Would you be surprised to learn he’s a Texas Birther?

Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Tex.) acknowledged Monday that he yelled out “baby killer” toward Democrats during debate over a Republican abortion amendment in the final minutes of consideration of health-care legislation.

The backbench Republican from west Texas said he has apologized to Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), who was urging the House to vote down the amendment when Neugebauer made his outburst.

What was his leading (attempted) accomplishment before last night?

A North Texas congressman is among three Texans cosponsoring the so-called “birther bill” requiring presidential candidates produce a birth certificate to prove they meet constitutional requirements to be president.

U.S. Rep. Randy Neugebauer’s support for the bill and comments about President Obama’s status as a natural born citizen drew fire from a liberal pundit who pronounced the congressman’s constituents “idiots” for electing him.

  1. Dallas says:

    Ah yes, the Republican sheep battle cry: “Baby Killer”, “Fag” and “Nigger”. He looks so nice in that picture, though. So grandfatherly.

    Who woulda thunk he has to do that do keep his job?

  2. Phiend says:


  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    From another blog: “He’s an asshole. I had a confrontation with him at a town hall. He is a backwards redneck “good old boy” and I’m pretty sure he is closet KKK.

  4. Sea Lawyer says:

    This guy may be a moron, but he’s at least smarter than all those idiot anti-abortion Democrats who don’t know that an Executive Order is not law; and once somebody sues, because the provision in the actual statute may be ambiguous, all the promises that Obama made, in his desperate attempt to get this thing passed, won’t matter at all to the Judge who makes the decision about what gets to be funded with federal money. What a bunch of suckers.

  5. Awake says:

    “Sea Lawyer” – Such an appropriate name. When I was in the Navy we used the pejorative “Sea Lawyer” for any enlisted man that was a know-it-all, tended to talk straight out of his ass, and was wrong almost all the time. It was also accompanied by being boorish.

    It was a real insult to be called a “Sea Lawyer”, yet this guy picks it as his name. Given his posts, at least he picked something descriptive and fairly accurate.

  6. Todd Peterson says:

    Hussein Obama’s FIRST executive order was to prevent disclose Presidential records, e.g. birth certificates. http://tinyurl.com/ykx9gch

  7. Steve S says:

    Fanatics to the left. Fanatics to the right.
    Are there no longer just normal people that can intelligently debate an issue anymore?
    I swear this is just like the mindless sheeple mobs the were so easily swayed into a frenzy in several Twilight Zone episodes.

  8. Awake says:

    Oh the irony:

    The guy refused to show his own birth certificate when asked to show it.

    “(Aug 7th, 2009) Last week, Politico asked the 11 House Republicans co-sponsoring the so-called “birther bill” — legislation requiring presidential candidates to prove they were born in the United States — to provide their own birth certificates. While a number of them complied, Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) explicitly refused to show his proof of birth. His staff instead sent a one-line e-mail response: “Congressman Neugebauer will not be submitting a copy of his birth certificate.” Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) did not respond to the request at all. “

  9. bobbo, international pastry chef and poll monitor says:

    #1–Dalllas===you only left out: “No Taxes” while constantly singing God Bless Merica.

    #5–Asleep==so close. You “see it” but don’t honor the self deprecating humor in picking that name==ie, perfectly opposite what he is? Much like how you picked your own name??? (hee, hee). Just as I picked my name==diminutive to “Big Bob, With Nothing to Say”. (haw, HAW!!!)

    Yes, politicians doing the “right thing” knowing it will be invalidated by the courts is a common dodge.

    ….and no, I’m still not jaded enough to think that kind of stupidity would get itself elected to Congress. What will I have become when I do think that? A worse version of ME!!! Shudder.

  10. jescott418 says:

    Narrow minded idiots! That’s the trouble with Congress. Can’t see the tree’s because of the forest.

  11. jccalhoun says:

    you all obviously didn’t get the memo. It is now acceptable to yell any names at people just as long as it isn’t “retard.”

  12. nobody says:

    In response democrats proposed a bill requiring all members to produce a birth certificate to prove that their parents weren’t brother and sister.

  13. RBG says:

    He yelled out: “It’s a baby killer,”

    And now you know… the rest of the story.


  14. W.T.Effyall says:

    “It’s a baby killer!”

    Give the guy a break. He probably just spotted a discarded condom.

  15. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    OK, retarded wingnuts: how is a Presidential Order stating No $ for abortions a baby killer?

    or, in the main, how is a bill that says: No federal money for abortion services, those have to be paid for by specific individually based premium payments?

    Any of you fruitcakes got a point besides the one on the top of your heads?


  16. Dallas says:

    #16 Wait a few. They’re checking with the shepherds at Fox News for an answer.

    You just can’t blindside them with facts like that.

  17. Howard Beale says:

    like always there are two kinds of people Assholes and non-Assholes

    Randy Neugebauer >>..? I’m going to go with Asshole like Joe six-pack Wilson.

    If you don’t like what the Dems are up move to the center and get more votes for your side. moving farther to the Right will only get you less votes.

    you can’t make people afraid and/or mad for very long with out any real manifestation abstract doom theories

  18. deowll says:

    What’s your point? The dude sold out and got bleep on a stick. The people that supported him in the past won’t.

  19. GregA says:

    Sea Lawyer,

    Considering it worked, I don’t think the adverb you are looking for is… desperate. I am pretty sure you meant decisive.

    An example of desperate actions would be the already falling apart attempts to repeal this legislation and the idea being floated around to sue the federal government and hope they can find an activist judge to stop the bill from going into effect.

  20. MikeN says:

    #16, they specifically refused to adopt Stupak’s amendment to prohibit money being used for abortion. Now why would the pro-choicers object to this language, if it doesn’t change the bill in any way as you claim?

  21. TooManyPuppies says:

    According to Stupak, he shouted “It’s a Babykiller.”. According to headline writer Eideard, he shouted “Babykiller”.

    Someone is making shit up.

  22. Howard Beale says:


    Neugebauer did not have the floor he should not have been shouting any thing he would look like an Asshole at my City Council meetings much more so in the House.

  23. JimD says:

    Re: the “Birther Bill” – I think would should have a law that requires Literacy Tests for Congress Persons !!! That should EXCLUDE MOST REPUKES !!!

  24. Urotsukidoji says:

    Just look at that picture of Mr. Neugebauer. You can tell he’s a douchebag.

  25. Greg Allen says:

    Those running for Congress should provide an IQ test proving they aren’t complete imbeciles.

    U.S. Rep. Randy Neugebauer would surely fail since he’s stupidly demanding something any normal person can find with Google in about 20 seconds.

  26. mike says:

    regardless of the merit or stupidity of the comment…I expected more from you DVORAK. All the B.S. you talk about the media lies…then you puke out the same edited headline for dramatic effect….And then, of course you all still find the energy to wack off in the comment post to it anyway!

  27. sargasso says:

    #26. A statutory health examination by a medical professional can include an IQ test.

  28. Buzz says:

    Neugebauer must enter the House through the basement ever since they installed the racism detectors at the front door.

  29. Buzz says:

    Note to future out-shouters: Avoid fricatives at the beginning of your taunt.

    Shouting “SCRAPE!” at the top of your lungs won’t do the job you think. People will identify you as a scrapist.

  30. Luc says:

    That guy looks like Stephen Root.


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