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  1. bobbo, int'l pastry chef social critic says:

    #28–Benji==no boat. Just a screen saver I watch in my underwear.

    #29–amodeoma==and you’ve been carping ever since.

    OK, humor = off. I wonder if carp are different somehow? They do seem ultra hardy even compared to catfish. Do they really taste “bad” or just too many bones?

  2. amodedoma says:

    #31 Yeah, but they always go back. I haven’t had carp, but I ate sucker once camping in the wild and only because the stream was far from everything. What meat these fish have tastes like mud, I fried it with butter and some fresh garlic I found nearby. It was edible but I was after brook trout. So it tasted like sh_t to me.

  3. bobbo, int'l pastry chef social critic says:

    A “bottom feeder” tastes like mud?

    Seems totally biased to me.

    Catfish and sturgeon are bottom feeders, so are shrimp and lobsters. All taste good to me.

    Taste is funny. We pretty much will taste what we expect. Thats not to say maybe carp doesn’t taste good for whatever reason. I just don’t buy “mud.”

  4. clancys_daddy says:

    #4 actually they have used shotguns, makes for a fun day “fishing” if a bit noisy. Asian carp are an “introduced” or accidental species so most states do not apply the same regulations as “game fish”. As a rule I am not a big fan of carp, tend to be to bony unless its scored prior to cooking. I prefer catfish, bass, or pan fish. Most states that are having this problem Missouri included prefer the fish not be thrown back due to the issue of reproduction. They do tend to put a nice fight as they can be rather aggressive. It is rather interesting when night fishing to see them fly through the night, provided you can avoid being smacked up side the head by one.

  5. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    She could have sharp knees.

  6. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Duh, the carp wasn’t going for her jaw…

    Didn’t anyone notice her ample lures?

  7. Animby says:

    # 36 Skeptic of the AOBCCS said, “Didn’t anyone notice her ample lures?”

    Thought those were bobbers.

    No! I did not say “Bobbo’s.”

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    amodedoma…you’re probably right, but Lake Michigan is as big as half of PA at ~20,000 square miles, and snappers tend to shallow waters. I’m sitting 300 yards from the shore, and it’s 70 miles to the other side. Keep in mind the scale of these lakes.

    Zebra mussels have impacted the lakes dramatically, some good ways but mostly bad.

    These damned carp breed like rabbits, and unchecked in a lake the size of Michigan, nobody knows for sure what happens. There are no equivalent lakes for comparison. Whatever happens, it won’t be good.

  9. hammerhead says:

    what a great rack on that whore.


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