. We outta here.

    I bet they end up leaving Hong Kong too, eventually. Good on them if they do.

  12. China says:

    All your bucks are belong to us.

  13. nilum87 says:

    Honestly, I think the funniest part of this article is the fact that it’s actually called the Ministry of Truth. What self respecting autocracy doesn’t realize that the moment you name something the Ministry of “Truth,” or, “Peace,” it’s so beyond irony that Alanis Morissette’s head explodes?

  14. ramuno says:

    #13. It is of course, straight out of George Orwell’s predictions for 1984 but 35 years before that date.

  15. t0llyb0ng says:

    Google now has the moral high ground & have nothing to apologize for.

    “We could censor but we wouldn’t feel right about OURSELVES if we did.”

    It’s frickin’ genius. Makes the Chinese gov’t. look like the manipulative control freaks that they in fact are.

  16. Rick Cain says:

    I guess Nixon opening up to china in 1973 had no real effect at all eh?

  17. Zybch says:

    #15 What high ground?!
    They capitulated to the demands of the Chinese government to get into China to begin with. Its too fucking late for them to have the moral high ground when they took the low road to get into China to begin with.
    Why the hell is google being held up as a good company when they do shitty stuff in order to maximize profits and then do an about face when called out on it (buzz anyone?).

  18. Benjamin says:

    Google “was always at war with Eastasia.”

    # 14 ramuno said, on March 25th, 2010 at 9:21 pm

    “#13. It is of course, straight out of George Orwell’s predictions for 1984 but 35 years before that date.”

  19. Hmeyers says:

    @18 “Why the hell is google being held up as a good company when they do shitty stuff in order to maximize profits”

    Educate thyself and come back when you’ve found the answers. You could certainly answer your own question.

    Maybe Google is rather generous with providing free resources or at least more liberal use of their resources than typically any company in the past ever has … Google Earth (free satellite data), Google Books (access to a ton of books for free), Gmail set the email storage bar way high back when Hotmail offered 4 MB and Gmail offered 2 GB. Android? Open Source. Chrome browser? Open Source.

    Your level of knowledge on Google is embarrassingly poor.

    You should make efforts to become less ignorant.

  20. gooddebate says:

    #13 I know what you mean, that’s crazy. It’s like they’re naming their policies in such a way as to mislead people about what they’re true meaning really is. What respectable government would do such a thing? It’s almost like they expect their people to be ignorant. Sure glad our government doesn’t do that kind of thing (Sure glad that stimulus bill died, now what’s this jobs bill thing?)

  21. The0ne says:

    I agree, it’s none of our business. We should let them do what they want. Look at Hitler, he did want he wanted and we stayed out of it for a while…until it affects us. Oh wait, I think China is already affecting us…in many non-violent ways. Violence looming of course.

    So we should all STFU and sit tight til we HAVE to do something. Just pray by then the multiple nuclear blast doesn’t melt you down before you can even get a word out. Past is so out of date!

  22. bobbo, international pastry chef and social critic says:

    #23–theOne who still doesn’t get it==you say the “Past is so out of date” referencing war coming by way of Atom Bombs.

    The whole point of China is ECONOMIC WARFARE. A new model. It “could” lead to bombs being dropped but much more likely just a gutting of our economy and living standards===well underway already.

    You evidence concern about the danger of China with NO UNDERSTANDING of whats right in front of you. Talking about the past/bombs and all. You must be a general in the Army? Hee, hee.

  23. Buzz says:

    Government Item 10:

    “Remember we are your only source of Truth. Nothing in the preceding nine items has been issued to cover up any activity of or by your government. These commands are given in the greatest spirit of joyful peace and tranquility. Follow them or we will break your spirit and your legs.”

  24. The0ne says:

    Oh my ignorant little Bobbo, how low can you get by not comprehending what I’ve said or the intent. 🙂 Must we do this everyday to prove how fck up you are. I love it btw 🙂

    Aside from the HUGE sarcastic tone of my reply, I had thought it was obvious to all. But in your defense, I hadn’t thought about the lone person who WOULD NOT understand and the proof just came in 🙂

    To give you a hint of my sarcasm see #4.

    Your “opinion” that China is economic warfare is interesting, but lets face the fact that it’s not, to the extent you think they are. Simply wow, as in how fcking retarded can one be to be thinking of such fanatic ideas. Might as well have Area51 call up their 1000 UFO friends to come and laser beam the hell out of us eh Bobbo? 🙂

    And since you CLEARLY didn’t get my point, you last paragraph is just HAHAHAHAHAH

    Fcking dumbass, LMAO.

    And yes, I travel on business to China regularly. I regularly explore their fascinating “systems” there. I talk to lawyers about their laws on kids, labor, non-profits, government helps, water systems, etc. Why? Well, because I’m smart and curious unlike you 🙂 I spend the time to actually BE THERE and talk to the PEOPLE working there, as well as inspect the structures and environment if given the opportunity 🙂

    Oh my poor Bobbo, you really have to do better than this latest and lamest comment.

    Try me, seriously 🙂

  25. bobbo, international pastry chef and developmental psychiatrist says:

    #27– the One caught twisting slowly in the wind with but a feeble defense==”I was kidding.”

    OK. NOW your post does make sense. You make yourself look like you are a totally out of touch old geezer bringing out the old stories BUT IN REALITY you are a hip with it world traveling businessman/secret agent contesting with China for world domination?

    Got ya. (No sarcasm.)

  26. Father says:

    #23 (The0ne) for the win!

    Bobbo, you agree that global capitalism Is War right, and all wars are really about money? I think you’re stating the obvious.

  27. bobbo, international pastry chef and dog shouter says:

    #29–father==you and I mostly agree: war has a lot about money in, out, and all around but “traditionally” also includes bombs, explosions, bayonets, and people dying===and in WW2 the A-Bomb. All traditional stuff, complex, layered.

    Our current ECONOMIC CONTEST with China most likely will have huff and bluff about it but most likely no bombs and outright physical blows. “Trade Wars” that we have practically disarmed ourselves unilaterally as the war heats up.

    Now, I can’t follow woddels acutely funny sarcasm as it flip flops all over the subject. And for your sake, I’d be worried if I could.

  28. Father says:

    B: I absolutly agree that we have unilaterally disarmed ourselves for the current trade war with Asia (China specifically). My hope is that the dumbskulls in DC will wake up to this fact, and enact laws that will rebalance our economy and put people back to work while they still remember how to produce something R E A L .

    The collective knowledge of the US workforce (be it machinist, or scientist) took decades to develop, and is being flushed down the toilet in the name of Lower Priced Foreign Products. Products that we should produce for ourselves.

    We are becoming slaves to China, and this article shows that the Chineese are complete bastards When Governing Their Own People, imagine how they will behave with us!

    If Z still doesn’t get it, he should review the post Tienanmen apocalypse that occured not long ago. There exists a good Frontline on it.

  29. Father says:

    Tiananmen Square apocalypse:

  30. The0ne says:

    Seriously, that’s all you got again Bobbo? LMAO

    Next thread, I’m sure you’ll do better 🙂



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