1. denacron says:

    I don’t generally buy junk food, however next opportunity I get, a Kit/Kat will be purchased!

  2. sargasso says:

    I gave up eating quick noodles 18 months ago because they had palm oil in the flavor sachets. I gave up eating shrimp four years ago because they are harvested destructively. I gave up eating fish caught in the open ocean and antarctica, because the resource is unmanaged and is being destroyed. I gave up drinking wine produced in third world nations displacing native farmers. I gave up eating battery farmed eggs and chickens and imported frozen food produce. The refrigerator is looking pretty empty right now, I gotta warn you.

  3. This was a creative and well thought out video. Greenpeace is not the type of organization to pull punches. Nor are they the rabid, feeble-minded crowd in PETA. I prefer to give a few organizations more money than a lot of organizations just enough to pay for cashing the check. But, next time an organization doesn’t make the cut for some reason, perhaps I’ll drop them and pick up Greenpeace.

    Just back from signing and personalizing my message to nestle.

  4. #2 – sargasso,

    I don’t buy any of those things either and my fridge is full. Perhaps you need to move someplace with better markets.

  5. TheMAXX says:

    The stuff you gave up are more expensive than the alternatives so shouldn’t your fridge be fuller? What I find is that the big brands carried at the big supermarkets have crappier ingredients and cost more than the smaller brands that have better ingredients so if you looked around a bit I think you would find your fridge to be fuller than before.

  6. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Palm oil is good for you. The problem isn’t the oil, it’s the clear-cutting for plantations. If the clear cutting weren’t for palm plantations, then it would be for something else. Poor countries use their resources just like we do. If you stop buying Nestle because of how they farm, then I suggest you also stop buying gas and other oil based products. Otherwise your gesture is meaningless, and hurtful just towards those less fortunate than you. Perhaps investing in alternative sources of income for those nations would be a better route?

    I don’t eat candy bars… not because of environmental issues, but because they are totally unnecessary and unhealthy, and (I regard) part of the fodder for sheeple. I am not a big consumer of useless twaddle. I don’t have a cell phone because I manage perfectly fine without one. I repair things instead of throwing them away even though the time and effort is disproportional to the instant gratification and easy replacement of creating garbage.

    You can ignore all the crapola addictions and ‘stuff’ out there and still live a very comfortable and enjoyable life.

  7. #6 – Skeptic of the AOBCCS,

    Palm oil is good for you. The problem isn’t the oil, it’s the clear-cutting for plantations. If the clear cutting weren’t for palm plantations, then it would be for something else.

    Except that on the island of Borneo, they were not clear-cutting much forest until demand for palm oil made the price so high that it became worth clear-cutting for it. So, I think this premise is flawed.

    Other than that, you’ve said a lot of good things, especially about avoiding consumerism and eating less processed healthier food.

  8. bobbo, int'l pastry chef social critic says:

    Since when did Palm Oil become “good for you?”

    So I googled. Yea, looks like “the industry” has a lot of dust up in the air. Hard for a pastry chef to know what the truth is.

    So my view:==everyone agrees olive oil and canola and peanut oil are “good” for you. There is controversy about Palm Oil.

    Therefore, I will use butter and chicken fat.

  9. One thing that’s not being mentioned in all of this is that the real spike in palm oil demand came from its use as a biofuel. Very few biofuels are a really a good idea. Anything that puts food for humans in competition with fuel for a Naggravator is a Bad Idea. Hungry people will lose out to wealthy SUV drivers every time.

  10. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    MScott… Borneo has been clear-cutting for more than 5 decades. 3 main exports have been wood, palm oil and rubber, palm oil being a main export long before it was pricey. They clear-cut for the timber and started palm oil plantations. Now they clear cut for palm oil plantations and sell the timber. Difference is moot. Acceleration of deforestation has been fairly constant since the 1950’s. Palm oil’s popularity has just shortened the inevitable timescale before they are forced to apply the brakes.
    (BTW, I wasn’t criticizing your donation efforts in post #6 [just in case]… kudos to anyone who shares) 🙂

    Why do first world problems always seem to boil down (cough) to oil?

  11. Organization like Green Peace has every right to be sufficiently aggressive in their endeavors. If they do not create one global media scandal a month, they are plain lazy. We are literary sleep-walking ourselves into global catastrophe. At current rate of global worming ice caps on Antarctica will melt and that area will be worm enough to reach levels from Jurassic era. And during Jurassic period there were rain forests there. Check Wikipedia.

    Some nations are particularly bad, like for example Japan. Japan is true Israel of the Pacific. They do not give two figs for world’s public opinion. Killing 800-900 whales annually for scientific purposes? Polluting Pacific with so much plastic that all the birds and large fish are dying.

  12. Steve says:

    I stopped eating bacon because it was it had a high nitrate content. Then I heard that a six-pack of beer contained more nitrates than a pound of bacon. I had no real choice other than start eating bacon again.Those hairy candy bar don’t look so good though.

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    There is literally no place on Earth safe from us any more.

    This planet is almost used up. Next, Mars?


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