Science Fiction Writer to be jailed over questioning authority — Let me summarize. A guy is in his car at the border and gets out to find out what the delay is. He asks some a-hole working the border as to what’s going on. The border guy tells him to get back into his car. The guy does not rush back to his car as ordered and gets arrested for a bogus felony. This is just the sort of thing we need for good relationships with our Canadian neighbor. Reading the various reports (below) about this and you’ll know immediately who is in the right and who is in the wrong. But that apparently means nothing.

Didn’t work out that way. Because, there is this statute – that essentially criminalizes non-compliance to such a broad degree that asking a question (as Peter did) before complying with an order from a border guard is a felony. In terms of the sentence one might serve – well, Peter might as well have choked Beaudry. It amounts to the same thing.

As Peter explains on his blog:The press has frequently characterized the charge against me as “assaulting a federal officer”. The alleged (and discredited) “choking” episode has been repeated ad nauseum. Here at the Sarnia Best Western I don’t have the actual statute in front of me but it includes a lengthy grab-bag of actions, things like “assault”, “resist”, “impede”, “threaten”, “obstruct” — hell, “contradict” might be in there for all I know. And under “obstruct” is “failure to comply with a lawful order”, and it’s explicitly stated that violence on the part of the perp is not necessary for a conviction. Basically, everything from asking “Why?” right up to chain-saw attack falls under the same charge. And it’s all a felony.

Cory Doctorow commentary

Found by Micah Phillips.

  1. BmoreBadBoy says:


    There should be no borders or countries. They are figments of men’s imaginations.

  2. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #24 said “I can understand the big rigs being checked for since there will always be trade issues…”

    I can fully understand inspection of trucks and cargo entering a country. What I question is why the US border agents are inspecting the trucks leaving the US. They have no enforcement powers regarding speeding, weight, hours of service, etc. These are the jurisdiction of state and local law enforcement agencies, but I keep seeing US ICE vehicles with a couple of big trucks just past the toll booths. And with NAFTA all the info on their load that is given to Canadian customs is available to the US, so why are they always pulling them over at this one crossing (Port Hron/Sarnia)?

  3. Bud says:

    I’ve crossed the border quite a bit and found since 911 on both sides the border guards are dressed for intimidation. On the US side they are all in swat black and full of attitude (not all) and I’d say on the Canadian side the guards are starting that way too. I don’t mess around when crossing and leave my attitude firmly locked away. Yes we are only seeing one side of the story here but why the hell did this guy get out if his car? Questioning authority (yeah I know it’s a spark for escalation) but you just don’t mess around at the border.

  4. Nobody says:

    @Questioning authority
    Give him a break, he’s from Canada – he probably pictures police as nice friendly mounties.

    He had probably never visited East Germany.


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