10/GUI from C. Miller on Vimeo.

Found by Tomas K. Borba.

  1. Greg Allen says:

    A new interface for phones and other hand-helds is surely where the big money will be.

    The QWERTY keyboard (real or simulated) sucks.

    Text input has to be done with one hand so the other hand remains availble to deal with real life. (hopefully not driving!)

    You have five available fingers when holding a phone — this seems like enough for fast-enough text input.

    This is the time to make the break from QWERTY — while the market is young. If all the major manufacturers launched a new standard, the kids would learn it.

  2. Dan says:

    After only the 8:30 min. of playing along, it became painfully obvious why this will never work. My fingertips were already becoming sore from dragging around, I can’t imagine 8-10 hours/day of this crap.

    I wish more plp would eat their own dog food. This guy is about to learn a painful lesson, literally.

  3. carp_l says:

    Hold your hands in that ‘claw like’ position on
    a hard and flat surface for 20 minutes and let me know how it feels.

    When I first used a mouse I thought, “Why does
    the clicking take such a light press?” And
    “Why is there such little resistance to the
    sliding?” After 8 plus hours you know why.

    They also should rework the audio in this.
    The generic background music is way to loud relative to the speaker.

  4. Glass Half Full says:

    This doesn’t really do anything unique I care about. Just “pretty” add-ons, not functional ones. I can manage my 20 windows as well with other mechanisms. Cute. But just as confusing and cluttered with “here’s how you do this” activities as any other interface.

  5. cakes says:

    So the 13 button mouse I’ve been designing is already obsolete?

  6. Rick Cain says:

    Didn’t we have this awhile back, called Hypercard?

  7. Jim says:

    The UI isn’t particularly earth-shaking, and it doesn’t really use the touch interface in a powerful manner.

    Without non-visual feedback most new interfaces are just rehashes of most things that have already come through.

    I found it very amusing that they didn’t just use the touchpad as a keyboard, which would be an obvious use for an expensive add-on.

  8. deowll says:

    The want to discover the keyboard or at least a new one.

  9. Scooter says:

    The other problem with this (other than those stated above) is that the mouse is adaptable to those with disabilities. I’m thinking of blow tubes and the sensors that register eye movements to control a cursor. How the heck is someone supposed to control an interface like this using those types of devices?? The idea is great but it is flawed in execution.

  10. Rabble Rouser says:

    It’s interesting, but not handicapped accessible. What if you don’t have ten fingers? How are you supposed to use the features if you only have two fingers on one hand?

  11. steveo_nyc says:

    there is no evidence that people would want this ui on a computer…didnt someone say that about the mouse?? lol

  12. I shit on all GUI’s.

    Long live the command line!

  13. MrWindows says:

    It looks like the Windows Phone 7 interface writ larger…

  14. Hmeyers says:

    A good user interface is obvious. This one isn’t.

    Maybe with a lot of training and practice someone using this can become extremely productive, but I don’t buy it.

    The reason I don’t is:

    1. The need for zooming is often minimal. A mousewheel, as stated above, can do a better job.

    2. Switching from application to application should not often be required and if it is, something is wrong in a workflow and the investment should be to correct the workflow, not the user interface. Productivity does not stem from “human speed” but from workflow efficiency in most cases.

    3. The demo in the video is “idealistic”. In the real world data entry and typing are important.

    Maybe this would out great in some environment where you don’t want loose equipment around or gravity won’t cooperate with a mouse (space?) … but hand gestures require a lot of training to get mainstream.

  15. circuitsmith says:

    I found it interesting and would have to spend some hands on time to pass judgment.

    It’s also not surprising that most of the comments come from nay-saying dweebs who are incapable of coming up with an original idea of their own.

  16. zzzzzz says:

    Gestures crap doesn’t work for me, because I can’t remember the sequences does what.

  17. keyplayer says:

    Isn’t there a single person here using the
    Dvorak keyboard?! Not even our fearless leader?

  18. zargy says:

    I think this could really work, sure, the keyboard might be placed a little awkwardly, but this looks like it would really work.



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