Yesterday, we presented PROOF beyond a shadow of a doubt (a poll of Republicans) that Prez Barack Obama IS the Anti-Christ.

But there’s a problem. For years we’ve posted story after story that proved former Prez George W. Bush HAD to have been the Anti-Christ. Democrats and liberals (even those who are atheists) said it was so. What more PROOF does one need?

Bush and Antichrist Mania
One-Third of Americans believe in ghosts, UFOs and George W. Bush
Prez. Bush Is The Danger Our Forefathers Warned Us About
The Word according to Dumbya

How is this possible? Two Anti-Christs? And then it hit me. Obama is (polls show) a socialist Anti-Christ while Bush is/was a capitalist (fooling us by supporting and enacting many “socialist” programs, bailouts, etc) Anti-Christ. And don’t forget, we dodged a bullet because Bush wanted a third term! To enact more Anti-Christ policies, no doubt!

But wait… There’s more! How many times was it made crystal clear that former Vice Prez Dick Cheney is/was the Anti-Christ! Three Anti-Christs? What’s going on here?

It Was Cheney! Anyone Surprised?
Would Cheney like to see US Attacked Just to Prove a Point?
And of course: Too Weird: Dick Cheney, Barack Obama Are “Cousins”

What about pretenders like Karl Rove and John McCain?

There’s only one way to solve this.

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! It’s the no holds barred, tag team wrestling match of the year! No, of the century! No, of the millennium!

Anti-Christ Obama vs Anti-Christ Bush vs Anti-Christ Cheney

Three go in, one comes out — for the Anti-Christ title match of all time (or until the next election)! Sunday night, SyFy channel. Check your local listings.

So, who do you think will win the Anti-Christ match?

  1. tdkyo says:

    Polls are our roots for epistemology.

  2. KMFIX says:

    I just drew a pentagram on my floor.

  3. wmcduff says:

    You Americans. Stephen Harper is the anti-christ! He’s been pulling the strings of your American presidents all along! Mwha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

    Actually, no matter who wins, let’s go with Stephen Colbert as the second coming and he can lay the beatdown on the winner of the three way.

  4. LDA says:

    You do know there are real problems don’t you?

  5. Benjamin says:

    Oh come on, people. No one is the anti-Christ until after the rapture. I don’t know who is to blame for this?

    We Christians will not be here when the anti-Christ is revealed. So in short; George Bush, Barack Obama, and Dick Chaney are the anti-Christ. At least not yet.

  6. Benjamin says:

    I meant they are NOT the anti-Christ.

  7. Dale says:

    I’m pretty sure such a match would qualify as a hate crime.

  8. MattB says:

    Well, you’ve got the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Can’t the anti-Christ have an unholy trinity?

  9. jealousmonk says:

    If there is no christ, doesn’t it make the anti-christ moot?

  10. Jess Hurchist (who is sorry for the frivolity) says:

    #5 Ben “We Christians will not be here when the anti-Christ is revealed. ”

    Some people who thought they were Christians will be

  11. Mojo Yugen says:

    Obama is the anti-Christ, Bush is the devil and Chaney is evil incarnate. There, problem solved. Can we all just get along now?
    Rove and McCain, and most other politicians now that I think about it, are just minor demons and devils here to torment us in various, sometimes amusing, ways.

  12. Glass Half Full says:

    None of them are the anti-christ because Thor, Isis, Zeus, Jehovah, Vishnu, Jesus, Quin Yin, and Y’Mir aren’t real. There aren’t magical invisible people living in the sky moving the stars and commanding us not to eat bacon and tell us what days to rest. We’ve moved out of the caves and learned reason. Lightning is created by Thor fighting giants. Grow up.

  13. Breetai says:


    No no they’re All Devils

    Obama is Ozymandias
    Bush is Beelzebub
    and Cheany is Mephistopheles

  14. JScott says:

    I thought we had collectively decided that Barney the purple dinosaur was the anti-Christ?

    Here is a funny idea for Republicans: How about you motivate by stating the positive things you will do for the country rather than trying to scare everyone? All they have done since McCarthy is come up with one clandestine conspiracy or cabal after another. Like clockwork.

  15. RBG says:

    The common thread here is that it is the lefties who obsess about Anti-Christs.


  16. Nobodyspecial says:

    I would have said:
    Cheney is Screwtape
    Bush is Wormwood
    And Obama is Crowley

  17. don quixote says:

    Quick glance at the center dude above..
    Hey it’s the real Dvorák.. He’s the Antichrist

  18. Angus says:

    Anyone that’s ever studied the book of Revelation knows that there are two anti-christs, Nero and Rome. duh…

    The problem is that both the left and right wingnuts go overboard on bravado and accusations and often lack significantly in cold hard facts.

  19. W.T.Effyall says:

    Some might also say that the book of Revelation is somewhat lacking in cold hard facts.

  20. bobbo, international pastry chef and rhetoric master says:

    Uncle Dave==I think you are demonstrating the irrelevancy of dealing with the lunatic fringe. Be careful you don’t wake up with fleas.

  21. hecatejq says:

    Where’s any polls that show Democrats thought Bush was the antichrist?

  22. Dallas says:

    The more Anti-Christs, the better.

    More threats = more money the church makes and the RepubliSheep can be kept on their toes…err, hoofs.

  23. Angus says:

    #18, that’s an understatement, to say the least. Heck, I wonder why it’s even in there most of the time.

  24. Marc Perkel says:

    I thought Bill Gates was the anti-christ!

  25. Floyd says:

    #14: You have a point. I can’t think of anything I’ve heard from Republicans that was actually a useful idea since the 60s, and that guy (Gov. Rockefeller, I think) got pushed out of the Republican Party.

  26. nieroda says:

    Atheist liberals claiming Bush is the anti-Christ. Hilarious!

    Cheney is looking pretty mean with that pitchfork… I think that will give him the edge

  27. smittybc says:

    Bush is the OG antichrist, I read the book. Plus Amazon placed the mark of the devil in the pricing. $16.66

  28. Mr Natural says:

    Hey come on! Dvorak is always railing about media distraction that takes our focus off the important issues facing us. How is this not one of those distractions?
    Spare me the hocus-pocus and instead help us baby boomers figure out how we’re going to survive the health care system and actually get some return on social security after paying into it for the past 50 years!
    No christ-No anti-christ. Lets start looking for the anti-Obama. Sheesh.

  29. MikeN says:

    I want to know when Bush is going to start his war with Iran, as the editors here kept telling us.

  30. NobodySpecial says:

    # 12 Glass Half Full
    >Thor, Isis, Zeus, Jehovah, Vishnu, Jesus, Quin Yin, and Y’Mir aren’t real.
    Unless of course there is an anti-christ, an anti-thor, anti-Jehovah, anti-Vishnu !

    It could be good:
    anti-Thor would be a meek kind person who wouldn’t hit you with a hammer, anti-Jehovah would be a sort of red-cross cleaning up natural disasters or other acts of god. But you don’t want to meet anti-Buddha in a dark alley….


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