So there I was, bow hunting fish, when one got pissed and broke my jaw…
By Uncle Dave Monday March 22, 2010
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So, what you do is go to a river where you know the fish are jumping and then drive your boat real fast so that if they hit you, you can break your jaw.
Thats why I don’t fish–it might stop me from drinking beer.
I’ve got nothing against fishing or hunting, as long as the harvested is eaten. Nobody eats carp, cause it tastes like crap. Sure it’s a large fish, and when they’re spawning they get pretty active, but if you ain’t gonna eat it, leave it where it is. Dumb beach got just what she deserved.
RTFA. The sport was started because of the Asian Carp’s massive over populatiion in the River.
I am shocked they were just using bows and arrows. Surely that is for kids. I would have thought this was a perfect excuse for these true American gals to pull out their diamond encrusted Magnum forty fives from their purses and start shooting. Or even mount up a surplus Ack-Ack gun on the boat and let ’em have it for real.
The trick is to keep those damned fish out of the Great Lakes.
Fish? Did anybody see the fish?
Unless they are getting the arrows after they shoot them, they are destroying the environment just as much as teeing off golf balls into the ocean.
Clearly, this “sport” shouldn’t be allow if it is polluting lakes and streams just so some rich candy-asses can be on TV.
#2 amodedoma ignorantly stated, on March 23rd, 2010 at 3:03 am
“I’ve got nothing against fishing or hunting, as long as the harvested is eaten. Nobody eats carp, cause it tastes like crap. Sure it’s a large fish, and when they’re spawning they get pretty active, but if you ain’t gonna eat it, leave it where it is. Dumb beach got just what she deserved.”
Asian carp do not belong in North America. My friend who was a ranger at the DNR said that if I caught one that it does matter what I do with it: eat it or throw it in the woods. It is illegal to throw a carp back or to cut it up for bait.
It is fine to slaughter carp indiscriminately to prevent them from getting to the Great Lakes and causing untold ecological disaster. They eat up all the aquatic plants which starve the other fish. They grow to big for the bass, crappies, and other carnivorous fish to eat and they displace their food.
And Asians do eat carp. I am not sure what they do to them to get the to be palatable and it probably still taste like carp [crap], but they eat carp somehow.
#7 the arrows have fishing line attached to them. After you release the arrow, you then reel it in like a regular fishing. Notice the big blue thing attahed to the bow?
#8 Did your ranger friend explain why they can’t be used as bait?
Without looking at the pictures Hmeyers said, “Unless they are getting the arrows after they shoot them, they are destroying the environment just as much as teeing off golf balls into the ocean.”
Did you see the big blue reel mounted on the bow? How do you think they pull in the fish when they spear on or retrieve missed arrows. Arrows are not cheap.
yankinwaoz said, on March 23rd, 2010 at 5:56 am
“Did your ranger friend explain why they can’t be used as bait?”
Releasing bait is already illegal. Cut up carp contain carp eggs and we don’t need any carp in the water.
This is a thinly disguised excuse to put porn into a men’s magazine in a form that might be unnoticed by their thick and flower-dressed wives.
Damn EPA liberal treehuggers. When I was growing up nothing like this could live in the local river, and it was a pretty purple color with foam on top – now they band the factory from dumping stuff we get all these foreign invaders.
#14 Nobody, if you like to fish like I do, than you want clean water. You also want to maintain animal habitats and there is only one reason to do so: so you have a place where you can go and kill stuff at a sustainable level so your children and grandchildren can kill stuff there in the future.
Thank god the fish didn’t injure her breasts. Oh, the tragedy!
I see ta-ta’s.
bobbo said, “Thats why I don’t fish–it might stop me from drinking beer.”
How can fishing stop you from drinking beer? I do regular fishing and always have a cooler full of cold ones to keep me company.
Ok I get it, because the animal doesn’t belong there, kill it, ok. Sure it’s sanctioned by fish and game, that still doesn’t make it a good idea. The USA has been under the invasion of the asiatic carp for hundreds of years and they’re not going away. Just like the zebra muscles and so many other species. I’m a hunter and fisherman since the sixties, I know the harm these invaders can do. Everytime I see a stray cat in the wild, I think about how many rabbits nests will be eaten, but I don’t kill the cat. It’s just not the right way to do things, killing an animal without a good reason..
“Did you see the big blue reel mounted on the bow? How do you think they pull in the fish when they spear on or retrieve missed arrows. Arrows are not cheap.”
Good point.
No I didn’t notice it but I did tack an “if” on there since I wasn’t sure. I did watch the video a bit.
Nice to see that beautiful woman kill all the stupid fish!
It would have been nice to see the front of the blond.
#19….you stated the good reason a few words earlier…”the harm these invaders can do
These carp will destroy the entire ecosystem of the Great Lakes. That means something like a third (??) of the world’s freshwater lakes go dead but for these useless damned fish.
You might think about reconsidering your position on these damned carp.
So do you clear dandelions from your yard? Dandelions are an invasive species too. What about other weeds? Weeds choke out the good plants so we pull them.
The same with carp. Carp are the weeds of fish. They choke out the small herbivores in the water and grow to such size that the fish you like to fish for (bass, crappies, and trout) can’t eat them. They starve the fish we want to catch and soon there will be only carp.
#18 “Ok I get it, because the animal doesn’t belong there, kill it, ok. Sure it’s sanctioned by fish and game, that still doesn’t make it a good idea. The USA has been under the invasion of the asiatic carp for hundreds of years and they’re not going away.”
Been there, didn’t get my jaw though………
Olo – I thought the zebra muscles were going to destroy the entire ecosystem of the Great Lakes.
As for killing carp? I have two words: gefilte fish.
(Funny, the blonde doesn’t look Jewish. On the other hand, she did get a cut rate nose job.)
#18–Benji==fair question. In context, I was thinking about a fish breaking my jaw and therefore not being able to drink beer. A bad day of fishing for sure.
But “in general” I find a nice day in a boat on a lake is perfect for drinking beer and contemplating the pleasures of life. The distraction of fishing interferes with drinking beer and said contemplation, and a joke or two with my other buds. I guess I’m just a perfectionist.
#27 Aww, bobbo. I see the difference. Unlike me, you own a boat. If you fish from a boat you have a better chance of actually catching something. Actually catching something might make me spill my beer. Glad you cleared that up.
“But “in general” I find a nice day in a boat on a lake is perfect for drinking beer and contemplating the pleasures of life. The distraction of fishing interferes with drinking beer and said contemplation, and a joke or two with my other buds. I guess I’m just a perfectionist.”
#23 OLO
There’s got to be a better way, this is gonna have zero impact, apart from the local dump smelling of dead fish. It’s been my observation that these fish are not without natural predators and other natural negative influences over their reproduction. In Pennsylvania where I grew up they seemed to avoid those waters infested with snapper turtles. A good panfish population would empty their nests fast too. They’re no more a problem than the other bottom feeders (suckers and catfish) there. A lot of what’s happening to game fish in the US has to do with other environmental factors, those same factors favor the carp. The first big fish I ever caught was a carp in the ironstone creek. It took forever to fight it to shore with my little Zebco. It was about 20 inches long, when I bent down to grab it, it shot off taking my fishing rod with it. Never saw that rod again.
Shooting fish with arrows is cool. A hot chick doing it, is really cool.
I had no desire to see anyone injured, so I didn’t read the article but I see no difference between this and regular fishing (which I’m OK with) — except that this is much cooler! 😉