With all the news stories of Tiger’s mistresses, and more recently, Jesse James cheating on Sandra Bullock with Michelle ‘Bombshell’ McGee, it seems appropriate to find out how things are in DU land with relationships. Assume for the poll that we’re looking for both marriages and committed relationships, straight, gay, whatever.

Have you ever cheated on your significant other?

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  1. Fake Alias says:

    I was never even close, but she did. Divorce will be final in a few months.

  2. Sea Lawyer says:

    Ms. “Bombshell” had a nice body until she covered it with all that sh*t.

  3. Benjamin says:

    I think Tiger’s actual wife was beautiful. I don’t understand why he would cheat on her.

  4. Mark says:

    It would be interesting to run the same poll on a fashion or entertainment news site and compare the results to this one. I think of this site as a geek based one as it takes one to know one.

  5. chuck says:

    Has anyone got a reference to some wedding vows that specifically vow against adultery? The one’s I’ve heard talk about being “true” and “faithful”, in sickness and health, yadda yadda. But I don’t remember hearing anyone actually say “Oh, and I won’t f*ck anyone else”

  6. homehive says:

    This this not a good poll question for Dvorak Uncensored. Why?

    Because to most of its readers, “significant other” actually refers to a favorite porn site, not another person.

  7. Benjamin says:

    Guess we need to add that to the vows now that marriage (at least in my state) no longer means the union of one man and one woman.

    #5 chuck said, on March 24th, 2010 at 6:57 am

    Has anyone got a reference to some wedding vows that specifically vow against adultery? [snip] But I don’t remember hearing anyone actually say “Oh, and I won’t f*ck anyone else”

  8. Breetai says:

    Adam Corolla tacked this one a few months ago. It’s easier for us in general to be faithful, but when your famous and hotties are constantly throwing themselves at you’d have to be a saint to not eventually fall into that hole.

  9. jealousmonk says:

    Cheating probably follows the 80/20 rule. 80% of it is done by 20% of the folks.

  10. Ever notice when the cheated woman is the breadwinner (like Sandra Bullock) they have no problem dropping hubby like a hot rock but when the cheating husband is the cash-cow they stick around (like Tiger’s wife)?

    I wonder why?

  11. spsffan says:

    A better question. How many of you still have sex with your SO of ten years running?

  12. Cursor_ says:

    Being in polyamoruous relationships there is no such thing as cheating.

    You all might want to try it out as that is the natural way for most animals on this planet. Few mate for life.


  13. RTaylor says:

    Why do some posters think living with a beautiful woman is bliss. I would rate that attribute towards the bottom. These gals are like a race horses; expensive, high maintenance, and high strung.

  14. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    I’ve “known” beautiful and ugly women. Mental problems were about equally distributed. Beautiful women do get more attention and they either learn to deal with that appropriately, or they do not. Ugly women fantacize they are desireable and then make the same calculations.

    One relevant point though: “artistic types” whether male or female, beautiful or ugly, smart or dumb, educated or not==do tend to be needy self centered difficult to deal with hysterics. Perhaps a large overlap here with Hollywood Movie Stars but that would be the label, not just being beautiful.

  15. BoroTech says:

    Behind every beautiful woman is a man that’s tired of fucking her. Maybe his wife is boring in the sack. You hear about this kind of stuff from guys who have been with supermodels. They just lay there like a mannequin, as if gracing you with their presence is enough to keep you interested after the first time.

    Tiger’s alpha personality is part of what drives him to dominate golf, his opponents, or any other pursuit. It is hard to just switch off the autopilot when women are throwing themselves at you.

    Tiger screwed up because he was naive. You know he had to be getting action like this before he got married. He either thought he could suppress his urges and be faithful, or thought he could operate under the radar forever. Either way, I hope he had a good prenup.

  16. bobbo, always supporting the super models says:

    #15–boro==I’ve never been with a super model, just super good looking women, and some dogs. ((I won’t characterize what “they” where with, but I’m always surprised.))

    My biased small sample is that the better looking the woman, the better in bed she is. I think we “learn sex” from our partners and beautiful women do get that enthusiastic attention. I think the women act as they have been treated themselves.

    Super models, being selected before they grow wisdom teeth, may be a select sub-group introduced into sex by photographers who only want still poses. That could be a problem.

    I just refuse to believe that my top choices in models would not be great in the sack. Thats just not my fantasy. Course, they play chess and read too?

  17. highaman says:

    What the!?!? Since when is DU a celebrity gossip blog!?

    I just wanna say F- off to people actually debating this, but that would make me a troll… (I guess)
    Sry bout that but this is me blowing up to an overdose of irrelevant celebrity news. BRAVO! you just infected DU as well… *grinding teeth face*

  18. bobbo, a student of History says:

    #17–toohigh==stop the self loathing and projection. THIS thread may have been “sparked” about recent celebrity news BUT IT IS ABOUT: “Have you ever cheated on your SO.”

    Totally different subject than your rant.

    Good boy.

  19. Sofa Guru says:

    A funny joke I heard on the radio.
    An elderly Jewish couple are sitting in their living room. She asks him:

    She: “Do you love me, Irving?”

    He: “Well I’m HERE, aren’t I?”

    She: “SO’S THE CHAIR!”

    Poor woman. She wanted a Knight in Shining Armor, and all she got was a chair (but hey…maybe she should count her blessings. Could be that chair might not go running off with some floozy, though)

    Can you picture Barak sneaking off on a Clinton-style fling? I dunno…wouldn’t put it past him. But if he did and Michele found out about it, I’d bet she’d probably come around and turn him into a pillar of salt, like Lot’s wife. (bzzzt—K-chink!)

    “None a that stand-by-your-man business!”
    Hit the road, Jack.

  20. Canucklehead says:

    74% have never cheated?

    methinks a lot of liars on DU

  21. Hmeyers says:


    “Ever notice when the cheated woman is the breadwinner (like Sandra Bullock) they have no problem dropping hubby like a hot rock but when the cheating husband is the cash-cow they stick around (like Tiger’s wife)?

    I wonder why?”

    You answered your own question, fella.

  22. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Greater than 70% have not cheated. A great followup is how many actually had the opportunity to cheat.

  23. Named says:

    3. Benjamin

    Show me a beautiful woman and I’ll show you a man tired of fucking her.

    How many men cheat on their partners/spouses with women HOTTER than what’s at home in bed?

  24. chris says:

    How about this. Is it wrong to be with another man’s woman? Unless you are friends with someone, or have some other oath-bound loyalty to them, I think it is not improper.

    It is absolutely wrong to cheat on your spouse, who you have explicitly made a guarantee to. If you can get some, and are not in a committed relationship, are you bound by the promises other people make?

  25. amodedoma says:

    I’ve been married over 25 years, so I think about cheating all the time.
    I don’t care how pretty your wife is. Unless she’s enthusiastic about sex, it’s very unlikely that you’re getting enough sex. If your wife is enthusiastic about sex, the chances are she will tire of you and look for outside action. You just can’t win. All you can do is find somebody that’s neither enthusiastic nor indifferent, and that places the family as priority one. Sex is important, but should never take priority over the well being and integrity of the family. Commitment can be a real bite in the ass, but there’s no road to happiness without it.

  26. sinister beat says:

    One time I used my left hand. But the right got jealous.

  27. qb says:

    #24 Been married 23+ years. Love being married, never think about it.


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